NYK Group Services
NYK GROUP ( RORO operation , Transportation , logistics supply chain solution ,Warehousing and Storage
The NYK Group is engaged in business, such as the liner & logistics business which consists of the liner trade, air cargo transportation, and logistics business, the bulk shipping business, real estate business, and other business services.
Liner Trade Business
Container Shipping
An attentive global support system featuring an extensive liner network covering 100 countries
An immense variety of goods - including food, commodities, and electronics - are transported by containership. A global economic crisis in 2008 led to a decline in cargo movement, but a gradual recovery followed, and NYK Line's medium-to-long-term projection is for cargo movement to continually increase in response to steady economic growth within Asia and resource-rich countries. Ocean Network Express (ONE), a business management company established in Singapore by integrating the liner divisions of "K" Line, MOL, and NYK began operations on April 1, 2018. A fleet of about 240 vessels, including more than 30 ultra-large containerships, covers over 100 countries around the world, meeting the differing needs of customers through a responsive service that is unmatched.
Air Cargo Transportation Business
Aiming to be the top air cargo specialist with world-class competitiveness in cost, efficiency, service quality, and environmental performance, while maintaining safe operations
In the air cargo transportation business, Nippon Cargo Airlines Co. Ltd. (NCA), a subsidiary of NYK, provides international air cargo services linking Japan to North America, Europe, and Asia. Utilizing its own fleet operations and maintenance systems, NCA pursues safe operations and strives to be an air cargo specialist with a leading position in global markets in terms of costs and service quality. NCA utilizes next-generation cargo aircraft (Boeing 747-8F) that is superior not only in operating performance (as a result of greater fuel efficiency, longer cruising range, and increased load capacity) but also in environmental performance (by reducing noise and CO2 emissions). While NCA services currently center on Japan-based operations, the company will fortify business foundations in Asia and promote its presence in the growing Asian air cargo market with departures from Asia to Europe and the U.S. This will be accomplished by making full use of NCA's mobility and competitiveness as an air cargo specialist. The company will enhance its presence in global markets while further strengthening cargo business operations in Japan. Moreover, by tightening cooperation with domestic and overseas airlines while expanding chartered flight services that allow for more flexible operations, the company will promote new demand for its cargo services.
Logistics Business
Responding to the increasingly complicated needs of supply chain management with combined sea, land, and air transport solutions
Supply-chain optimization, which often involves accessing the most suitable location and quickly responding to market demand amid globalization and fierce market competition, is a significant challenge for our customers. In order to meet such customer needs, the NYK Group offers a comprehensive logistics package that covers sea, land, and air. In order to provide efficient logistics services and respond to customers' diversifying global logistics needs, Yusen Logistics Co., Ltd. (YLK) operates about 600 logistics centers in over 40 countries and is capable of providing a variety of transport services by sea, land, and air among a large number of locations around the world. At many sites around the world, including numerous in Europe, North America, Asia, and China, YLK offers thorough supply-chain management services that include warehouse storage; processing, such as inspection, sorting, labeling, and repackaging; delivery to designated recipients; milk-runs; VMI (vender managed inventory); and IT-based inventory management. YLK also provide extensive transport services, such as overland delivery by truck or train, customs brokerage, forwarding, NVOCC (non-vessel operating common carrier) service; origin vender management service; and buyers consolidation. YLK works hard to fulfill customers' logistics needs, and subsequently, add more value to supply chains.
Bulk Shipping Business
The bulk shipping service including all marine transportation businesses other than the liner trade business. Our safe, high-quality transport services and our global sales and marketing network have earned high evaluations from customers around the world.
Car Transportation Division
Offering value-added services with the world's largest car carrier fleet of about 110 vessels and advanced transport technologies
In the automobile transport business, NYK has operated transport services mainly for finished automobiles from Japan to overseas. Recently, NYK has effectively responded to the recent trend in the automobile industry to assemble overseas and customers' demand for trilateral transport. In addition, NYK strives to construct a firm infrastructure by establishing coastal transportation networks in Europe, China, and Southeast Asia, constructing and operating dedicated terminals for finished automobile transport in each area, and investing and developing inland transportation businesses. NYK has also expanded transportation from overseas to Japan and transportation of heavy construction machines and used cars, and offers value-added services such as pre-delivery inspection (PDI) processing, which includes inspections before final delivery to dealers, supplying parts, and repairing assembled automobiles at terminals.
