Nutritional Supplements for Your Body and Brain Health

Nutritional Supplements for Your Body and Brain Health

This particular episode is brought to you by Optimal Health Bridge, a leader in nutritional supplements with health and wellness being at the center of a happy life. Also, by Full Body Healing, a free wellness education learning center.

Our guest today is Dr. DAVID AJIBADE from the Brain and Body Foundation.

GAREY: Dr. DAVID AJIBADE, how are you?  

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: I’m well, Garey. How are you?

GAREY: I met David through a mutual friend on a different Zoom call a few weeks ago, and since that time, we’ve become fast friends. Dr DAVID AJIBADE has already introduced me to very important people in my life, including Dr Harry Elwardt, who’s helping me with some cardiovascular issues. You have feet in both countries. You’re half the time in Nigeria, half the time in the States. Is that how it works?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: More time in Nigeria, because we’ve been building the foundation, the Brain and Body Foundation, for quite a while. I think going forward, we’ll be spending more time in the US.

GAREY: Yeah. You’ve got that nice logo there, the Brain and Body Foundation. Why don’t we start with that, and then we’ll backtrack to how you got to where you are now, but tell us about the Brain and Body Foundation.

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Thanks. Brain and Body Foundation was established in 2015, both in Nigeria and the US, so it’s a 501(c)(3) foundation. The initial idea was to address brain disorders in children, so in Nigeria, because of the poor healthcare facilities and unavailability, especially around the time of birth, kids are more prone to having birth trauma, jaundice, and because, as I said, we don’t have enough or adequate around that time, around that period, they’re more prone to having all kinds of problems, everything from cerebral palsy to seizure disorders to malformations and so and so forth. We saw that that area was just not being addressed satisfactorily. We went to the government and we said we could help. That’s how the Brain and Body Foundation was birthed. It has grown. When we said we could help, I meant we could help using nutrients, nutraceuticals, which are pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements, which target the brain and help the brain repair and fix itself.

We did that for a while, but in the process, we started having people coming to us with all kinds of problems, not just brain disorders. We were having genetic conditions like Downs Syndrome. There were those having sickle cell disease, patients coming our way. We had to continually expand. We address, now, at this point, under the mandate of the federal government, we address all kinds of chronic disorders and even things like COVID-19 as well. We teach about these things, so it’s not just about treating, but also educating the public on what they need to know or what they need to do about their healthcare, about their health and that of their families. We are also on TV about four times a week to educate the public on these things.

GAREY: The birth difficulties in Nigeria, hospitals and doctors are not available so readily as it is in the States. I think in a previous Zoom, you told me that if I got it the right way around, it’s either 30% or 70% of the population give birth outside of a medical institution or without the facility of a doctor present. Is that correct?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: 70%, yes.

GAREY: 70%. From that inability to have that medical care at that really critical time when a baby’s being born, these are all the different issues that are happening.

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Prolonged labor, jaundice. Over here, if a child has jaundice, instantly they are all over it. They put them in the incubator or they put some blue light on to try to take care of that jaundice. Most hospitals, many hospitals in Nigeria don’t have that. Sometimes, they ask you to just put them out in the sun, and hopefully, the sun’s rays will take care of that. Hey, what if there’s no sun? What if it’s raining? What if it’s at night?

GAREY: Right.

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: You lose valuable time, and eventually, that short period can mean the difference between a healthy kid and a kid that has a lifelong disability.

GAREY: Okay. The next point I want to make sure people understand is that you are treating not necessarily with pharmaceutical drugs, which may also be scarce in Nigeria or expensive, but you’re treating with nutrients, nutritional supplements, nutraceuticals, like that. Can you elaborate on that a little bit about what types of nutritional supplements are most needed in Nigeria?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Absolutely. I try to shy away, excuse me, from the word treat. That’s really not what we’re doing. We’re basically using these supplements or nutraceuticals as building blocks to help the body do the works that it’s already trying to do, which are:

  • To heal
  • To repair
  • To regulate, and
  • To balance itself out.

