Oberlin Filter: High Performance Filter
Dr. Kalyan Roy
MD-Koncept, Advisor WFI, USA, Ex-Country Head-Oberlin Filter, USA, Ex-Transor, Ex-Mann+Hummel, President-BIPWA, Global Goodwill Ambassador, Editor-Bangla Kagaj, TV Bangla, NewsMag Standard,
High-Performance Filtration
When your need is for 100% filtration, an Oberlin high- performance stand-alone system will provide you with a continual flow of the highest quality clean coolant. Installing an Oberlin high-performance pressure filter is your assurance that your machine tools always receive clean coolant and never need to stop for filter cycling. How a high-performance system works: used coolant flows by gravity or is pumped into the dirty compartment. From there, the used coolant is pumped into the filter where it gravity flows out of the filter into the clean compartment. Excess flow from the clean compartment overflows to the dirty tank where it is refiltered. When the filter pauses to dry and discharge, the dirty tank acts as a buffer and stores coolant. When the filter comes back on line in 11/2 – 2 minutes, the dirty fluid level is lowered and the clean compartment returns to full.
Coolant filter
We have over 50 years experience filtering coolants: oil, water soluble emulsions, and pure synthetics.
Our application experience includes:
- Gear grinding
- Creep feed grinding
- Surface grinding
- Slot grinding
- Tungsten carbide grinding
- Honing
- Machining systems
- Piston ring grinding
- Bearings: race, track and ball needle grinding
- ID, OD, centerless grinding
- Driveshaft, crankshaft, connecting rod grinding
- Non-metallic countertops, fiberglass, phenolic resins, ceramics, powdered carbon grinding, sawing, sanding
- Please call our sales department to discuss the flux rates, filter sizing and expected performance for your particular application.
- Custom Engineered.
- Flat bottom, sloped bottom, cone shaped.
- Circular, rectangular.
- Electrically controlled.
- Pneumatic backups available.
- Interfaces to grinder to: power up/shutoff; alarm; status
- Overflow alarms standard: high level alert to grinder followed by time delayed coolant shutoff
- Can include High Pressure supply pumps to reduce length of plumbing runs with pressurized coolant
- Can integrate with hydraulic cooling using heat exchangers
Ancillary Equipment
These ancillary system components will be fully integrated into the system controls.
- Chillers: Air cooled, water cooled, remote condensers, submersible coil
- Heat Exchangers using existing chilled water
- Automatic Coolant Makeup- add coolant as required to maintain levels
- Blend neat water soluble coolants with water to desired concentration
- Tramp oil removal systems
The Oberlin Filter delivers ultra clean coolant
Dry Filtered Solids
- Filter cakes over 90% solids by weight in typical steel grinding.
- Discharges a dry cake with less coolant loss.
- Oberlin’s thicker cakes trap far more metal fines then paper alone. Greatly improving the cleanliness of the coolant.
The filtered solids automatically discharge in an extremely dry cake
- High performance media and depth filtration typically delivers less than 10 ppm solids above 10 microns
- Lengthens coolant life 5-10 times
- Filters have flow rates ranging from 15gpm - 2,000gpm
- Optional, cleanable, semi-permanent belts available for certain applications
- Better surface finish
- Less wheel loading/burn
Better part size control
- Less heat build up
- Less tool wear
- Dress wheels less
Before and after filtration: Synthetic coolant in a steel grinding application
Filtered steel fines from bearing grinding application.
Here are examples of the cake of filtered solids that builds up on the filter media as the dirty coolant passes through the filter. As the cake builds, the dirty coolant has to pass through both the filter media and the cake. This cake greatly increases the filter's ability to capture very small fines, in some cases down to 1 micron in size. The use of pressure keeps the dirty coolant flowing through the filter for long filtration cycle times on the same section of media. The Oberlin Filter can use up to 20 times less media than other filters.
Animation of Coolant Filtration Process
Above Video: Cakes of filtered solids being discharged in a central filtration system for grinding steel bearings. This is a reusable belt filter.
Left Photos: Examples of dry cakes of filtered metal fines and solids.
System designs
A Coolant Filtration System consists of a:
- Filter
- Tank with 2 compartments- clean and dirty
- Dirty side receives coolant from machine and holds the coolant until it is pumped thru the filter.
- Clean side receives filtered coolant and holds it until it is pumped back to grinder.
- Filter Pump which pumps dirty coolant to filter
- Clean pump(s) which return clean, chilled coolant to machine at desired flow rates and pressures.
- Chiller which removes heat from coolant.
- Optional Ancillary Equipment like automatic coolant addition, sumps to pump coolant to dirty tank from machine, tramp oil removal systems.
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