Sumit Barhaiya
JAVA DEVELOPER|| Software developer ll JAVA SE ll JAVA EE || SPRING || DSA ll SQL || ORACLE || MySQL || HTML || CSS
Well I was actively looking for internships in my interest Web Development, then I got to know through LinkedIn that Oasis Infobyte is providing internships opportunities to the students. I quickly applied to the java programming internship as it was my 1st internship and I was excited about the selection. I was happy after receiving the congratulatory mail.
There were 5 tasks given in total and to get our certificates we had to perform at least 2 tasks for the certification.
This line reservation System will include all the necessary fields which are required during online reservation system .This Online Reservation System will be my use and can be used by any person the basic idea hand the project is to save data in a central database which can be accessed by any authorize person to get information and saves tine and burden which are being faced by their customer
Login Form To access this Online Reservation System each user should have a valid login id and password After providing the correct login id and password users will be to access the main system
Reservation System Under reservation form users will have to fill the necessary details such as their basic details, vain number, tram name will automatically come in the box class type date of journey, from place) to destination and after that users will have to press insert button
The fun and easy project "Guess the Numbers system" is a project at allows the user guess the number generated by the computer la involves the following
1.The system generates a random number from a gown range, say 1 100
2. The user is prompted to enter their given number in a displayed dialogue box
3. The computer the bells if the entered number matches the guesses number or it is higher lower than the generated number The game continues under the user guessing the number
- You can also incorporate further deals as
- limiting the number of
- Adding more rounds
- Displaying score
- Giving points based on the number of attempts.
We love all come across ATMs in cities and it is built on Jove. The complex project consists of five different classes and it console-based application When the system starts to user in prompted with user id and user pin entering the details successfully, then ATM fare unlocked. The project allows to perform following operations Transactions History
4. check balance
5.tansaction history
The project should be capable of the following functionalities
- Update Profile and password
- login
- Selecting answers for MCQs
- timer and auto submit
- Closing session and Logout
Task 5:
The main objective of this project is to provide a complete automated library by digging its each and every functionality Starting from the bookkeeping, issuing of books, fine generating, advance banking and report generation all will he accomplished under one single project. The project will be a web based project with a database server responsible for maintaining every single detail of the Library These very user friendly interface which can easily be operated by any non-technical person
There are essentially two modules of this software,
- Admin insole Admin will have complete control over the system Admin has permissions to update, delete or modify any existing record or make a new entry books and members)
- Users :the normal user enjoy only limited privileges They have a view access to the books .They can browse through the categories search for a particular book return and issue book. They are also provided with an email option in case of a query
Overall, it was a great learning experience. It was a very enriching experience as I got the opportunity to work on different projects, test my skill, and network with amazing people.
Thank you, for reading till here. I am glad to complete this internship and I recommend everyone to grab this amazing opportunity the Oasis Infobyte offering us!
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