The body’s already trying to do it. I really like a quote by a father in the field of biomedical, biochemistry. He said this. He said, “The human body heals itself when proper nutrition provides the tools or the resources that it needs to accomplish that task.” The human body’s already doing it. The brain is already trying to fix itself. It’s just that many times, it doesn’t have the resources or the tools to do that. Basically, what we’re doing is as simple as providing the tools and resources.

Now, we’ve been fortunate in that we’ve had a lot of exposure to all the different tools that are out there. We can tell which is good and we can tell the good from the bad and the ugly. We’ve been able to find the ones that actually work and, of course, form relationships and friendships with the formulators, the developers and the owners of the companies behind the products and ship them in from the US to Nigeria and use them. Just to answer your question, Garey, one of them is Omega-3’s. We know high-quality Omega-3’s, high-purity Omega-3’s, high-dose Omega-3’s are part of the building block of the brain’s structure. For instance, if you took out all the water from the brain, 60% of what is left is made up of fat. A good proportion of the fats are the Omega-3’s, specifically DHA.

If we can get the right quality and quantity into these kids’ brains, we found that out almost by accident. We just started giving these kids, because we didn’t know what else to do and started giving it to them. Boom, they were getting significant results. Then we went back and found out why it works. Other things, like Vitamin B complex, the B vitamins, especially B-12 and B-6 are crucial for the formation of nerve cells and brain tissue. That’s very important. We know that specific antioxidants are helpful. We know that specific anti-inflammatories, too, are helpful in reducing the inflammation in the brain that arises as a result of trauma or infection or whatever it is that’s going on. We use a variety of things that help to stimulate or to help the brain recover and fix itself and protect itself.

GAREY: The next link in the story that you’ve already shared is that the government in Nigeria has sanctioned this type of services to the general public and you’re also broadcasting this on, is that Nigerian TV or West African TV? What station are you on?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: It’s called NTA, which is a Nigerian Television Authority, but it’s the largest network in Africa, and it’s on several different stations in West Africa, South Africa, around the continent. We happen to the third most-viewed show on that platform, so we feel really blessed about it.

GAREY: Congratulations. That’s amazing. We have a real TV rockstar with us today. That’s really great. The fact that the government is allowing you to proceed with this type of work, you’d be very hard-pressed in the United States, as you correctly stated. You’re not treating people. You’re recommending nutritional supplements, which are basically, we could almost call them medical foods, foods that are geared towards having a value for helping the body to do what the body knows to do best. Then it’s amazing to me.

I was speaking with another doctor, and it’s amazing that there’s something close to or about a billion transactions happening inside the body at the cellular level every single second of every single day of your entire life, and not the least of which is just the fact, people may not realize it, but the heart, the human heart is beating 100,000 times a day, which, in ten days, that’s a million. Multiply that by 50, 60, 70, 80 years, that’s a couple of billion heartbeats, and how much attention do we pay to the health of our hearts, and how do we treat our bodies with the actual food that we’re eating and the diet that we consume?

I’m really proud of the work you’re doing, and to that end, I want to make a commitment here and now that we’re going to be doing a monthly donation to your clinic in Nigeria, at least 1,000, if not 1,500 or 2,000 capsules a month, getting it over to Nigeria and helping with the Omega-3’s, at least. That’s been the cornerstone of Optimal Health Bridge for 15 years. I was converted to Omega-3’s in 2005, and I’m religious. I’m religious about taking Omega-3’s. It’s just part of my life now.

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Wow. That’s fantastic.

