Nutritional Supplements for Brain Health Support Series Week 9
Paul Holcroft
Ericksonian Hypnotherapist, Health Researcher, Nutritional Thriver, Fundraiser, Photographer & Actor at Players Theatre
Welcome to the Brain Health Support Series where each week we will bring you one scientifically studied nutritional supplement to help support brain function including stress and mood elevation.
This week we are looking at: Hops Extract
One insidious way mood and stress affect your body and brain is by depleting essential vitamins and minerals just when you need those most. Stress consumes excessive key vitamins and minerals and, if you don’t replace them with the right foods and supplements, stress, anxiety and mood swings can worsen.
The production of stress hormones and neurotransmitters consume a big chunk of these nutrients’ reserves and because stress largely shuts down the digestive system, less of them get absorbed from the food you eat. Consequently, your supply of anti-stress vitamins and minerals is decreased … and your tolerance to stress is lowered.
Many bad habits that people gravitate to when they’re stressed and anxious, like alcohol, caffeine, smoking, sugar, and recreational drugs, also deplete ital nutrients and unfortunately, so do many prescription drugs. Ironically, this includes anti-anxiety medications!
How can you stop this downward spiral? You can start by eating a diet rich in the right vitamins and minerals as a first step, and then supplement with quality, high-purity supplements that will top-up any deficiencies.
The following nutritional supplementation information purported to help support stress and anxiety issues is based on my own research online through articles, medical papers, and online seminar events. You are welcome to do your own research.
Where to Source the Best Nutritional Supplements
Looking for powerful, high quality, high-purity pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements with a 90% absorption rate? You cannot go past the THRIVE line of nutritional supplements... we recommend them because they flat out work! Check them out here:
Hops Extract
Hops work as a central nervous system relaxant. This makes them a very helpful form of herbal stress relief if you suffer from insomnia and the stress states caused by not getting enough sleep. Hops help to relieve tension and anxiety and are helpful in reducing restlessness. Hops have a strong muscle relaxing effect so if being stressed gives you headaches, indigestion, stomach pains, palpitations or a nervous cough, then taking hops, especially in the form of a tincture, could prove very helpful for you.
Hops Extract for Treatment of Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Effects of a hops (Humulus lupulus L.) dry extract supplement on self-reported depression, anxiety and stress levels in apparently healthy young adults: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover pilot study.
Objective: The Humulus lupulus L. plant (hops) is used as a herbal medicinal product for anxiety/mood disorders. Our aim was to study the effects of a hops dry extract on self-reported depression, anxiety and stress levels in young adults.
Design: Apparently healthy young adults from our university completed the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) and those reporting at least mild depression, anxiety and stress were invited to complete the study intervention. This followed a randomized (1:1), placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover design with two 4-week intervention periods (Melcalin hops or placebo; two 0.2 gr capsules once daily) separated by a 2-week wash-out. Anthropometric measurements, DASS-21 assessments and measurements of morning cortisol plasma levels were performed at the beginning and the end of the 4-week treatment periods.
The Results: 36 participants (Females/Males: 31/5; age: 24.7±0.5 years) completed the study intervention (attrition: 6/42). No significant changes in body weight and composition or morning circulating cortisol were noted with the hops or placebo. Significantly decreased DASS-21 anxiety, depression and stress scores were documented with hops (9.2±7.3 vs. 5.1±5.9, 11.9±7.9 vs. 9.2±7.4, and 19.1±8.1 vs. 11.6±8.1; all p values <0.05), which were significantly greater compared to those caused by the placebo (all p values <0.05).
Conclusion: In otherwise healthy young adults reporting at least mild depression, anxiety and stress symptoms, daily supplementation with a hops dry extract can significantly improve all these symptoms over a 4-week period. These beneficial effects agree with the indication of hops for anxiety/mood disorders and restlessness, as approved by the German Commission E.
