O! mind, be happy-2 Human aspiration for permanent peace and happiness.
Girish Jha LLC
Coaching, Mentoring, Guiding Individuals, Groups and Corporates with proven method of Eastern Wisdom.
(based on the teachings of great masters of Eastern Wisdom)
5-point summary of the article
The Innate Urge for Freedom and Happiness
Human aspiration refers to the endless seeking of freedom, permanent happiness, and inner peace that resides beyond the body-mind complex of what Eastern Wisdom calls Real-Self, despite circumstances or situations. Eastern Wisdom points to the possibility of attaining this through self-realization. The longing persists despite changing external situations or relationships, which manifests in a desire to get married to be happy and divorce to be happy. For example, we want to be happy, either married or divorced. That aspiration takes the shape of intense desire, making a person a seeker who realizes his real Self.
The Limitations of seeking happiness in the world outside
We term the external world the outside body-mind complex and ego self. Every external seeking through wealth, relationships, or possessions eventually falls short, indicating that absolute peace and happiness can only be found within. The journey thus begins by turning the mind inwards to find the center of permanent peace, happiness, love, truth, and wisdom, which is the real Self or pure consciousness. Eastern Wisdom declares that a person has to transition to be a seeker who can transcend the habits, patterns, and wrong notions of the body and mind complex to cross into transcendental awareness.
Human aspiration is natural, but the path is secured by Eastern Wisdom.
We seek permanent happiness, love, truth, and wisdom irrespective of age, profession, social status, and relationships. Such aspiration is an evolutionary impulse towards transcending limitations caused by wrong notions, false assumptions, attachment aversion, and false Self.? Sri Aurobindo clarifies that just as life evolved from matter and mind from life, there is an inbuilt urging to go beyond a restless mind and unfold our highest potential, termed spiritual consciousness in Eastern Wisdom. For example, the desire for wealth reflects a deeper craving for abundance while seeking expresses a yearning to merge with the infinite consciousness.
The journey of Eastern Wisdom is validated by great masters.
The great masters through the ages have guided humanity in understanding this eternal Self that is present beyond the body-mind complex. They teach that freedom and joy are our true nature as infinite consciousness, obscured by a false sense of identity.? They guide us; it can be done by consciously examining our patterns of thinking, feeling, and actions through meditation, self-reflection, and contemplation; we can unravel our unconscious conditioning and align with our divine essence. This transforms individual perception to experience an all-pervading, eternal Self. From matter to body to mind, transcendental self-realization finally leads to freedom and self- fulfillment.
?How the journey begins
The journey of awakening begins the moment one feels inspired to question: "Who Am I?" and ends with: “I Alone Am,” meaning we are all-pervading infinite, eternal consciousness. Exploring this opens inner doors beyond egoic patterns to our formless essence. We realize that we are not worthy of suffering and continue to experience suffering due to ignorance. At any point, when someone tires of suffering and seeks meaning, they can consciously enter the path to transcendence.
Manifesting Human Potential
?The potential can only become a reality once we support the innate urge that directs the mind inward for a journey of conscious evolution and transformation. By understanding this urge comes from our true Self, we can welcome it and align our actions consciously, taught by great masters as steps towards self-realization.? Rather than suppressing unpleasant feelings or chasing pleasant ones, self-discovery involves getting to know our inner landscape. Conscious human aspiration aided by practices like meditation and self-reflection accelerates the inner unfolding towards enlightenment, emanating enduring qualities like compassion and wisdom.
(The series continues to the next article covering principles and practices based on the Sutra, Upanishads, Puranas, and Buddha texts, and teachings of my master, Swami Laxman Das Avadhootji)
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