NYPD Under Attack

This past week the greatest police department in the world was under attack. The attack came by way of protesters and politicians who appear to be oblivious to the sacrifice and courage these brave men and women bring to their jobs every day.

On Halloween night a group of people dumped boxes of garbage on a NYPD patrol vehicle in Brooklyn. The laughed at officers and said “Trick or treat, M----- f-----s. This following the disrespect showed to officers this past summer where people threw food, milk and doused them with water, while officers responded to calls protecting the same very people. The protesters carried signs reading “F–k the police” and “NYPD KKK.”

This holiday cop bashing led one police officer to say, “the inmates are running the asylum,” according to the New York Post. It was also reported that Friday night saw a thousand cop hater protesters spilling out their hatred throughout Downtown Brooklyn.

You would think that such scorn must truly be against some Southern Town that has “Dixie as their fight song and fly the Rebel flag.” Yet this is being launched at one of the most diversified police departments of the world. The same group of men and women that come from the ranks of hundreds of cops that ran into the World Trade Center on 9-11, many knowing that they would not come back alive. Yet, they had to go and save as many as they could on that dreadful day.

The same men and women that have the backs of one of the greatest cities in the world. They put on their uniforms and put their lives on the line every day. Yet, may I ask? Who has their backs?

Not the politicians. They are strangely silent. From the Mayor on down to even some of the high ranks of the department, no one appears to be standing up for these brave men and women of Law Enforcement.

Enough is enough. Time to put politics aside. Call these protests what they are; People disrespecting most of the good men and women of Law Enforcement. Work with the department in ‘weeding out’ the minute percentage of cops who do not deserve to wear the badge. Stand with the Blue Line that stands between good and bad, kindness and evil.

Just as most cops are good, so the majority of good hard-working people support the cops in the NYPD. It is time for them to be heard above the loud obnoxious clamor of rude and crude people who are NOT the majority.

Stand Tall for the NYPD and get rid of politicians and Leaders who do not have the guts to Stand up for what is Right.

Charlie Crimebuster.


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