Nyando, BarefootLaw's Justice Innovator in Kisumu continues impacting lives despite an arson attack
We are happy to have completed two days of community dialogue and outreach with over 400 people in Kisumu, Kenya today! With our #JusticeInnovator winners, Nyando Social Justice Centre, and led by their human rights champions, the team sensitized the community members of East Kano and Ahero on issues of gender-based violence and referral pathways for survivors to get assistance for rights violations.
The importance of the community outreach programs was especially highlighted today when a man from the community participated in outreach to report the physical abuse he has been facing at the hands of his wives. He heard about yesterday's outreach in East Kano on the radio and purposed to attend today to seek assistance. He was attended to immediately. The team at Nyando emphasised to community members the importance for men who are victims of domestic violence to seek assistance and not suffer in silence.
The Centre started as a table-banking initiative by women in Nyando Sub-county to support their economic empowerment. Through this, they realised that many of the women were struggling with other forms of violence towards them, hence the need for a justice centre. They rescue, document and follow up on issues of access to justice among girls and women, such as issues of sexual harassment, health rights and general hygiene among girls. They also create awareness on the issues of land property rights among girls and women.
We are proud of the Nyando for continuing to support the community in Ahero despite the arson attack on their premises last year. With the prize money from the Justice Innovator Challenge and other partners, they were able to rebuild even stronger. One thing for sure is that their passion for justice, much like BarefootLaw 's continues burning! We believe that if we make the law more readily available then people will use it to peacefully prevent and resolve problems they face, leading to better livelihoods for them, and their communities can thrive.
This project is implemented with support from the Mott Foundation to enable us to discover approaches and innovations in the provision of legal services in East and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Read More about Nyando and BarefootLaw's work here:
BarefootLaw is currently searching for justice innovators in Zambia. If you are inspired by Caren's work with Nyando, apply for an opportunity to have your work recognised here: https://forms.office.com/r/s1RVp4rUtW