Sara Stern CEO OUTREACH HEALTHCARE Brooklyn, NY Pending Approval

Haven‘t we learned from history? We shape the world! The President is just one person, one voice. Yes,he is supposed to say the right words in the right time but the country is not giving him a chance. The subject of morality does not belong to the Presidency. Remember World War II ,the ships with refugees that were sent back to Auschwitz. That was done by the Presidency of the US. So leave Moral Values out of politics. Isn't it about time WE take responsibility and not blame the President for everything! Why were the KKK given a permit in the first place if they had Nazi symbols? Swastikas?lawyers where are you? let us see which one of you has the guts to sue? I take the KKK rally very seriously as I am from a holocaust survivor family. That does not diminish the fact that the President has the country to run but faces opposition from shaninigans trying to destroy it. They weigh and measure every syllable he utters,lest it not be what they like. Where are they when the KKK cry "kill the Jews all year long, or where are they when the anti-semites actually do kill. Do they stand up and scream loud enough to be heard for what is right?? Before you reprimand the President, sit down, give yourself a soul search and think of how many times you decried antisemitism or racism in your life. There cannot be double standards in racism. You either stand up for what is right or Silence is accepting that they, the anti semites are right.

This is actually a comment I tried posting in the NY times after reading an article about the KKK rally and the Times blaming the President. Isn't it ironic that my comment wasn't posted in the same paper that also didn't document or post news about the happening in Auschwitz during World War II until it was too late. We need to stop the blame game.

I guess we do not learn from history after all. So let's start learning!! My grandfather was killed in Auschwitz and the Nazis in 2017 are allowed to obtain a permit in Virginia??

What do you my dear LinkedIn friends say to this?


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