NXT GREEN: optimising the biomass value chain and winning it's 1st (1200 ton) tender
Michael Westenberg
?? Value-Builder | Providing unbiased support to drive business growth | Sharing my journey
My company the NXT GROUP was born in 2010 out of a vision I had on how the value-chains of manufacturers and brands could be optimised when growing their business in new or existing markets.
Now 12 years down the line, strategic parters as CPM , BERG , NMK ESBACO GROUP , Sonova Group are actively using the NXT infrastructure to grow their businesses. Case proven, some would say!
However, never had a thought of energy companies, power corporations and bio-refineries as potentials partners and users of the NXT platform. Over the last decade I unconsciously observed the developments in the renewable energy and especially biomass markets.
A rising global demand of biomass feedstocks, the growing number of governments embracing the "going green" trend, regulatory changes implemented to ensure more green energy will be generated and the increasing supply chain complexities that this "green" movement create - all shifts in the "green" market place that can be observed.
It was not until one of my business partners shared a report on the number of coal-power plants operating the the Asia Pacific Region (APAC) and the sheer volume of coal needed to keep these plants running now and in the future. My mind started spinning; "what if? what if?...what if this volume of coal was replaced by biomass? what challenges will the energy companies and plants face? how can the growth in feedstock demand be managed and facilitated?"
As such I was convinced; not in the very distant future Energy Companies, Large Industries and Power Corporations would face major challenges of securing their growing need for feedstocks to produce and supply biomass on an international scale to compensate for the usage of coal.
How to manage that growth in demand and the related supply and value chain? Simple - "just tweak the NXT concept we developed for Manufacturers & Brands" I said to myself. As such, launching NXT GREEN was therefor an easy decision to make. Starting this new infrastructure platform in India was an obvious choice, because NXT had been in India since 2009 and India is one of the leading countries promoting the usage of biomass in coal power plants.
In 2022 we launched the NXT GREEN platform and operations in India by providing instant market access for international Energy Companies, Power Corporations & Large industries which require the know-how (data), infrastructure (access and supply) and delivery (processing) of biomass commodities within the Indian market.
While data showed prime opportunities, in the field we needed and still need to overcome many hurdles. Theory & reality are not the same! But I was more than proud on the NXT team in India when towards the end of 2022 the NXT organisation in India won a tender on providing a leading international energy company with 1200 tons of biomass.
Winning this bid will help in scaling the operation, and will hopefully also prove my case that NXT GREEN can become the go-2-partner and platform for international Energy Companies, Power Corporations and Large industry that wish to source feedstocks or biomass products in markets with high supply chain complexities and therefore require: Presence to secure products, Grip to ensure continuity in supply & quality and Growth in the availability and supply of commodities to enable and pursue their going "green" ambitions.
For more information on how your company can use the NXT GREEN platform and biomass sourcing, processing and trading opportunities in India, Turkey and Europe - feel free to connect, I am more than happy to listen & help!
Journalist. Schrijver. Eindredacteur. Recensent. Correspondent in Istanbul (2006-2020) en in Amerika (1999-2006). Boek 'Exotisch Amerika', 22 korte verhalen. Zeeuwse Vlaming. Verslingerd aan havensteden en de Schelde.
1 年Congrats! Well done. Success comes when visionary leaders take action in the right direction. You did prove that again. Bravo.