Nutrition Guidance History
Smiling Doctor

Nutrition Guidance History

We respect our doctors and when they say something we generally listen and believe them.? They are a hard-working group and the years they spend studying ensures they are smart and have good memories for the abundance of possible solutions to problems that can occur to our bodies and brains.

While we are right to treat them in this revered way, we do need to remember that they are human and also subject to a number of forces that could be derailing their advice at times.? For example, in the 1950’s and 60’s some doctors promoted smoking, without realizing that they were giving out bad advice.? Doctors are very dependent on what they are taught in medical school and the old approach to doctoring where doctors would try out different approaches to treating patients is mostly gone, outlawed, replaced by a ‘Standard of Care’, except for some drug selection where necessary.? It is apparent from listening to many doctors speak of their training, that they are not trained in human nutrition. Many of the books that I have read about diet and nutrition are written by doctors or clinicians who have realized their own nutrition education was inadequate, did their own research and then wrote about their personal results in their books.

In 1910, oil magnate and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, worked to remove “holistic” and “alternative” plant medicines from the teachings of medical professionals in the United States and standardize care along the lines of current allopathic medicine.? He funded the Flexner Report which concluded that these natural healing modalities were “unscientific quackery”, and called for the standardization of medical education.? Congress then implemented the recommendations of the report and Rockefeller assisted, by funding new medical schools that would teach the allopathic or drug-treatment based education which helped to systematically remove any mention of herbal treatments along with teachings on nutrition and diet from medical education curricula. He supported the American Medical Association as the only body that could license doctors and approve medical school licensure in the USA.? Out went the chiropractor, the herbalist, the naturopathic specialist, the homeopath and anyone else who didn’t ascribe to the surgery or drug dispensing approach to health.

The idea that diet had any impact our health was now sidelined with medical training ignoring this and, instead, trainee doctors are required to spend hours learning and remembering details about drugs, how and when to prescribe them and what their side effects are.? Even today it is illegal in the USA for any cancer treatment that is not one of chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.

We moved to a society where we generally no longer look for the cause of a medical problem and instead are prescribed drugs or surgery to eliminate or manage symptoms.? For those who struggle to see this, consider the most prescribed medicine, the statin.? No human was ever sick from a lack of statins, but they are immediately (required to be) proposed/prescribed for elevated cholesterol.? Is the doctor seeking to establish why the cholesterol is high? No!? Is cholesterol bad? No!? Your brain is the most cholesterol rich organ in the body with about 25% of your total cholesterol.? Cholesterol is used to manufacture hormones, including vitamin-D, it is critical for the manufacture of the myelin sheath that allows electrical impulses to transmit quickly and efficiently along nerve cells, and is an important part of your immune system.?

Medical guidelines to reduce heart disease risk are focused on getting cholesterol down by prescribing statins that interfere with our internal cholesterol synthesis, despite it being well understood that low cholesterol is life threatening.

If you are still wondering about my assertion that we are just treating symptoms, consider common treatments for Type-2 diabetes.? This is a disease where there is too much glucose in the blood and your body has lost the ability to deal with this by itself.? You have become glucose intolerant.? Rather than promoting ways to actively reduce glucose levels such as by dietary change, we prescribe insulin to try and force the body to manage the high glucose levels.? Where does the excess sugar go?? It ends up in the liver, converted to fat and contributing to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).? Both high glucose and high insulin are toxic with the condition frequently leading to weight gain, liver damage, heart disease, kidney failure and nerve damage.? Reducing the incoming glucose with diet change removes both causes.

Rockefeller’s motives may have been benevolent with a perceived need to remove the more extreme elements of medicine including the snake oil salesmen, but it is often claimed that the real driver was to provide a ready market for petrochemical based drug manufacturers who have profited enormously from this change.? It is only relatively recently that we have seen a rise in respect for Eastern Medicine, growth of chiropractic’s, and greater demand for naturopathic remedies and nutrition-based solutions.

The Seventh Day Adventist Church was founded in 1863 by Joseph Bates, James White, Ellen G. White, and J. N. Andrews.? Ellen G. White one of their most prolific prophets, claimed to have many visions from God and in one of those, told her we should not eat food that has a face. (Despite 1 Timothy 4 vs 1-3 King James Bible).? She also believed that eating meat gave rise to lustful thoughts and that these could be dampened down with a diet of grains and vegetables.? John Harvey Kellogg, also a member of this group perfected the manufacture of cornflakes in an attempt to move people away from the typical meat-based breakfast served at the sanitarium he established at Battle Creek in Michigan, USA.? Convenient packet-based breakfast cereals were born and advertised by selling the idea that breakfast was “The most important meal of the day”.

Lenna F. Cooper a protege of John Harvey Kellogg, and educated in nutrition at the Battle Creek Sanitarium, founded The American Dietetic Association in 1917 (Now called The US Academy of Nutrition) to assist with people’s health during WWI.? She became an advisor to the US Army and created the USA Department of Dietetics at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) which is the primary agency of the USA Government responsible for biomedical and public health research. She wrote the first vegetarian cookbook (The New Cookery) incorporating meat substitutes.?? She also wrote a nutrition education text book in 1947 based on her Seventh Day Adventist beliefs titled ‘Nutrition in Health and Disease’ which I understand was an official text for training dietitians over many years. A great book to read is ‘The Dietitian’s Dilemma’ by Michelle Hurn, a registered dietitian who discovered that her best health came from ignoring her training.

What your doctor or dietitian advises is heavily influenced by the above guideline history.? It is important to ask questions and test the dietary advice you are being given.? Has the doctor experience with the advice and how well does it work?? It is obvious, that conventional dietary and nutrition advice is failing millions of people.? It is so important that you take personal responsibility for your own health.? Your health is not about the hand you were dealt, instead it is about the decisions you make.

For more free reading like this see my blogs at where you will also find links to the 4th edition of my book on Amazon. Seek professional medical advice before making dietary changes, particularly if you are on medication.?? Contact me if you have questions or for diet consultation.?

Good health, George Elder, MBA, Diet Research Reviewer, Dip. Nutrition.?

“The greatest thing you can do for your health, is eat better.”

George Elder

Author of book “Take Back Your Health” now 4th edition on Amazon. Nutrition and wellness consultant at Take Back Yr Health. I am passionate about helping people learn to take ownership of their health through knowledge.

7 个月

Thanks Ian. I keep copies of my book locally for people who don’t want to pay postage for 1 copy.


All of this confirms our own research George! Great summary and I’d also recommend your book to anyone who’s interested in improving their health ??



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