O! Mind be happy -10 The Path to Inner Freedom: Transcending the Grip of Binding Desire
Girish Jha LLC
Coaching, Mentoring, Guiding Individuals, Groups and Corporates with proven method of Eastern Wisdom.
?5-point summary of the article
1. ? ? The quest for lasting fulfillment often leads us to seek happiness through external means, but true contentment lies within, beyond the grip of desire.
2. ? ? Binding desire arises from a sense of incompleteness and mistaken identity with the ego-self, causing us to seek fulfillment in impermanent things.
3. ? ? Fulfilling desires only brings momentary joy followed by discontent, trapping us in a cycle of highs and lows without discovering true wholeness.
4. ? ? We can use life's changes as tools for inner growth, letting go of ego and attaining higher states of consciousness through practices like meditation and self-inquiry.
5. ? ? Ultimate freedom comes from realizing our true nature as pure, eternal awareness beyond desire, allowing us to abide in inner wholeness and peace.
Introduction: The Quest for Lasting Fulfillment
The human quest for lasting fulfillment has perplexed seekers throughout the ages. We often seek happiness through external means—possessions, experiences, and relationships. Yet true contentment still needs to be discovered. The path to self-realization winds inwards, beyond the mirage of desire, to the hidden wholeness within. In discovering our true nature, desire loses its grip. We are left simply with Being, awakened to the fullness of who we are.
The Root of Binding Desire: Mistaken Identity
At the core of our suffering lies a case of mistaken identity. Binding desire arises from a sense of incompleteness - an ego-self seeking wholeness outside itself. This "desirer" leads us to seek happiness through possessions, experiences, and people. However, external things only provide fleeting fulfillment, soon replaced by new desires. The false Self, identified with the body-mind, is the root cause of our discontent. True peace lies in realizing our essential nature as pure awareness.
The Changing Mind: When Happiness Turns to Discontent
Our likes and dislikes constantly shift, determining how we react to the world. What brings joy today may lead to displeasure tomorrow. Desire is based on strong attachment and aversion. We crave certain experiences and avoid others. But happiness does not lie in fickle external things. What once brought us pleasure inevitably leads to boredom and new cravings. Fulfillment remains one step out of reach.
The Short-Lived Highs: Momentary Joy, Lasting Discontent
When a desire is fulfilled, we experience a momentary high. But it is quickly followed by a sense of emptiness, revealing the inadequacy of sense pleasures to bring lasting joy. Our mistaken belief that happiness lies in the gratification of the senses only leads to greater craving. We remain trapped in a cycle of transient highs and lows, never discovering the wholeness we seek.
Using Life's Changes as Tools for Freedom
Rather than seeking lasting fulfillment in transient things, we can use life's inevitable changes as tools for inner growth. By observing the impermanence of all experiences, we start to disidentify from the ego self. We see how desires and aversions create suffering. Letting go of ego will and aligning with the universal flow, desire loses its binding grip. Life becomes our teacher.
Attaining Higher Consciousness: The Gateway to Freedom
Going beyond binding desires entails attaining higher states of consciousness beyond the ego mind. Through practices like meditation, self-inquiry, and devotion, as suggested by the sages, we purify the mind and uncover our true nature. Gradually, we experience glimpses of our essential non-dual Self, untouched by desire. This brings a deep abiding joy and peace, liberating us from suffering.
Realizing the True Self: The Final Freedom
The ultimate freedom comes from fully realizing the true Self. We discover that who we are is pure, eternal, silent awareness - the unchanging witness of all that arises and passes away. Both individual consciousness and universal consciousness are realized to be one undivided whole. As we abide in the Self, desire comes to be seen as an illusory appearance arising in awareness. Outer fulfillments are no longer needed for inner peace.
Conclusion: Abiding in Wholeness
When we realize the non-dual nature of existence, we transcend the suffering created by mistaken identity. The wave of individual consciousness merges back into the ocean of Highest Consciousness. By living from this place of inner freedom, beyond the pull of desire, we discover the peace and wholeness we had been seeking outside. Life becomes an effortless flow, a spontaneous expression of our true being.
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