This has been quite a ride, no matter what, no matter who. We have enjoyed good times, despite the hardships. Camping comes naturally. I begged President Obama (Whitehouse Group as Official independent of any party) , "To shake the bad apples from the Trees of Washington". In every single stroke of advising, the end was the same - "Clean out the government!" By golly he showed us just what we needed to see. So many more people in Facebook and Twitter are now interested in voting and reading my political and advisory views - we are all going to vote, across the nation the people who never did, will vote. For whom, I don't have a clue. It's like a Kentucky Derby, they are all at the front gate. They are in a dead heat. I will decide a week or so before the primary election. I owe that thanks to you, Mr. President, We are a mess - because of you and that's okay. It's like cleaning out a closet when everything has to be moved out of it, before you fill it back up.
When I picture Washington, I see men (and women), laying all over the sidewalks crying in their three piece suits. I must say, you are better at firing then hiring in my book. Looks a bit "fixed" and not "created" in many areas. Will need to do a study, but I know straight up, a few of those appointees are not worthy of their seats. Not a problem. We will catch them in their next election......except the two/three? judges. Hmmm. Sometimes I do wonder what have you been thinking? So much of America is so un-American now, and it continues today. I see you spend two days on climate change when Haiti loses 243 lives in one village from a Hurricane coming to your great state of Florida. Fans beneath the water are not a good idea for many reasons. Just ask me. They will create another evil way to attack here or there. We are a peaceful people.
One thing I want to add directly to you is that I was okay with controlled immigration. I was okay with many mixed diverse ethnic groups from all walks of life. Just like in the beginning of America, Ellis Island was a proud place to stand in line, as long as it took to become an American. Even then different ethnic groups created their own borrows, their own areas of business and their own friend circle. If we had just not broken those barriers with busing rather then give all schools equal opportunities and proud claims to fame, we wouldn't have 3000 dead in the streets of Chicago this year. Love lines will be crossed and they will exist, but huge insurgents of angry militants hitting our shores and living on green cards for 20 years and government benefits the entire time, is just plain wrong. I will be voting in the Democratic arena this election because the opponent is unqualified. I am not a Democrat or a Republican - but Republicans are like chickens with their heads cut off at this point. I beg Americans to take back the House of Representatives. Their objectives are un-American, as is your's and Hillary's to take away our 2nd amendment. The right to defend our homes, families, and country is ours. Those not here to defend should be your targets. I beg the next President to not put the Federal budget responsibilities into the States where billionaire (or other) governors are filling pot holes instead of feeding their people or keeping them in business. That is no way to balance a budget for better looking figures at the Federal level. I believe the ports are unsafe and special arenas must be built all over the shores from sea to shining sea and in between, to make sure citizenship is for pride and not for jealousy, anger or evil.
President Obama, I thank you for allowing me the freedom to give you advice, whether you took it or not. Most of the time you did. The really important times, I got to advise the President - you, remember when you were in Russia? That was dangerous for you, and for America. I loved getting a message from the girls. You still have work to do, so I would say: hold off on the unilateral bathrooms. The changes are coming much too fast and are shocking for kids to absorb at an early age, school - except for the bathroom situation seems to be more about R&R (rest and recuperation from such an unstable home, city, or country life). Please reconsider on this one for now. Build a 3rd and maybe 4th bathroom. Also, please get out there and root for Hillary. Tour - build her base. She needs you now. Democrats need a new site from the promises you made during your campaign. We are blinded by smoke-screens for the media (6.15.17 and now sitting administration) to distract us, while our country is being changed right under our feet. Do you love America? You are the man with the POWER, still. Save it for your girls if you do still have pride in being American. Canada will be crowded with the mass of exodus by Americans if Trump wins this election by the huge heist of Yahoo names, social security numbers, addresses, etc. Voting without ID is unconstitutional. There should be an eyeball count as well this time around. We are facing a broken and sold-out America that we the citizens have always known. We do want justice. We don't want drones in our own country.
Kitty Kelso
Chief Un-OfficialPresidential Adviser - Internet
P.S. I'm sure that bringing the troops in Iraq out of the battlefield when you did was stellar. Any attempt to stop a war with negotiations is a man doing the correct thing. I didn't realize you put the soldiers in Afghanistan on the same day as you took them out of Iraq. I don't think I've forgiven you for that. There is nothing to be won in the sand. It is not our war to fight. 8 years is enough. We will stop the bad people with a true human border wall of soldiers, like a fort protection for constant border control. We should quadruple efforts there. Everybody coming in, signs in, with 6 months to get citizens test. Period. Deported instantly. No extensions. They will be a fugitive without registration! Just study citizen's test, I tell a you I learned it all by 7th grade. It's not that hard, but it is very important stuff for you to always remember. You will be proud to be a member of the USA. You are all happy to live here. Learn about us interesting and curious entertainers. Also, bring the soldiers home from a ridiculous unproductive war. Cut the budget with proceeds and build the new assignments on new border stations. Just a few thoughts. k