GAREY: David, let’s turn back the clock a little bit. Just give me a little bit of your origin story. You’re a doctor. You have various degrees and certifications. Why did you choose to become a doctor, and what field did you pursue, and why, especially? Why did you pursue medical school growing up in Nigeria?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: First of all, thank you so much for that commitment and that donation. God knows we need it, so thank you so much, Garey, for that. We will let you know how it works, and give you feedback on how it’s helping and all that, which is our commitment. Thank you so much. In answer to your question, yeah, way back when I was five years of age, I think it was my mom’s fault. She just said, “Do you want to be a doctor? Doctors make the most money. Doctors are the most successful.” I don’t know. Maybe at that age, I don’t know why at that age, money mattered to me, but I was hooked. Also, in addition to that, I saw I could help people more. I could help people more by being a doctor in my mind, and also, I naturally gravitated towards subjects that were medically inclined.

I was really good at biology. I was one of the best in biology and other science subjects, but medicine also has to do with history, the history of the human body and how the human body functions. I was good in history as well. I was able to combine different things together. I also had a lot of interest in the brain and how the mind functions, so at an early age, I thought I was going to be a neurosurgeon. The other thing I also loved was human potential. I really was always studying all these motivational speakers and the personal development field, ever since I was young.

All those things shaped my thoughts about medicine, but in a way, it shaped my thoughts about other things as well that took me away from medicine for quite a while. Because I was talking about human potential, in medicine, you’re not really looking at human potential as much as you’re focused on the disease. The whole idea of medicine is to fix a problem. I also wanted to look at what to do if the person is already okay. In other words, the person doesn’t have any specific issues. He’s just average, but yet he wants to improve his brain function or he wants to improve how a part of his body functions or he wants to improve what really wasn’t broken, but wasn’t optimal. As I said, human potential has always been of interest to me.

I started in Nigeria at that point after I graduated, I started a residency in radiation oncology, which was what was available to me at that time, but always with the thought that I was going to do neurosurgery. While I was doing radiation oncology and treating cancer patients, I began to see more and more that this aspect of helping the human body or helping people optimize their health and their lives, to me, was more appealing. This was almost 20 years ago, I came to the US to find the answers to the questions I was looking for. After a lot of roundabouts, I did a Masters in Human Resource Management. Later on, I switched to Non-profit Management and then I began to learn more and more about human potential and learning about nutrition and how much nutrition played a role in improving human function and human structure. That pulled me back into medicine, into the things that I’m doing now, to cut a long story short.

GAREY: You told me just recently that you have a book on Amazon. The title is Powerful People Lead Healthy Lifestyles.


GAREY: I haven’t read it yet, but that fits in with your story just now, that you’re really looking at what works for the human body to excel, to achieve, and that certainly has a lot to do with stress and autonomic nervous system and the sympathetic, parasympathetic modes of balancing our lives to be well-rounded, having fun, and achieving. I read in your bio also that you were an athlete. Was that when you were in your college days, you were an athlete?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Not so much in my college days, but I did a bunch at military school, so by default, everyone is an athlete. We train like crazy. We do long-distance runs every week and all that. We were trained to be athletes, but in terms of the actual competitive athlete, I did not start. Racquetball became my love when I came to the US, and so I got really into it. It was a way of relieving stress while being in a foreign land and trying to survive and I eventually got good at it and won the state championship in racquetball in my category.

GAREY: Okay. You’re a TV celebrity. You’re a state champion in racquetball. We’re building the story here. We’re getting all the details. It’s pretty great. You mentioned you had three areas that we wanted to cover. The first one was about, which is really very important in this day and age, strengthening the immune system.

Do you want to speak on that for a minute?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Garey, I’ve got to tell you, the more I live and the more I work with this, the more I realize how central the immune system is too pretty much everything, especially in this COVID-19 period. The immune system pretty much is so connected with the brain and vice versa and not just that, It addresses all the cells. 25% of all the cells in our body are actually immune system cells, and they act the immune system, that is, acts as a surveillance mechanism, ensuring that all the cells and tissues of your body are working adequately. If there’s a problem, the immune system is first to recognize that, locate that and address it. It’s not just about bugs and infection that the immune system is concerned with. It’s about everything, the whole, shall we say the well-being of your body as a whole. It is your immune system’s responsibility to do that.

