Is NWIDA a Non-Proft - and Does it Matter?
This first appeared at
One of the questions I get asked a lot is "Is NWIDA a non-profit?"
The simple answer is No - not at this time.
Why? That's another question...
Becoming a non-profit is a process that requires more time and money than becoming a "regular" company. When we were forming NWIDA, we looked at becoming a non-profit for a long time. It was the subject of many company meetings and debates. At the end of the process, becoming a non-profit would allow 2 things that we cannot do now.
1) Get Government Grants.
We didn't think we would get any anyway.
2) Allow members to make their membership tax-deductible.
This was important, but we decided that for now, we would keep the membership fees as low as possible to minimize that impact to the dealer. With membership starting at under $400 for a year, we think the tax implications are minimal. Plus (and always check with your tax preparer), it could be considered an office operating expense and therefore could still be tax deductible.
So, that's really the reason - other than it "looks good" for marketing reasons - and that was highly debated as well.
At the end of the day, we decided it wasn't worth the extra time involved or cost to postpone the launch of NWIDA. We continue to debate it and it's certainly on the table to execute at a later date. But the reality is, it doesn't impact how we do business; it doesn't impact how we pay our staff; it doesn't impact the fact that we're fighting for the wireless dealer every day.
So, we ask you (if you haven't) to join NWIDA today. We're here for you.