Nurturing existing talent within businesses
The advent of the Apprenticeship Levy meant that, for many companies, the focus of their attention moved to Apprenticeships being for members of their existing workforce rather than for new recruits to their business.
Given the expectations of time off the job and other costs associated with offering Apprenticeships to staff, they are and should be considered an investment in the workforce.
For that reason, Apprenticeships for existing staff should be seen as much more than just ‘training’ – rather they should carry all the features and benefits that we give to young people starting their careers by undertaking an Apprenticeship.
As noted, they are an investment.?They cost real money – either by virtue of the Levy or Employer contribution.?They also have a cost attached to the thorough off the job training. This is money that the Employer is investing in their staff and the expectation is that there will be a benefit in doing so.
At the highest level the Employer will expect that the Apprentice is better able to do the job that they are doing and better able to progress into the job that they wish to do.?Study after study is clear on the association between an Apprenticeship and better productivity and profitability.
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