We started understanding, started looking at, whatever you do, whatever condition you have, you’ve got to address the immune, whatever it means. We started using immune system supplements and nutraceuticals for the brain. We found out that it works super well for sickle cell disease. Can you imagine that? Now, research study shows that strengthening the immune system can go a long way towards helping kids live a normal life. No one had ever heard of that before, but we discovered that through our work. Lung disorders, kidney disorders, blood disorders, you’ve got to help the immune system do what it needs to do, especially in the COVID-19 period. Again, it’s about the immune system.

What I tell people is that once you strengthen your immune system, the people who have had the COVID-19 worst hit, if you can boil it down to one sentence, is those who have poorly functioning immune systems, for whatever reason, whether it’s a chronic disease, whether it’s obesity, whether it’s hypertension. For whatever reason, underlying all this is a poorly functioning immune system. There are two things about that before we go on to the next thing, two things about the immune system, especially where COVID-19 is concerned;

  • Immune incompetence when the immune system is simply not working as it should
  • Immune system dysfunction

If you think about it, if COVID-19 is especially susceptible to a strong immune system, so for 80% of us who survive and do well even when infected in COVID-19, it’s because our immune system stopped it from going any further than our throats. Maybe we might have a fever. We might have a cough. You might have a runny nose. You might have a loss of smell, but that’s because the immune system and your body are fighting the COVID-19 at this level. If the virus finds its way to your lungs and starts causing trouble, it’s because your immune system simply wasn’t able to handle it. That could be also, let me put this as a side note. It could also be because you’ve had a huge amount injected into you. Maybe someone coughed in your face, or you’re working in the ICU and somehow it got through. That’s by the side, but for the most part, for those who have a problem in their lungs and the rest of their body from COVID-19, it’s because their immune system wasn’t competent at keeping it up here.

When it becomes dysfunctional is when what should have just stayed in the lungs or stayed around the lungs and fixed is when it becomes systemic when the immune system is now going haywire and attacking not just the virus, but attacking the lungs and attacking the kidneys and attacking the brain and the blood vessels. That’s when we talk about immune system dysfunction. It basically means that the immune system is not reigned in. It’s not modulated. It’s not regulated like it should be regulated.

GAREY: Right.

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: A big part of that is Vitamin D, which I’m just going to throw in now. We found out that Vitamin D helps to regulate the immune system. Those who have low Vitamin D levels tend to have low immune system regulation.

GAREY: Right. Just as a simple example of that, what I’ve experienced with working with the immune system, for example, allergies to tree pollen or dust, is an immune response. That sneezing and coughing and hacking, your body is saying no to something that’s part of nature and part of your environment.


GAREY: If you get that immune system regulated through various supplements that we can recommend, those allergies just disappear. I’ll put in a little plug, a little recommendation for a product that I’ve been using for 15 years. It’s called EpiCor. It’s a high-metabolite immunogen, and it increases the natural killer cells in that mucosal barrier, exactly what you were talking about, by 60%. Within two hours of taking one capsule, the mucosal barrier is filled with these encase, the natural killer cells that prevent that virus from traveling further. Sometimes, you wake up with a stuffy nose. That mucus in this whole part of your head, that is protection for your body, so let’s be thankful if we have to blow our nose once in a while and clear things out. We’re being protected by our natural immune system. That’s fantastic.

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Just a quick one, too. You said allergies? Asthma too, and even autism. The immune system plays a huge role in those things, those conditions as well.

GAREY: Even autism.

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Even autism, yes.

GAREY: Okay. I’m going to make a recommendation to anyone reading this. If there are any questions you have about autism, brain functions, sickle cell anaemia, those are really the main points that you’ve been doing a considerable amount of work in helping people, not just back home in Nigeria, but also here in the States. Is that correct?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Correct, yes.