Hops are the flowers of the hop plant, Humulus lupulus L., which in addition to their role as a bittering agent in beer brewing, have a long history of use in the alleviation of anxiety, restless, and sleep disturbance 4. Studies show that through their interaction with serotonin and melatonin receptor subtypes, hops exert significant antidepressant effects, which lead to dampened stress levels and improved relaxation and sleep patterns 5,6.
Anybody that enjoys a glass or two of rich, hoppy beer will be familiar with the way that the tension seems to ease from your body. While alcohol may well have something to do with this, hops themselves may also play a part.
Hops have been traditionally used for their sedative abilities and may help to ease feelings of anxiety and stress. Several studies have demonstrated that hops have sedative effects on the body’s nervous system (1) It is believed to work because it modulates the GABA receptors in the brain. Studies have also shown that hops are more effective as a sedative when used in combination with valerian. (2)
There is a growing body of scientific evidence that hops could help people improve their quality of sleep and even help treat sleep conditions like insomnia.
Hops have traditionally been used to help with sleep issues and several studies have analysed its effectiveness as a sleep aid. Several studies have found that hops were effective in promoting sleep in combination with another herb – valerian. (3)
A study published in 2012 set out to examine the effects of hops in female nurses chosen because of their stressful jobs and their poor sleep patterns. The study found that the participants who drank non-alcoholic beer containing hops experienced a much-improved quality of sleep compared with the control group. (4)
Studies have found that hops have chemicals that act like estrogen. These chemicals may help relieve some of the symptoms of hormonal changes which occur because of menopause.
A study done on 100 postmenopausal women found that a vaginal gel using hops as one of the major ingredients reduced dryness in the vagina. It also helped relieve painful intercourse, burning, itching, and vaginal inflammation.
One study published in 2006 examined the effects of a phytoestrogen extracted from hops (8-prenylnaringenin) on menopausal discomfort. The results of the study indicated that a daily intake of hop extract had beneficial effects on many of the discomforts associated with menopause including hot flashes. (5)
Hops can also be used alone or in combination with valerian to help relax your overly stressed muscles, ease stiff joints and prevent spasms and twitching. According to experts when these herbs are used in combination, they are even more effective than when used alone.
Recent research carried out in China suggests that xanthohumol – a compound found in hops may help protect the brain’s cells from oxidative stress. According to the researchers, this type of oxidative stress can lead to degenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
The researchers at Lanzhou university concluded that xanthohumol may protect the brain from damage and reduce the risk of various brain disorders. (6)
Another potential benefit of the xanthohumol found in hops is the effect it may have on heart health. A study published in 2012 found that it possessed powerful antiplatelet activity. The researchers concluded it may have a role to play in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. (9)
Hops May Help Anxiety and Mood Disorders
In a study on 36 people with at least mild depression, stress, or anxiety, the intake of hops extract improved all the symptoms [3]. In rats, hops extract had antidepressant activity measured as a reduction of the time that rats spent floating immobile in a cylinder filled with water [19].
Hops May Help Sleep Onset (via sedative effects)
In a clinical trial on 17 people, the intake of a bit more than 1 cup (333 mL) of non-alcoholic beer improved sleep quality. Hop was suggested as the main beer component responsible for this effect [20].
Hops extract increased sleeping time and reduced physical activity and body temperature in mice and rats taking sedatives. In a study in quails, whose sleep-wake rhythm is very similar to that of humans, a dose of 2 mg hops extract was most effective in reducing night activity while preserving a normal circadian activity/rest rhythm [21, 19, 22, 23].
Hops are frequently combined with valerian to fight insomnia. In three studies on 256 people, this combination was more effective than placebo. Two of them showed that the combination was also more effective than valerian alone [24, 25, 26].
Similarly, the combination of hops, valerian, and purple passionflower was as effective as the drug zolpidem in a study done on 78 people with insomnia (DB-RCT) [27].
However, two studies done on 271 people (DB-RCT) found no effects on sleep quality [28, 29].
