NVTC News & Events

NVTC News & Events

By Jennifer Taylor?●?Sep 07, 2023

Dear NVTC Members,

Welcome to the start of NVTC’s new season of networking and signature events — giving you unique access to the professionals who make up our region’s diverse tech community!

This fall, NVTC has two NEW content and network series that you or your network may be interested in:

  1. Starting Point powered by KPMG — Offers content and networking to help accelerate tech startups with an existing MVP, early-stage growth companies, and small businesses. Register here.
  2. Rise and Thrive: Connecting Women in Tech — Designed to empower and elevate women in our region’s tech community into leadership and management roles. Register here.

Scroll down for updates on what’s happening in our tech hub including:

  • Expert survey findings on AI regulation
  • Washingtonian Magazine’s 2023 Tech Titans
  • The Commonwealth’s #2 ranking in the CNBC Best for Business Annual report.

See you at our MANY events this fall!



Jennifer Taylor, NVTC President and CEO

1. Computer science experts favor a new U.S. agency to govern AI

Check out these survey results published in Axios. AI experts at leading universities favor creating a federal “Department of AI” rather than leaving that to Congress, the White House or the private sector.

What they're saying: Experts “are split whether AI will escape human control”, however they do agree that AI should be regulated. Survey highlights include:

  • "Regulation" was the top response when asked what action would move AI in a positive direction.
  • Just 1 in 6 said AI should not or cannot be regulated. Only a handful trust the private sector to self-regulate.
  • About 1 in 5 predicted AI will "definitely" stay in human control. The rest were split between those saying AI will "probably" or "definitely" get out of human control and those saying "probably not."

Go deeper: Read full story here.

2. NVTC Board Members recognized as 2023 Washingtonian Tech Titans

Washingtonian Magazine's annual Tech Titans list recognizes the most important and innovative leaders in Washington’s tech scene right now.

Congratulations to eleven NVTC Board of Directors for being named a 2023 Washingtonian Tech Titan!

NVTC Board Members:

  • Matt Desch, Iridium
  • Mark Frantz, Blue Delta Capital Partners
  • Amy Gilliland, General Dynamics Information Technology
  • John Goodman, Accenture Federal Services
  • Jennifer Taylor, NVTC

Honorary Board Members:

  • Victor Hoskins, Fairfax County EDA
  • Buddy Rizer, Loudoun County EDA
  • Gary Shapiro, Consumer Technology Association
  • Bob Stolle, VIPC

NVTC Chair Emeritus:

  • John Backus, PROOF

3. ?? Register now: NVTC's annual Cyber Summit

Join us for NVTC’s annual Cyber Summit and Cyber50 on November 16.

Why it matters: This cutting-edge cybersecurity summit features keynotes and expert panels on:

  1. Implications of AI and cybersecurity today and tomorrow
  2. Data at the intersection of cybersecurity and transportation critical infrastructure
  3. CyberVenture: Unleashing success strategies for building your cyber company

But wait, there’s more: This year celebrate and network with the Cyber50 Awards honorees. Nominate a cyber exec or company by October 6.

One fun thing: This year includes a lightning round featuring cyber startups pitching to potential investors.

Buy tickets or learn about sponsorship opportunities today.

4. Can work become a winnable game? YES!

The following blog is written by Andrew Deutscher, CEO and Founder of Regenerate.

What happens when you sit down to play a game?

  • You have a set of guidelines that defines the game’s universe.
  • You know your objective.
  • You know the rules of engagement.

  • You know how to maneuver within the game.

The ever-changing nature of today’s work world means that we don’t always have the full rules of the game we’re playing. And how can we win when we don’t have the rules or know the goal?

As we lead, it’s critical to set the table (or the game board) for our people through:

  • Clarity and transparency: If you have information and you can share it, make it available. Give your people the chance to understand and ask questions.

  • Consistency: Once you set priorities, keep them in place or communicate clearly why they’re changing. Your people need to be able to move ahead, and they can’t if they’re constantly expecting you to interrupt their work with other priorities.
  • Alignment: Get everyone on the same page so your team benefits from the power of their combined energy.

The bottom line: Making work winnable is about everyone putting their energy toward the same end goal. It’s not about numbers, although a shared winning mentality often leads to higher performance numbers.

Go deeper: To learn more about making work winnable for your team, read Andrew Deutscher’s full article in Forbes.

5. Mark your calendar for NVTC Events ??

Register now for these NVTC events:

Go deeper: View all upcoming events

6. Welcome new NVTC members

Welcome members that joined NVTC in June, July, and August: Alliant Insurance Services | Ark Technology Consultants | Bladestack.io | Brightside Partners | CFGI | Cyber Defense Technologies | Cypher Intel | DeepSig | Eaton Corporation | ECL | Ennoble First Inc. | Enterprise Holdings | Granite Government Solutions | IDATHA | ISI | JK Moving | KiwiTech | Northern Virginia Science Center Foundation | Primis Bank | Revature | Tidelift | Ting Alexandria | Tria Federal | UL Standards & Engagement | Vispero | Washington Commanders

7. Quantum is here. Are you ready?

#QuantumWorldCongress 2023 is a who's who in #QuantumTech.

Join experts in Tysons September 26-28 and be part of the discussion on major developments in quantum solutions, research, education, workforce, policy, biz, and investment:

Register here.

8. Members in the news

If you would like to include your industry announcement in future NVTC newsletters, please email [email protected].

9. Virginia ranks #2 in annual CNBC study

America’s Top States for Business 2023 ranked Virginia second in the nation. This CNBC study scores all 50 states on 86 metrics in 10 broad categories of competitiveness. The Commonwealth received top rankings for our education (#1), access to capital (#4), business friendliness (#6), and workforce (#7).

Go deeper: View the full rankings and see how Virginia compares to the rest of the nation.

10. In memoriam - Mike Condro

Mike Condro

NVTC remembers Mike Condro, audit and assurance partner at Deloitte, who passed away in June at the age of 51. Mike had an impressive career spanning over 25 years and was a trusted advisor in the U.S. Aerospace and Defense sectors.

  • Mike served on the NVTC Board of Directors since 2019, and as Treasurer since 2020.
  • He helped NVTC transition to accrual accounting carrying out best practices, and complete three annual financial audits.
  • His financial guidance contributed to NVTC’s financial health during the global pandemic, ensuring NVTC’s long-term viability.

An avid golf lover and fan of his beloved Washington Commanders, Mike is survived by his wife Jennifer and their two daughters. He will be sorely missed in the NVTC community.

Unique access to the region’s vibrant tech community

NVTC connects, educates, advocates for, and celebrates our region’s vibrant tech community.

Don’t miss out: Join NVTC today. Grow your people. Grow your brand. Grow your business.

Thank you Idea Entity for sponsoring our newsletter.

Please contact Tarin Horan to learn about sponsorship opportunities for your organization.


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