NuSource and Sophos Counter ATM/ITM Jackpotting Crimes with NuGuard Central Device Encryption (CDE)

NuSource and Sophos Counter ATM/ITM Jackpotting Crimes with NuGuard Central Device Encryption (CDE)

NuSource and Sophos Counter ATM/ITM Jackpotting Crimes with NuGuard Central Device Encryption (CDE)

The Growing Threat of Hard Drive Jackpotting

A new form of cybercrime poses a significant threat to financial institutions' ATMs/ ITMs: hard drive jackpotting. This technique involves physically accessing the machine's hard drive and manipulating its software to force the ATM/ITM to empty its contents, dispensing large amounts of cash.

NuSource and Sophos: A Powerful Partnership

As a leading provider of security solutions for the financial industry, NuSource has teamed up with Sophos, a global leader in cybersecurity, to offer a custom and comprehensive solution to combat hard drive jackpotting. The new product, NuGuard Central Device Encryption, provides robust safeguards for your ATM/ITM's internal hard drives, locking them down with enterprise-level encryption.

Enhanced Security:?With NuGuard Central Device Encryption, your financial institution will be safer with enhanced security. By encrypting the hard drive, NuGuard makes it virtually impossible for hackers to access and steal sensitive data, providing peace of mind and protecting your assets.

Fast Key Recovery and Management:?The NuSource team manages a unified management and service interface within NuGuard on your behalf. This streamlined accessibility minimizes downtime and reduces the burden on IT resources.

Proactive protection ensures both your financial institution?and your customers feel safe and secure.

Don't wait until your ATM/ITMs fall victim to hard drive jackpotting. Protect your assets and your customers' data with NuSource’s NuGuard Central Device Encryption today.

Contact NuSource to learn more about how our encryption solution can help you protect your financial institution.

