NWC Reset Report: Roundtable side event of the 10th NPT Review Conference.
Divino Roberto Veríssimo
Presidente na OPA - Organiza??o pela Preserv\??o Ambiental
Dear friends
This is a personal report on my participation in a side event of the 10th Review Conference of States Parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. This event was organized by the global network Abolition 2000. I participated there as a simple human observer of the process and allowed myself some comments in the chat.
The event had as its absolute focus the movement of discussions and opinions on the proposals and analyzes of the document “NWC Reset: Frameworks for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World”
It is a working document linked to the collection of data, history and opinions from civil society and authorities on their experiences, opinions and knowledge in the world of the nuclear market. Factors related to the use and threats of the use of nuclear energy, in competition of powers. A process that?involving disarmament treaties from the Nuclear Energy Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT,?an instrument signed with UN 1968 by several nations), in force since March of 1970.
The process also considering nowa days the SDGs, climate change, common public security and awareness of political, economic and social positions related to weapons of mass destruction or the Russo-Ukrainian war. Several social representations were present at the event, such as the Canadian network, the Unionville Center for security policy, the committee of lawyers on nuclear policy, etc.
The purpose of this small report is to join forces. Thank you all for your attention.
Entry summary.
During the presentations, several fragmented scenarios were discussed. For example: geopolitical competition, concerns about the risk of an escalation of nuclear weapons or a nuclear arms race, remembrance of the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the loss of human life and health, the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, deployment of nuclear missiles in 1983, mention of the current existence of 13,000 nuclear weapons, risk of an intentional or accidental nuclear war linked to warlike conflicts such as the Russo-Ukrainian War, abolition of weapons, mention of the continued objective of reform of the UN Security Council, which is still zero despite all the petitions,?and, the movimentation for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons as a basis for our common security.
Documentary references
Documentary references were reduced to two elements: the TNP and the construction of an NWC model based on the TPAN.
Also mentioned were the founding document of the Global Abolition Network 2000; United Nations General Assembly resolutions calling on all member countries - year after year - to fulfill the obligation of nuclear disarmament; the decision of the international court of justice to call for multilateral negotiations leading to an early conclusion of a convention on nuclear weapons.
According to the document presented to the 10th edition of the NPT Review Conference by the Global Abolition Network 2000, a convention or framework of rules that can lead to the elimination of nuclear weapons by 2045.
Mention was made of the five points for nuclear disarmament pointed out by the then Secretary, now former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and the actions of UN Secretaries General since 2013 on the call for the cessation of stress related to nuclear weapons and their elimination. , reiterating the request to States and civil societies to stimulate negotiations on a legal framework for the world of nuclear weapons with guidance and focus on negotiations for a nuclear weapons convention or “package of agreements”.
It is an action that today has as an structure of tintegratety of he NPT and evolution of the action, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPAN) approved on July 7, 2017 and the complex framework of rules adopted on common international security and the number of forums that make up the multilateral international nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime. A complex that brings together these two treaties cited, more the Agreements for the Application of Safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its Additional Protocols; the various Treaties for the Creation of Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones (ZLANs)47; the Nuclear Suppliers' Group (NSG) which establishes rules for the trade of materials and technologies that may have nuclear application; Security Council Resolution 1540, which proposes measures to prevent terrorists from gaining access to weapons of mass destruction; the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism...etc.
Personally I tell you that it was indeed a highly positive meeting and action of the Abolition 2000 Working Group on the UN Development Agenda and the establishment of a Convention on Nuclear Weapons.
The documents I mentioned to you above are instruments that are interconnected and can complement each other in the field of establishing this convention.
In view of this, I launched in the event's chat and I should highlight in this report, some observations directed in favor of the evolution of the process.
Process Observations
The main observation is to remember here, in a quick brushstroke, that all the documents mentioned are part of an intricate international arrangement between nuclear market, economy and justice over power, competition, sovereignty and world hegemonic division. Also because, it must be taken into account that the technology linked to nuclear energy to serve peaceful or war purposes is the same.
The difference is that, on the one hand, the NPT serves the market and economy on the guidelines of war use, competition and the arms market linked to fragmented interests of force negotiation and, on the other hand, the TPAN and the proposal for a convention serve the purposes of common security, unity of national diversity, peace and justice system of the UN Charter registered on its tripod - Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Convention - and associated treaties. Reason for non-adherence of countries endowed with nuclear power and defense to the TPAN due to pressure from economic force.
At the event I pointed out that:
1. I agree with Ms. Elizabeth to think about reforming - not the number of participants, but the guidelines - of the UN Security Council.
2. And, I asked whether there was possible for the world community urge the UN Security Council to establish this action:
To promote and implement the instrumentation of a possible world?military ordering for peace and practical validation of the treaties already carried out and the convention under discussion or the work of the TPNW based on article 103 of the UN Charter.
If it is possible to associate the idea of building or reforming treaties and conventions, with the idea of building a structure of world military ordering directed by the UN Security Council and associated cultural authorities - such as Pope Francis - under the guidelines of the UN tripod - Charter Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Convention on the Rights of the Child
If it is possible to believe that the Council can go beyond the defense of its countries and interests in the control of nuclear energy and deal with the defense of the UN guidelines and the agreed treaties on world security on and off the planet.
I visualize in the global scenario of the nuclear world, the Russian-Ukrainian war and of the advance of the conflict between the USA, Taiwan and China, that the future of all treaties and, in particular, of a convention of this magnitude, is linked to the developments of a global cultural order. planetary. But especially to a military, economic and competition ordering. And that we must count on all the military and cultural forces for this – including the positions of Pope Francis in his encyclicals, the proposal for a global pact for education and the economy by Francis and the proposal of great Imam al-Tayyeb in?joint with the Pope on human brotherhood for world peace and common coexistence, as well as negotiations for peace in the Middle East.
Considering that an agenda of ordering the war culture, nuclear and economic competition for world hegemony will require the intergenerational effort of all civilizations and their military forces..
Within this context I published the essay of a Military Charter for World Citizenship under the UN tripod that I submit to everyone's observation and evaluation.
With love, peace and light
Divine Roberto Verissimo