Obama—Normative Society’s Role in Preserving American Democracy

Obama—Normative Society’s Role in Preserving American Democracy

?A society with too few independent thinkers is vulnerable to control by disturbed and opportunistic leaders

A society which wants to create and maintain a free and democratic social system must create responsible independence of thought among its young

John Dewey


Dewey born in Burlington Vermont in mid- nineteenth century would evolve to become the quintessential voice of American Public Education

Psychologist, philosopher his belief in Reflective Thinking aspired a holistic approach to human development that would become the overriding methodology of American Public Ed for the Twentieth Century

His didactic pedagogy was the nuts and bolts that transformed the children of Global Immigrants that came in massive numbers into American Society.

These casts offs of poverty and oppression that worshiped every creed and spoke every language that through the Normative Environment of Public Education became Unified Americans with shared norms and values.

Dewey’s and Public Education success recipe is what created the American Century


We have a local family where we live that loves to tout that they have been in America for thirteen generations

This is precisely what Obama talked about last night

…this false perception of “Real Americans” versus people like me that are not on that same level – inferior in our qualifications as being the authentic thing.


I recently pointed out to this individual that they need to read Alexis de Tocqueville – Democracy in America

…as he highlights the factors for this future global superpower

America prior to the Great Immigration Period was a second-rate Anglo Culture on its backfoot compared to its Euro- Superiors

Only after the infusion of this tapestry of peoples like raw material forged in the process of American Public Education do we see the birth of our present global superpower


Obama got it correct last night about this shared complex society

…a huge experiment never done anywhere else

Is what produced this American Exceptionalism Culture


So, to all those Anglo-Americans that falsely believe that they are the Real Americans who are Going to Make America Great Again

--- time to reset that notion…..

..our current successful nation would never have existed without the diversity of minds that came here and continue to come here to contribute


At the heart of this genius was the once great American Public Education system that brought into the classroom this diffusion of personas

…..normatively adapted us to a universal standard so that we could go forth together working – socializing – building the American Great Society


I speak about this in my book Dynamic Awareness- Future of American Democracy

……When I came to Boston Latin at twelve years old I met a virtual United Nations of ethnic groups that through the pedagogical leadership of excellent dedicated educators

..they taught us much more that English and Math but the cultural behaviors – mindset of what it was to be an American

….Fairness, Kindness, Responsibility, Acceptance

…the Golden Rule—Greater Good

As Dewey prescribed – forging Independent Thinkers with shared values that become the Collective Intelligence of this Community of Purpose


I was encouraged at the High Road Obama chose last night

..his Sermon on the Mount

..an appeal to decency – moderation

…the Common Ties that bind us together

..the Better Angels that Lincoln spoke of in his Inaugural Address


His speech was a lighted filled sermon

…as a preacher there is something so healing in a good sermon


I saw this last night as the heads bobbed – eyes watered – people held hands

The Grace Divine that heals all things descended on that area last night


Obama gave the speech that Biden should have given the night before

…but Obama proves the point I tell my children all the time


Something Aristotle said---

Η εκπα?δευση ε?ναι στολ?δι στην ευημερ?α και καταφ?γιο στι? αντιξο?τητε?

Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity


I have never voted for Obama

…do not like many of his policies

…do not like how he racialized American Culture away from Dewey’s Normative Concepts

..the damage Obama, Big Ed Unions, Big Curriculum, Progressives did to Socially Engineer American Public Education

In their abrogation of this successful Normative Standard to this WOKE Culture created deep fissures in American Society that sparked the Trump Revolution that has set our Nation on an ever-deepening downward spiral


Yet – I like him as a person

– smart- clean cut – humanistic – upscale that if anyone deserved to be the first Black President to represent his ethnic tribe

Barak again last night showed me the immense talent he possesses


He said the exact words that need to be spoken

….as he proclaimed – its time to turn the page—change the chapter


But—much more than lofty hollow words to cloud their Trump Animist which possesses a pathological intensity in their persecution of this man


Democrats need to as Obama said

--- Listen to those that do not agree with them


Yes---Trumps behavior is vile – especially to people like me that for my entire life being questions as not being a Real American – been called lots of names

…just recently returning from our summer house at Lake WINNI

One of the locals seeing our flashy uber shiny tans..

…..Said—Wow-- I forgot how much You People brown up in the sun

Only my sweet wife’s quick hairy eyeball saved him

This is the ignorance that Obama was talking about last night

That people like me are all done – putting up with this stuff!


Yet the Woke Revolution is equally as repugnant

…its Cancel Culture along with the Pandemic- Fauci- Biden were akin to the Spanish Inquisition

…Woke Culture silenced all Independent Thinkers and for that matter believers who are guaranteed in the Constitution to these rights

…the persecution both economic and criminally of these people by the Progressive Left must stop as it only further strengthens your opposition


….Parents kept their mouth shut and with their feet

……. five million school children left public education

..I might add the best and the brightest students are gone !!

..who would have been the peer-to-peer leaders in the environment of their Normative Classrooms --- their loss is stunning


My disappointment with the Progressive Left is their inconsistency along with their disingenuous actions that do not mirror the High Bar Obama skillfully preached so gracefully last evening


This Normative Culture has been dealt a fatal blow in American Public Ed that will bear significant future impacts on American Society and its fragile Democracy

These Non-Public School Students DO NOT interact with the Public-School peers and in that manner the Normative Conditioning that acculturates us all together no longer functions


I hope with Barak’s words the WOKE Fever has broken and a new spirit LISTENING – patience – softer rhetoric ?– more councilor behavior

It going to take brave people that want to step up and break the conformity of the broken leadership model in both political parties

We need to more than accept but encourage Independent Thought and value ?Critical Thinkers – be not so quick to label people that do not agree with us

If we collectively can do this ---a big step in the right direction


A House Divided Cannot Stand …..

..so glad to see Joe exiting the stage – Not Helpful


Yes.. I am not so na?ve as to not see through the campaign messaging that Obama was deploying

…yet the tone and tenure of his words is something not heard from Joe or Donald


..or for that matter by anyone in the Leadership Class in American Society


So—let’s take Barak at his word

A Clarion Call to the Better Angels that Dwell in each Soul


Now –let’s see what we do with it ?


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