GAREY: Good. I want to ask about these keys to brain health. I did see, I attended a webinar where you taught about brain health quite a bit. What are some things? For example, I’m 67 years old, and of course, people around me, my age and a little bit older, they’re very fearful of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Are there preventatives for keeping your marbles?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Keeping your marbles. I used to use that title when I would go to retirement homes. I loved going to retirement homes, because that’s where the people really appreciated what we had to talk about, because they could look back at their lives and they could say, “Yeah, this is why I failed here or this is why I didn’t do what I was supposed to do.” They could look back and say, “Yeah, this is what works.”

You’re right. Brain health, the brain has always been my interest. Because we don’t have access to all the tools and the resources and the tests and all that, we like to keep it as basic as possible. Let’s start with the general thoughts, general thoughts about sleep.

  • It’s very important to have quality sleep, which means lights should be off. Phones, any electronics should be away from your body because all this affects your sleep.
  • Teeth should be healthy. Make sure you avoid gum disease, because that, believe it or not, can affect brain health.
  • You don’t want to sit down for too long. You want to stand up and walk around. Again, that affects brain health, and of course,
  • Obesity, keep your weight low.
  • If you really want to do something aggressive and radical, maybe not radical, but aggressive to control and protect your brain, I forgot to mention to you, you’ve got to keep your brain active by learning and discovering new things and just keep tasking your brain.

If there’s an issue with dementia or you’re staring down the barrel of a brain disorder, you want to start with the basics. We cannot start. There’s no basic that you can use other than if you don’t do Omega-3 fatty acids, you’re really not dealing with the basics. You’ve got to start with Omega-3 fatty acids.

In addition to that, there are now supplements that we use that help to stimulate brain repair and there are supplements that can be used to stimulate what is known as apoptosis, which is program cell death. Many times, we find that there are cells in the brain that are not working as they should. Maybe they are misfiring. Maybe they are just dead or decaying or damaged, and they’re just in the way. Sometimes, your body needs to be able to get rid of them, kill them or fix them. We can’t fix them if we kill them. You get them out of the way. That’s important as well. There are also supplements that can help stimulate stem cell formation. It’s a tragedy that up till now, medical students are still being taught that once the brain cells die, they cannot be replaced. There’s no regeneration or new formation of brain cells. That is not true. We know that the brain does make new cells, so there are supplements that can help to stimulate that process.

Last, but not least. You cannot treat the brain. You cannot help the recovery of the brain without treating the gut as well, because the brain and the gut have a very symbiotic relationship. If you don’t treat the gut, and there’s a lot of talk on it. You might as well be fighting with both hands behind your back and both eyes blindfolded.

GAREY:  I’ve heard, I’ve read that the gut actually transmits twice as many messages to the brain as the brain is sending to the gut, so it is a two-way street, but there’s more traffic coming from the gut going to your brain, which obviously would influence your thinking, influence your decision-making. We have these sayings. In English, we say, “Trust your gut. What’s your gut telling you?”

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Right, exactly.

GAREY: It’s pretty interesting that I think the gut is also called the second brain, right?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Yes, it does. Some people argue it’s the first brain. I wouldn’t go so far, but the point is taken.

GAREY: It’s also where the most serotonin is produced in the body.


GAREY: 90%, okay. Good, we got that established. I appreciate it.

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: It’s because of the importance. You’re here working on the brain. Meanwhile, one of the top three most important neurotransmitters is used in the gut. You’re here up there working on the brain, not paying any attention to the gut. That doesn’t make sense.

GAREY: Right. That’s part of the whole holistic view of health that you can’t really just treat shoulders. “No, I don’t treat the neck. I only treat shoulders.” That’s an actual quote from an orthopaedic surgeon. “No, I don’t do the neck. It’s just shoulder.”

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: I can do you one better. The surgeon only treats the right big toe. Not left. I’m right-handed, so I work on only the right big toe.

GAREY: He’s specialized.

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Specialized, yeah.