Hops May Help Fight Allergies
In a randomized trial on 39 people with allergies to pollen, the intake of 100 mg hop extract improved nose swelling, nose color, discharge amount, and discharge characteristics [46].
In mice with allergies to pollen/dust, 500 mg hop water extract reduced nose rubbing and sneezing. The extract also reduced histamine release by mast cells and human cancer cells. In another study in mice, 100-500 mg hop extract reduced histamine release by mast cells and basophils [47, 48].
In a study on human nose cells, hops water extract reduced the production of a cytokine that activates allergic inflammatory responses (TSLP) [49].
Hops Help Blood Sugar Balance
In a study of 20 diabetic people (DB-RCT), the intake of hops isohumulones reduced blood sugar levels [57].
In multiple studies with mice and rats, the intake of hops extract, its components xanthohumol and isohumulones, or a mixture of hops isohumulones and acacia proanthocyanidins reduced blood sugar levels and insulin resistance [31, 32, 33, 57, 58, 35].
The simultaneous activation of PPAR-alpha and PPAR-gamma by isohumulones lowers blood sugar levels by reducing insulin resistance. Hops bitter acids also activate the bitter taste receptors and stimulate the production of GLP-1, a protein that triggers insulin production in response to sugar [57, 59].
Xanthohumol lowers blood sugar levels by:
· Binding to the farnesoid X receptor [60, 61]
· Blocking sugar uptake [62]
· Blocking an enzyme that produces sugar from complex carbohydrates (α-glycosidase) [63]
While some hops flavonoids (e.g., quercetin) also reduce sugar uptake, others (e.g., catechin) increase it. The hops flavonoids catechin, epicatechin, quercetin, and rutin also lower blood sugar levels by stimulating the growth of the cells that produce insulin (β-cells) [62, 64+].
Hops Improve Menopausal Symptoms
Menopause is the cessation of menstrual cycles in women. It is accompanied by a reduction in female sex hormone levels, which causes symptoms such as [10]:
· Hot flashes
· Night Sweats
· Sleep disturbances
· Fatigue
· Mood changes (depression, irritability)
· Bone and muscle mass loss
· Reduced sex drive
· Vaginal dryness
The intake of hops extract or its component 8-prenylnaringenin improved these symptoms and life quality in three randomized studies on 223 menopausal women [11, 4, 12].
In a pilot study of 100 women, the application of a gel containing a hops extract reduced vaginal dryness [13].
In several studies in female rats whose ovaries were removed to mimic menopausal hormone deficiency, intake of hops extract or 8-prenylnaringenin reduced hot flashes, improved some bone mass and architecture parameters (although it worsened others), and increased sex drive [14, 15, 16, 17].
In a pilot study on 72 menopausal women, a morning/evening formula in which the morning capsule contained ginseng, black cohosh, soy, and green tea extracts and the evening capsule contained black cohosh, soy, kava, hops, and valerian extracts improved several menopausal symptoms including hot flashes and sleep disturbances [18].
Hops May Help Fight Infectious Diseases (in cells)
Hops essential oil and extracts can inhibit [66+]:
· Yersinia enterocolitica
· Salmonella enteritidis
· Salmonella typhimurium
· Proteus mirabilis
· E. coli
· Klebsiella oxytoca
· Mycobacterium fortuitum, a relative of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis [67].
The main compounds in hops that have antimicrobial activity are xanthohumol, humulone, and lupulone. They can inhibit [68, 69, 70+, 71]:
· Bacteria that may cause diarrhea (Bacteroides fragilis, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium difficile)
· Antibiotic-resistant strains (Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecium)
· Bacteria that cause food poisoning (Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis)
Hops can kill viruses as well. In multiple cell studies, hops extract or its compounds inhibited [72, 73]:
· Influenza A virus
· Rhinovirus (the common cold)
· Herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2
Hop’s xanthohumol enhanced the activity of interferon alpha (IFN-α) against a cow virus. Because this virus is very similar to hepatitis C virus, xanthohumol could be used to develop new therapies against it [74].