Dry Bulk Division
Leveraging our expertise in bulk transportation to deliver high-quality global services
NYK has long been transporting the bulk freight that is vital to the world economy, cargo such as iron ore, coal, and wood chips. Our experience and extensive global operations network allow us to provide the optimal level of fleet maintenance required for each type of cargo, earning the respect of customers worldwide. And we are aggressively expanding globally. In fact, we have entered into long-term contracts with major steel, electric power, and paper companies in China and Europe
Energy Division (Crude Oil, Clean Petroleum Product, Chemical and LPG)
Providing transportation services based on consideration for the environment and safety
Energy Division (Crude Oil, Clean Petroleum Product, Chemical and LPG) operates very large crude carriers (VLCCs) that transport crude oil; product tankers* that carry petroleum products; chemical tankers that transport petrochemical products and other liquid chemical products; and LPG tankers that carry LPG and ammonia. The division provides transport service for major oil companies, petrochemical companies, and energy companies around the world. Most of the VLCCs in our fleet operate under long-term contracts with specific customers, such as major oil companies from Japan and many other countries, which results in a highly stable profit structure. LPG tankers and chemical tankers also provide stable earnings under long-term contracts. Product tankers have been affected by market changes, but fleet expansion is aimed to accommodate anticipated demand.
Energy Division (LNG)
Providing optimal and safe transport to meet the increase of LNG demand and diversification
NYK entered the LNG transport business in 1983, and this part of the company has since grown in tandem with world's gas and electric power companies. Demand for LNG is steadily expanding on a global scale. Gas demand is expected to increase further over the medium- to long-term through increased shale gas production in North America, the development of unconventional gas in many areas, and greater use of LNG. One of the distinctive features of the LNG transport business includes long-term contracts with customers. Therefore, market fluctuations have very little impact on LNG transport, allowing the industry to be a stable source of revenue. Moving forward, we expect that stable transport volumes based on these long-term contracts will continue to generate steady revenue. As a major carrier of LNG, we are a part of many projects throughout the world. In fact, we are now striving to be involved in shipments to emerging economies such as China, India, and Southeast Asian countries, in addition to future new projects centering on Australia, North America, Russia, and Africa.
Energy Division (Offshore Business)
Developing Offshore Business
In October 2008, NYK established the Offshore Business Group and made entry into the offshore business field. The majority of oil and natural gas is produced from land and shallow-water fields, but we can no longer expect new discoveries in those areas. Instead, the development of deepwater fields and unconventional oil and gas resources are expected to expand as new sources of crude oil and natural gas. The NYK Group have been involved in the upstream areas of the supply chain for oil and natural gas, areas involving the use of drillships; floating production, storage, and offloading units (FPSO); and shuttle tankers. In the future, the NYK Group will consider becoming active in similar businesses, such as floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) units, and downstream areas such as floating storage and regasification units (FSRU), by not only maximizing the group's ability to operate ships in a fixed position offshore but also acquiring advanced engineering skill and know-how from the offshore business. The group will also leverage its experience in handling specialized cargo and managing ships, knowledge that NYK has accumulated over the years in the group's crude oil, LNG, and LPG business activities. NYK believes the offshore-related business will strengthen its relationships with existing customers in both upstream and downstream areas thanks to the synergy effect with businesses in the group's maritime divisions. Given the outlook that offshore oil and gas development is expected to accelerate further in the years ahead, the NYK Group will work to expand and develop the offshore business as a main pillar of stable returns over an extended period of time.
Real Estate Business
Yusen Real Estate Corporation manages both commercial and residential buildings to maximize the value of the NYK Group's real property assets. They specialize in this business to ensure efficient management.