Nurturing Development: Mastering the Art of Leading a Training Team
Navigating the realm of learning and development leadership presents a multifaceted challenge. It's more than just fostering connections with various stakeholders, including fellow leaders, departments, suppliers, and subject matter experts (SMEs). If you're fortunate enough to have a team under your purview, you're also tasked with nurturing their growth and guiding them towards excellence.
The path isn't always straightforward; managing a training team involves a unique blend of responsibilities. How can you effectively lead and mentor training professionals while steering the ship of the entire training function? Here are some essential factors to bear in mind as you embark on this journey:
·????? Embrace the Distinction Between Training and Coaching
It may seem like a straightforward concept for a training professional, but the line between "trainer" and "coach" can blur. When you're overseeing a team of training experts, transitioning into a coaching role is crucial. As a learning leader, your responsibilities extend beyond crafting a corporate training strategy; you're also in charge of nurturing your team's growth. While you might occasionally provide training in new skills, it's equally vital to coach your seasoned team members. Resist the urge to offer immediate solutions; instead, pose questions that empower your team to discover answers independently. This approach paves the way for a high-performing team of training professionals.
·????? Cultivate Transformation: From Order Takers to Performance Consultants
Empowering your team to evolve from mere "order takers" to adept "performance consultants" is a pivotal milestone. Often, training is sought after as a solution when a problem arises. This reactive approach is akin to taking orders on specific topics. However, not every issue can be resolved through training; sometimes, underlying factors such as attitudes or cultural dynamics need addressing. Equip your team with the skill of strategic alignment, enabling them to ask probing questions and emerge as strategic partners. This shift ensures that training initiatives deliver the desired outcomes for the business.
·????? Prioritize Personal Growth and Learning
As a learning leader, you must exemplify the value of continuous learning by dedicating time to sharpen your own saw. The perennial excuse of "lack of time" should not deter you or your team from acquiring new knowledge and skills. When you gain fresh insights, share them with your team to foster a culture of continuous growth. Encourage your colleagues to embark on a regular journey of acquiring new skills and integrate it into routine performance discussions. Given the ever-evolving landscape of corporate training, it's imperative to stay abreast of industry developments and their potential applications in your organization. Numerous avenues await, from subscribing to blogs, newsletters, and podcasts to participating in webinars and certificate programs. The options are endless, provided you prioritize them.
·????? Enhance Leadership Insight
As a training leader, you might be entrusted with establishing or overseeing leadership training within your organization. While various competencies, models, and frameworks exist to define necessary skills and processes, self-awareness remains paramount. Acknowledging that you don't always possess the answers and that your own learning journey continues is essential. Regularly reflect on your leadership style, ensuring that it aligns with your authentic self. Seek feedback from your team and commit to perpetual growth as a leader, for the pursuit of self-improvement in leadership knows no end.
Leadership, regardless of the level, is a challenging undertaking. Leading individuals responsible for training adds another layer of complexity. However, by embracing these four principles, you'll be on a path to fostering a resilient and dedicated training team.
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