#NVW2022 - Volunteering is Empathy in Action

#NVW2022 - Volunteering is Empathy in Action

By Guest Author: Cristina Evans, Senior Consultant

This is the week that celebrates two things that mean a lot to us here at Team BridgeRaise:?volunteering and appreciation.

I’m a big fan of volunteering, and have had the privilege of doing plenty of it over the years.? I’ve sorted food and chaired meetings, cleaned up messes and made cookies; planned events, led committees, sliced freezies and stuffed envelopes.? And I say this with deepest gratitude:? volunteering has helped me see and appreciate my community and the world around me, and connected me with causes and people I care deeply about.???

Having worked in the charitable sector, and alongside clients who accomplish amazing mandates in areas? from education to the arts, we here at BridgeRaise see firsthand the incredible impact of volunteers. Simply put - they are essential for making absolutely critical work happen in Canada.??

And that’s why we love the theme of this year’s National Volunteer Week 2022 - Volunteering is Empathy in Action.? It encompasses so much about what volunteering can achieve.? Volunteer Canada shares that “This profoundly human connection is at the heart of healthier individuals and stronger communities.”? We couldn’t agree more!?

With NVW kicking off on April 24th, organizations that benefit from the contributions of volunteers have a great opportunity to say thank you, especially as we surface from a tough couple of years.? Based on our experience working with and for lots of amazing charities, we know this is a sweet spot for you!???

Not-for-profiters are straight up some of the most empathetic, supportive and enthusiastic people we know.? We see you light up when you talk about your organization’s purpose, and know first hand how generously and genuinely you express gratitude for contributions of all types.?

And in the spirit of thank you’s… to all the organizations and people we’ve had a chance to volunteer with - BridgeRaise says a big THANK YOU!?????

If you’re feeling inspired, we have some quick and easy ideas for NVW2022.? Check out our tip sheet and pick one or two that feel easy and good for you to do.



