Object Detection with YOLOv5
Object detection?is a computer vision task that involves identifying instances of an object of a certain class within an image or a video.
Object detection is used in a very wide range of applications like self-driving cars, security, manufacturing, etc.
In this article, we will learn some basics about object detection before proceeding to detect objects using?YOLOv5
Installing project dependencies
?We will start by first cloning the YOLOV5 repository on GitHub using the following command:?
After successfully cloning the repository , we will install all the dependencies using the following command:
Since YOLOv5 is a pre-trained model, we will test its performance by running the following command to see how accurately it detects objects
Here, we are using yolov5 pre-trained weights to train images at a default resolution of?--img 640?(size 640 pixels) from source/content/video.mp4
The video will be detected as shown below