Nutrition In A Warmer World
- At the?Hiroshima Summit 2023,?the?G7 nations?stressed that the peak for global?GreenHouse Gas (GHG)?emissions should be reached by?2025.
Group of Seven (G7):
- It is an?intergovernmental?organization that was formed in?1975.
- The bloc meets annually?to discuss issues of common interest like global economic governance, international security and energy policy.
- The G7 countries are the?UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the US.
- All the G7 countries?and India are a part of?G20.
- The G7 does not have a formal constitution?or a fixed headquarters.
- The decisions taken by leaders during annual summits are?non-binding.
Major purpose of the G-7:
- It is to discuss and deliberate?on international economic issues.
- It sometimes acts in concert to help resolve other global problems, with a special focus on economic issues.
Other commitments:
- Acceleration Agenda†for G7 countries?to reach net-zero emissions by around?2040
- It urged emerging economies to do so by around?2050.
- China?has committed to net zero by?2060?and?India?by?2070.
Impacts of climate change:
- Severe costs?are likely to be inflicted in terms of human lives and livelihoods, especially for those working in the agriculture sector
- India has the largest workforce (45.6 percent in 2021-22)?engaged in agriculture amongst G20 countries.
- It may be disproportionate for India.
- The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)?has forecast that global near-surface temperatures are likely to increase by?1(one point one)°C?to?1.8(one point eight)°C?annually from?2023?to?2027.
- It anticipates that temperatures will exceed?5(one point five)°C?above pre-industrial levels for at least one year within this period.
- According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD),?India experienced its fifth hottest year on record in 2022..
- Indian agriculture faces a double whammy:
- It has to feed the largest population (1.42(one point four two)billion?in?2023?and likely to be?67(one point six seven)billion by 2050).
What can Indian policymakers do?
- Focusing on?agricultural research, development, education and extension (ARDE).
- Research at ICRIER?indicates that investing in agri-R&D yields much greater returns (2(eleven point two)compared to every rupee spent on say the fertilizer subsidy, power subsidy, education or roads.
- Increased emphasis on ARDE?can help achieve higher agricultural production even in the face of climate change.
- ARDE is critical for improving resource use efficiency,?especially for natural resources such as soil, water, and air.
- The development of seeds?that are more heat resistant.
- Precision agriculture,?such as?drip irrigation, can result in large water savings.
- Implementing sensor-based irrigation systems,?for example,?enables automated control,?improving resource use efficiency.
- Fertigation and development of nano-fertilizers?can save on the fertilizer subsidy and reduce its carbon footprint.
- Implementing innovative farming practices?and/or products will help more efficient use of water and other natural resources, resulting in higher output with fewer inputs, while lowering GHG emissions.
- Mulching(Research-Borlaug Institute for South Asia (BISA):?shows that mulching not only contributes to higher soil organic carbon (SOC) but also saves on water and reduces GHG emissions.
- Scaling up experiments is critical?and with larger allocations of funds.
ARDE analysis( since 2005-06)
- It reveals that in absolute terms, the total expenditure has increased from?$0.91(zero point nine one)billion?in the triennium ending (TE) in?2008?to $2(two point two)billion?in the TE 2020.
- The research intensity (RI) (ARDE as a percentage of agri-GDP)?has experienced an upswing from?55(zero point five five)percent in 2005-06?to its peak of?0.70(zero point seven zero)percent in?2010-11, before declining to?0.48(zero point four eight)percent?in?2019-20.
- Allocation of ARDE by sector: There is a skewed distribution towards the crop husbandry sector
- Relative share has marginally increased?from 75 percent to 76 percent between?TE 2008 and TE 2020.
- The shares for soil, water conservation, and forestry?have declined from?5 percent to 2 percent.
- The shares for animal husbandry, dairy development, and fisheries sectors have?decreased?from?11 percent to 8 percent
- Despite the value of livestock?having substantially increased in the overall value of agri-produce.
- It stands for?Agricultural Research, Development, Education, and Extension
- It plays a crucial role in addressing the challenges?faced by the agriculture sector, particularly in the context of climate change.
Importance of ARDE:
- Climate Resilience: scientists and experts can identify crops and varieties through research and development efforts
- Resource Efficiency: By focusing on research and innovation, it aims to optimize the use of key resources like water, soil, and energy.
- Enhanced Productivity:?Developing high-yielding crop varieties, improving agronomic practices, and disseminating knowledge and best practices through education and extension programs.
- Sustainable Agriculture:?ARDE focuses on reducing reliance on chemical inputs, minimizing soil degradation, preserving biodiversity, and promoting organic farming.
Way Forward
- The imbalance needs urgent correction,?especially because much (54 per cent) of the GHG emissions within agriculture come from the livestock sector.
- It is crucial to acknowledge?that despite the expenditure on?ARDE
- The overall RI in agriculture?falls short of the target of “1 percent of the agricultural gross value added (AGVA)�recommended by the Government of India’s as well as the?Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
- To accomplish this,?India needs to almost double its budgetary allocations for ARDE.
- If the Union government can reduce its fertilizer subsidy, and state governments their power subsidy, and redirect those savings to agri-R&D, ensuring research intensity to be at least 1 percent.
- The results would be much better?in terms of food and nutritional security in the face of climate change.
- It requires political courage and innovative policies?that ensure farmers incomes go up during this re-alignment phase.
- Realign not just expenditures?but also policies (such as fertilizer subsidy, power subsidy, etc) towards meeting the climate change challenge.
- Livestock has been growing at more than double the rate of the cereal sector, as is horticulture.
- But policies and programmers?are stuck with the legacy of basic staples like rice and wheat.
- This needs to change?to give better nutrition and less GHG emissions.
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