Nutrition: When counting calories is NOT the way to lose bodyfat

Nutrition: When counting calories is NOT the way to lose bodyfat

Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror and thought...

"Sheesh! I really gotta lose some weight"

Or maybe you've jumped on the scale only to be surprised at the number that popped up?

If so, this is where you likely start forming your plan to nip this problem in the buttocks before it gets too far out of hand.

So you...

1?? Download the MyFitnessPal app and start tracking your calories and macros

2?? Start doing some formal exercise so you can burn some extra calories

And because you've been trained to believe that fat loss is simply a "calorie in - calorie out" equation, your entire focus starts to revolve around this "deficit" thinking.

And if you're someone who has a reasonable level of discipline, there's a very good chance you will (or have) seen some success with this approach.

But as you spend more and more time in "The Deficit"? there's a good chance you're not feeling all that great?

Maybe you're feeling...

?? Hungry

?? Low energy

?? Irritable

?? Tired

If so...well...that's normal.

These are the hallmark symptoms of calorie restriction and it's the reason caloric restriction is largely unsustainable for most people.

I personally remember my days of calorie restriction.

I spent about a year restricting my calories, and even though it worked...I knew there was no way I was going to be able to sustain it.?

I needed a better, simpler approach where I could still improve but then also maintain an optimal weight without always worrying about the quantity of food I was eating.

And It wasn't until I met a nutritionist who stared at me blankly as I rattled off what I thought she wanted to hear when she asked me about my nutritional habits...

"I eat xxxx number of calories, my basal metabolic rate is xxxxx. I eat xxxx number of grams of protein..............."

I could tell she was unimpressed as she took ZERO notes while I rambled on.


Turns out, she really had no interest in how many calories I was eating or how many grams of protein I was taking in.


During that meeting, she said something to me (funny how the right people show up in your life at the right times) that changed my life...


"Mother Nature has your back," she said.


When I first heard it, I didn't know what to think.


And in all honesty, I thought she was a quack who hated science, lol.


Admittedly, I can sometimes be a bit of a slow learner, especially in my younger years.


It took me a couple of months for that statement to really sink in, but it stuck with me.?


And I remember thinking to myself one day...?


"What if all the grocery stores and all the restaurants disappeared tomorrow?"


"What would I do to feed myself and my family?"


"Well, I guess I would NEED to rely on Mother Nature."


I would probably plant a garden...and I would probably try to get some chickens, and maybe even a cow...or a goat...


Let's face it...if it was life or death, wouldn't you do the same thing?


And in that scenario, I asked myself, would I be healthier if I followed this?


And my answer to myself was,


"For sure!!!"


I's not very scientific, but I now believe that the science of nutrition can be more harmful than helpful for MOST people.


People are stuck so far into the weeds these days when it comes to nutrition that it's a challenge to even see the big picture anymore.


For me, since going all-in on this new (old) approach to living, I found it to be so much simpler and also EXTREMELY effective.


And the BEST news is that you don't even need to harvest your own food.?


You CAN go to the grocery store, or the farmers market, and buy real food that is ready to eat!


And that is exactly what I did.


I ate real food most of the time and NEVER worried about a calorie or a macro again.


That was almost 20 years ago.


My bodyfat went to around 10% or less and I've stayed there for most of my adult life.


Even my fittest friends are like..."Really?"


And I know that there are many days I eat a LOT more calories than I should.


But when you achieve a certain level of health, your body has many ways to accommodate extra calories BESIDES just storing them away as bodyfat.


For example...


? Your heart rate may go up a few beats per minute

? Your respirations may go up slightly

? You may fidget more

? You will feel like you NEED to move more

? You're immune system may ramp up


Point is...your body has other ways to utilize excess calories other than just storing them away as fat.


But this only happens when you are in great health.


Carrying a bunch of extra bodyfat can be a sign that something is not right.


Think of it kind of like the canary in the coal mine.


And at the end of the day, we should all be chasing superior health...not just weight loss. Think of weight loss as a symptom of superior health.


Maybe it's time to free yourself from the calorie counting, macro matrix and start building your health with some real food.


And see what happens when you LIVE this way.


Good chance, you'll forget what a calorie or a macro is completely.


And you'll find your new nutrition language will start to revolve around the macros that REALLY matter...


Meat, veggies, nuts, seeds, and fruit.


Life is better here :-)

Your Coach,

Tony Bevilacqua

Athletic After 40

Whenever you're ready, here are three ways to build your fitness so you can build a body that looks, feels, and performs great...


1. Watch the FREE, Athletic Body Blueprint Masterclass where you will discover The BEST way to build strength, burn fat, and boost your Energy? so that you can look, feel, and perform great in the "second half" <WATCH NOW>


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3. Work with me privately - Get yourself into the 1% of health and human performance using our customized fitness, nutrition, and recovery systems to get you looking, feeling, and performing in the top 1% of guys over 40. And we will do it without spending hours in a gym, cutting your calories, or using silly supplements. If you want to be a 1% badass... <APPLY HERE>


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