GAREY: All right. Now, you’re going to have to educate me, because I do not know exactly what sickle cell anaemia is if you could describe that. Whether it’s a myth or whether it’s true, is it only African-American people in our country or African people? Is it a disease that’s ethnically targeted?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Let me start with that question. It’s predominantly, shall we say, among Black people, Nigeria has the most number of Black people in the world, so it has the largest amount and the most severe forms in Nigeria itself, but it’s not restricted, confined to Black people. Darker-skinned people, the Arabs. In India, it’s actually pretty big, too, with sickle cell disease. Hispanics, too, are affected by sickle cell disease. Of course, you have the mixed races, too, so to some degree, you’re going to have sickle cell disease mixed in there. By far, it’s in Africa, and by far, it’s in Nigeria.

To answer your first question, Garey, primarily sickle cell disease is a genetic blood disorder which means it’s in the DNA, in which the red blood cells are born with a weakness. It has to do with the DNA, again, a specific protein amino acids is replaced by another. That tiny mutation makes the sickle cell. I won’t use the word weak. It makes the red blood cell weak in a certain way so that once it’s in the bloodstream and it’s under pressure, that pressure could be an infection. That pressure could be dehydration. That pressure could be just physical pressure. Maybe it’s passing through a very tight blood vessel.

Under circumstances of stress, like those I just mentioned, it ends up turning from a nice, round, flexible, rubbery ball, which is a red blood cell into a shrivelled-up, hard, brittle cell that is sickle-shaped, as the term sickle cell. Because it’s not rubbery, because it’s not soft like the other one is, it tends to get stuff in the blood vessels. Another thing it does is it tends to aggregate and accumulate and form a plug, so it blocks the blood vessels. You can imagine, once there’s a blockage anywhere, the cells after that blockage tend to scream out. They cry out. They can even die. It’s called inflammation and eventually death. That’s really what happens.

We see a lot of kids, especially the younger years, have swollen hands or swollen feet, swollen stomachs because of this constant blockage and release of the blood vessels. The other thing that can happen is that those cells, because they are weak, they could just spontaneously just erupt and break up and spill their contents, therefore reducing the blood level, the hematocrits or the PCV, what we term PCV. The average human being is supposed to have around 35% to 40% of red blood cells in their system. These children with sickle cell disease and adults with sickle cell disease seem to have around 25%, so we’re looking at a difference of a factor of at least ten.

If you don’t have enough blood in your body, there’s a likely tendency that a lot of things can go wrong. A lot of things do go wrong, including:

  • You’re always tired all the time
  • You’re not growing when you should
  • You’re not developing as you should, and
  • You are more prone to some diseases

GAREY: If your red blood cells are cut down by that amount, I could understand that

  • You’d be tired. You wouldn’t have any strength, nor able to work. Then, of course, that will lead to a lot of psychological problems as well, because
  • You can’t keep up and you can’t be the same as your peers.
  • You can’t contribute to your family.

It’s got to be a really tough thing to deal with. Do you have ways of helping people with that disorder?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Right, almost completely, yes. Most definitely, yes. I’m super excited about it because this is a problem that has affected so many people around the world. The smartest minds have looked into it, and they haven’t been able to come up with very satisfactory results, definitely not for us in third-world countries. We found out that, when we started looking into it, in fact, like I said, that was not our focus initially. Initially, we just started having kids come in with brain disorders. Since brain disorders were our focus and started looking at them. Kids before the age of ten would have two, three, sometimes four strokes before you’re ten. When we started looking into it, we saw that there were four main areas that they were weak in. Since our philosophy is to build strength where there is weakness, we said, “Okay, let’s start addressing this.”

  • Immune function
  • Inflammation
  • Free radical damage or oxidative stress, for which we use antioxidants, and
  • Almost globally, almost without exception, they all have very low levels of nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is a gas that your body produces to help to dilate and improve the health of the blood vessels. If there’s not enough nitric oxide, that means the blood vessels are tight. The blood cells can’t go through like they should, which, of course, causes problems. You don’t want your blood, if your kidneys need blood, they need blood. We don’t want to restrict, reduce the amount of blood they need by a factor of two or three when they should be having a free flow of blood. Nitric oxide helps do that.

