Obama’s “Patrician” Coup …24 DAYS Shook America’s Constitutional Republic & Democracy
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Obama’s “Patrician” orchestrated ?Palace Coup against First Secretary of the Presidium Biden has such a Soviet Quality to the manner of its “execution”
To be more precise …. a 1964 Nikita Khrushchev Déjà vu kind of feeling
…….who one day was First Party Secretary – Leader of the Communist World
…….next day a retired civil servant on a 500 Ruble a month pension
Joe Biden
?June 27, 2024 …Supreme Leader? & most Powerful Man of the Free World
July 21, 2024 …Lame Duck President..six months out from his Federal Pension
The sense of betrayal is beyond words
John Grisham brilliant author of The Firm could not even conceive such a fiction novel – once again ….life is stranger than fiction
As for First Party Secretary Khrushchev
His response to Brezhnev’s Patrician Coup
I'm old and tired. Let them cope by themselves. I've done the main thing. Could anyone have dreamed of telling Stalin that he didn't suit us anymore and suggesting he retire?
I imagine Biden’s discussion with Obama went along similar line
..and was not much that much different from Khrushchev to Brezhnev
Here’s the unfathomable challenge for the Central Committee Politburo of Kingpin Obama & Fat Cat Apparatchiks of the DNC
For the last four years they have been waging an active war of words with Trump who they claim is a Soviet – Putin Style Autocrat
..who is an open threat to the Rule of Law – American Democracy?
…convicted felon – charge with nearly 100 Indictments
This is the DNC, Team Biden Central Committee Izvestia Narrative
…..broadcasted daily on State Pravda by their complicit Legacy Media
Here’s where the Big Disconnection occurs
First Citizen Trump has just engaged for the previous six months in ?Democratic Peoples Primaries where tens of millions of voters made their intention known …..selecting him
In the same manner First Citizen Trump following historical tradition proceeded to his party’s convention
….again in yet another democratic process to accept the nomination of his Republican Peers.
All of this was done
…..in the bright light of day
…no back rooms
…no coronation
…just lots of people expressing their American Constitutional Rights
What occurred the last Twenty-Four Days in the recesses of darkness by the Democratic Presidium Elites like ?The Honorable Barak Obama
…..is the exact converse of First Citizen Trump’s behavior
What we have witnessed is an Autocratic Coup d'état
……where a handful of Soviet Style Politburo Elites undermined the franchise rights of their own political party’s voters
This is the Invisible Elephant now in the room that will shortly mushroom into what I’m going to call the
………..The Great Credibility Gap for the rest of the hardworking Blue Team members who have no responsibility in this mess but must do something to fix it
The entire systemic structure of the Democratic, Progressive, Legacy Media Power Elite has been turned on its head
A Systemic Implosion the likes of which we have not ever seen in our modern American Constitutional Republic
……our only exposure to this is in Third World Dictatorships
…..even Putin does not possess this level of unilateral authority as he must answer to a long list of supporting Institutions within Russian Society ?
Hopefully this is a Cleansing Moment that heralds the eradication of
Cancel Culture
Virtual Signaling
Jan 6th Threat to Democracy
Activists D.A’s – Rogue Judges
Weaponize DOJ & FBI
A huge Power Elite Deconstruction is taking place both in the Public and Private Sector Industries that constitute the Administrative State
…or to all my Right of Center Friends ---DEEP STATE
The collective failure of this Biden/Woke Estate now will pay the price
As the forces of Republican Leadership on the top
…..and Populous dissatisfaction on the bottom are very much like the various “estates” in the 1789 French Revolution
…where the Ruling Estates that had ruined the economy to create such hardship for the average person found their authority subverted through a people’s revolution.
…for those Ruling Estates the verdict was most harsh in the Great Terror of 1794 where the entire Administrative State were led to the guillotine along with a rampage of violence not seen in French Society
..burning all palaces, churches, country mansions
..such pent up rage to punish the Ruling Estates
It is such a double edge sword for the Democrats who must find a manner to bridge this Great Credibility Gap with a New Compelling narrative.
Threats to Democracy should not be one of them as the American Public is not stupid and still worse hates it even more when they are played as fools by the elites
The public is in Summer Mode now attempting to enjoy some moment of solus with their families
….. but still conscious to the fact that their president was basically pushed out of power by a handful of people of elites on the top
While in Summer Mode they are paying big prices for everything which also does not escape their observation
Who is responsible?? Is the burning question
The Ruling Estates of Biden et al.
?….the Democratic, Progressive Establishment
What is also parallel to 1789 France
The people are not only angry but want to punish the responsible parties.
I’ve caught that vibe in my conversations from a wide range of demographics
A punishing beating in November may be their agenda?
For the Democrats two task that must be achieved
New Leadership Team
..that conveys new generational energy along with themes that are aspirational unifying ?..return to the Great Society Democrats of the Past
New Narrative
..that does not follow the Biden Apocalyptical Absolutism
…..the Death of American Democracy under Trump
…Dems need some new type of Dean Philips – Morning in America Positivism
He ran an uplifting beautiful campaign
…I felt like a redux Woodstocker of 1969
The Republicans are going to run a Class Warfare Campaign that even to affluent folks like me works wells
As I believe
The Leadership Class are the source of our collective decline in American Society and must be brought back under control
…still more I’m like the French Estates believing they should be punished for what they have done over the last four years with Biden
Democrats are going to be an easy targets for they have been overtaken by the Bi-Coastal Elites who were very active in the Obama Patrician Biden Coup??
Go Ask George Clooney
There is no safe haven along with very little day light here for the Blue Team
As I wrote the day after the Debate
Joe’s Done…If You’re Explaining – You’re Losing
For the Dems ..the more they have to explain
..when did you realize that Biden was unfit?
The more the circuitous debate expands into one after another topics
…a Lose-Lose Discussions that will be a regurgitation of an agenda of economic grievances that are extremely visceral for voters
..remember my 10 Buck Jar of Mayonnaise
Biden’s Inner Circle Team has mismanaged the last four year of the economy but far worse the Cultural Context in the manner their Estate chose to Rule
If the election were held today
Windfall GOP Landslide on the Top Tier
One saving grace for the Dems is Dobbs that the GOP has done such a poor job in articulating.
Words actually means things…your messaging here is horrific
This is the one bright spot I can see for the Blue Team
As for Obama INC ..their brand will take a large ding if this election is a huge defeat for Democrats
It was Kingpin Obama that Greenlighted the Patrician Palace Coup
..his fingerprints are all over this
When Christie said that on The View
….the honesty of it – scattered the Oxygen from the Room
As for Joe …the eighty-one-year-old man that is not well and remorsefully will not be with us for many more years
As a clergyman
?I see everyone in their individual humanity who will stand before the Awesome Judgement Seat with none of the wrappings of earthly vain glory
Joe’s Story reads like a Greek Tragedy of Aeschylus’ most dire pathos
Justice Inclines her scales as that wisdom comes at the price of suffering
For Joe Biden ..the last twenty four days has been a lifetime
…a surreal world in which day quickly became night as the reins of power shifted through his hands like gains of sand
One day you’re First Party Secretary….next day you’re? in obscurity
Such are the Fair-Weather friends of America’s Ruling Elite
..a parasitical class that are most fortunate indeed
…..that it’s 2024 America
…. not 1794 France
For the Blue Team
…..run a local grassroot campaign
…sell you own personal brand
The People will remember your good works and support you
Good Luck
President & CEO at MNR Technology, Inc.
7 个月We see it for what it is and it's impact on our Republican form of government. The blue side will have a pretender anointed by the few.