Xanthohumol also reduced HIV replication, the production of a virus, and the damage caused to cells. For these reasons, its investigation as a new therapeutic agent for HIV was suggested [75].
Several hops components, especially xanthohumol, were active against the parasite causing malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) in two cell studies [76, 77].
In a study in which five hop components were tested against four human fungal pathogens (Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum, Candida albicans, and Mucor rouxianus), xanthohumol, isoxanthohumol, and 6-isopentenyl naringenin were identified as the most powerful antifungal agents [70].
It’s important to note that no clinical trials have been done in humans infected with these pathogens, so it’s unknown if hops can kill any infection when ingested in normal doses.
Hops Have Anticancer Activity (in cells)
The hops component xanthohumol reduced cell growth, survival, or migration in the following human cancer cell types:
· Prostate [78, 79, 80, 81]
· Liver [82, 83, 84]
· Pancreatic [85]
· Stomach [86]
· Colon [87, 88]
· Breast [89, 90, 91]
· Ovarian [89, 88]
· Cervix [92, 93]
· Lung [94, 92, 88]
· Brain [95]
· Skin [88]
· Laryngeal [96]
· Thyroid [97]
· Leukemia [98, 99]
Other hops flavonoids such as isoxanthohumol, 6-prenylnaringenin, and 8-prenylnaringenin also showed activity against the following cancer types:
· Prostate [100, 81]
· Kidney [100]
· Breast [91, 89, 101]
· Colon [89]
· Ovarian [89]
· Burkitt lymphoma [102]
· Skin [103]
Both types of bitter acids (humulones and lupulones) blocked the growth and migration of liver cancer cells, while only lupulone showed activity against skin cancer [104, 103].
It’s important to note that no clinical trials have been done, so the anti-cancer effect in humans is still unknown.
Hops May Possibly Help With Neurodegenerative Diseases (in animals)
Hops extract reduced brain damage and maintained brain function in rats with stroke or poisoned with aluminum nitrate. The long-term intake of hops extract reduced the buildup of a protein believed to cause Alzheimer’s disease (β-amyloid) in the brain of old mice and preserved their cognitive functions [105, 106, 107].
Xanthohumol protected brain cells against inflammation and oxidative damage, suggesting its therapeutic potential in neurodegenerative diseases [108, 109].
Because xanthohumol (among other flavonoids) can block an enzyme involved in the onset of Alzheimer’s disease (BACE1), it was suggested as a preventive therapeutic candidate for this disease [110].
Hops May Possibly Help With Neurodegenerative Diseases (in animals)
Hops extract reduced brain damage and maintained brain function in rats with stroke or poisoned with aluminum nitrate. The long-term intake of hops extract reduced the buildup of a protein believed to cause Alzheimer’s disease (β-amyloid) in the brain of old mice and preserved their cognitive functions [105, 106, 107].
Xanthohumol protected brain cells against inflammation and oxidative damage, suggesting its therapeutic potential in neurodegenerative diseases [108, 109].
Because xanthohumol (among other flavonoids) can block an enzyme involved in the onset of Alzheimer’s disease (BACE1), it was suggested as a preventive therapeutic candidate for this disease [110].
Where to Source the Best Nutritional Supplements
Looking for powerful, high quality, high-purity pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements with a 90% absorption rate? You cannot go past the THRIVE line of nutritional supplements... we recommend them because they flat out work! Check them out here:
Disclaimer Note: just because an herbal supplement may be natural doesn't mean it’s safe. If you are under a doctor’s care or on any kind of medications, always check with your therapist or physician before taking any herbal supplements. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The total content material of this article is in relation to the investigation and viewpoints of the publisher, except if otherwise noted. The content on this website is not meant to substitute a one-on-one relationship with a certified health care specialist and is not intended as medical health advice.