My initial thought was, I’ll just start from the top of the list and then work my way down. See what strengthening the immune system does. If it doesn’t work as well, we’ll go on to the next one. To our surprise, Garey, using the supplement that we use, which is an extract from aloe vera, which has been known for its work with the immune system, we found radical, tremendous, remarkable, use whatever adjective you might want to use, but significant improvements in their quality of life, everything from their fatigue, their energy levels, pain levels. They could go to school now. They could play soccer. They could do everything their peers were doing, simply because we strengthened their immune systems.

GAREY: The aloe vera also supports nitric oxide creation?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: You know, I don’t think it does, but we were focused on the immune function, so I think most of what it is, is strengthening the immune system and simply strengthening the immune system was what was responsible for many of the results that we were getting.

GAREY: Good. That’s really great. I’ve learned about nitric oxide through Dr. Harry using arginine to facilitate the creation of nitric oxide. Then I found a video on YouTube with that Nobel peace prize winner whose name I’m not going to be able to say.

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Louis Ignarro.

GAREY: Thank you. I knew you’d be able to say it. Yeah, and amazing thing. He said, “One way to improve nitric oxide is to breathe through the nose.”


GAREY: That helps create nitric oxide. If you’re a mouth-breather, if you’re breathing through your mouth, you’re not creating nitric oxide. If you breathe through your nose, you’re creating nitric oxide.

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Interesting. Good to know.

GAREY: There are so many amazing things that we can learn if, I guess when you get that degree and you graduate and you’re certified to do this, that and the other thing, that’s not where you stop learning.


GAREY: You’ve got to keep going back to the well. Now we have all these amazing resources at our fingertips with our smartphones to be able to Google just about anything and come up with an NIH study or some meta-analysis of this or that or the other. It just adds to our body of knowledge and helps us to be better at working with people to improve health. That’s really, I think, what I find most intriguing. The commonality is that there are people in this world like you who really have a gift and a way to address people’s needs, and doing it in a third-world country, where there’s not going to be a great deal of money or support backing you, and you’re making it happen. I tip my hat to you, and I really appreciate that.

Was there anything else that you felt was important to share before we close out today?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Again, thanks for having me. There’s just the whole thing about Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Zinc, which you’ve heard a lot about these days. I’ve got to say that those three also work in, I would say those are the foundation, from what I’ve seen now for good health, not just immune system health, but for health in general, brain health as well as body health. If you can’t do the big ones, you really need to do those three, plus fiber, which psyllium husk, which helps with the digestive system. We said a little bit about the importance of gut health. Fiber is probably one of the most important things for the gut, so those four, I would say people should get serious about these and put it as part of their regimen.

GAREY: Basically, the way I heard that, Zinc, which costs pennies, Vitamin C, which is really cheap, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and fiber, which is, I don’t think I spent $10.00 yet, and you’ve given me a solution that’ll last me a whole month to protect my immune system, help me to be healthy, and add some Omega-3. That’s not very expensive, either.

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: The good ones, they cost a little more, the really good ones, unless you guys are really subsidizing stuff over there.

GAREY: Right. We promote a 700mg per 1000, so 70% EPA/DHA.

High potency. I guess you get what you pay for eventually, so I always recommend small batches done by a professional unit where you’re going to get a really high-quality product. You can check out True Omega-3 on Optimal Health Bridge. Again, we’ll put this in the video, but your website is Is that correct?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Correct, O-R-G.

GAREY: And your personal website is Is that right?

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: That’s right, yes.

GAREY: For people who want to get in touch with you, it’s D-R David, and you’ll have a way to get in contact with Dr. DAVID AJIBADE. I appreciate your presence and thank you for your time. I know it’s not fun down there in Texas right now with all that polar vortex coming in there. I’m going to let you go so you can go do whatever other work you’ve got, but really appreciate your time. Thank you, Dr. DAVID AJIBADE.

Dr. DAVID AJIBADE: Thank you so much for having me, Garey.


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