Nurturing Community with Logan Parks of Full Circle FarmCorps

Nurturing Community with Logan Parks of Full Circle FarmCorps

Full Circle FarmCorps is an AmeriCorps program created to fill service gaps across Arkansas by confronting food insecurity and strengthening communities through nutrition and farming education.

The program's sponsor, the Arkansas Resource Conservation and Development Council (ARC&D), has a mission of assisting communities in developing and implementing widespread solutions to local agriculture challenges by creating opportunities to sustain rural communities, local economies, and natural resources.?

Federal funding for FarmCorps comes from the Governor's Commission on National Service and Volunteerism which operates as the Engage Arkansas AmeriCorps Network.

Logan Parks, FarmCorp's Operations Officer & AmeriCorps Program Director, gave us the inside scoop on the impact FarmCorps continues to make in Arkansas.?

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Logan Parks, FarmCorp's Operations Officer & AmeriCorps Program Director

Parks began his work with FarmCorps through a contract social media role. His favorite quote, "don't let fear live your life," encapsulates his experience with FarmCorps.?

"You never know what could happen if you step outside your comfort zone. I never thought I'd be running an AmeriCorps program. I have a background in acting, so this is a different direction than I thought I'd be going. But, the stars aligned, and I stepped outside of my comfort zone," exclaimed Parks.?

His theater background did not stop him from taking a leap into the nonprofit sector, which, he explained, has been an eye-opening experience.

"It's been awesome to work in the nonprofit world because everyone is willing to help and wanting to help create connections," said Parks?

The community emphasis of AmeriCorps, in general, has created a beautifully connected group of individuals.?

"Everyone seems to be connected. It's cool to see how these wheels connect between different nonprofits, how people who started at FarmCorps are now working at different state entities, and how FarmCorps has accelerated others' careers! I love seeing the stories of how people start with our program and then go on to find cool jobs because of it," explained Parks.?

Through this beautiful web and redirection, Parks has been blown away by AmeriCorps members' impact on their communities.?

"AmeriCorps members are unlike any other person; they're not employees but service members volunteering with a living allowance. They are dedicated and willing to give their time and get out to serve the communities, which is a huge thing about them and their personalities. They want to change the world, so I think AmeriCorps service members are important because they're willing to give it their all and do the hard work," said Parks.

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When watching an AmeriCorps member serve, you know there needs to be change. Regarding food insecurity, Parks sees these AmeriCorps members trying their hardest to impact positive change. He also shines a light on the Arkansas food landscape.?

"We need to see some policy changes across the board. I also think that I would like to see some awareness change. Before I took this position, I didn't realize how big of an issue food insecurity is for Arkansas. I think that people need to shift their perspective and educate themselves on the issue and how they can help solve it," explained Parks.?

Full Circle FarmCorps is doing its best to educate Arkansans on food and agricultural practices through events like Cover Cropping as a Soil Amending Practice on March 14th (more details below).?

Parks continued the narrative of awareness needs by mentioning food deserts. Food deserts are portions of the country where low-income households do not have access or reliable transportation to affordable food retailers.

"Every county in Arkansas has at least one food desert," said Parks.?

This means that in all 75 Arkansas counties, some of the population does not have reliable access to food. With this reality, so many Arkansans face food insecurity, and it's essential to address the issue and find solutions.?

Parks wants to see food retailers partner with the state to create spaces where rural areas can access nutritious, affordable foods.?

"People need to know there's a problem. We see people volunteering with FarmCorps and food banks, which is amazing, but if we got communities to come together and restaurants - people outside of the problem coming together- there would be a lot more issue awareness, which is the first step," said Parks.?

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While we still have a long way to go, Parks has already seen the impact small change can make. For example, Engage Arkansas created a mini food pantry campaign for multiple locations and programs across the state. Through this effort, programs like Full Circle FarmCorps have given individuals access to grocery store staples.?

"We recently partnered with EngageAR to install mini food pantries. We installed one on the south side of Sebastian County, and as I had finished installing and stocking it, I was driving away, and someone pulled up to use the food pantry. Seeing that it impacted at least one person's life and one less person would be hungry was humbling. It gives me goosebumps," said Parks.

Full Circle FarmCorps has been able to impact Sebastian and Pulaski Counties, and they have also been able to expand their reach.?

"We have the potential to reach every single county in Arkansas. We are building up, and we hope to expand," said Parks?

Parks' final recommendation for individuals wanting to get involved and help or those seeking help includes checking with your local food banks, the Arkansas Food Alliance, and community nonprofits along with churches.

Another fantastic program is FoodCorps; whereas FarmCorps is statewide, FoodCorps places service members in schools in a few locations across Arkansas. Parks has nothing but good things to say about this program addressing food insecurity.?

"FoodCorps is amazing. They do amazing work! Where we differ, FoodCorps mostly focuses on education and school, so it's school-based. FarmCorps doesn't have to be in association with a school. It could be any state entity or any nonprofit so that FarmCorps might have a bit of a different or broader reach. Both of us are working hard to fight food insecurity in Arkansas, so I think there are a lot of similarities in the programs," explained Parks.?

Maybe you just graduated high school and are looking to take a gap year; maybe you're interested in making a career change; or maybe you're wanting to expand your gardening and farming knowledge. Whatever your motivation may be, FarmCorps could be the perfect opportunity to be a seed for change in food education and community building!

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If you work with a government entity, school, or nonprofit organization that would like to create or expand a community garden and host an AmeriCorps member, FarmCorps is the way to go.?

To learn more about Full Circle FarmCorps and ways to get involved, visit the website or email Logan Parks at [email protected].

Upcoming Event:

March 14th: "Cover Cropping as a Soil Amending Practice

We plan to have around 15 volunteers sow cover crop seeds while also learning about the importance of cover cropping as a regenerative agriculture practice. The event will be at the Samaritan Community Center in Rogers, Arkansas for about three hours.?

If you’re interested in volunteering in the Central Arkansas area check out the UALR website here to lend some helping hands in the garden! Volunteer dates are recurring and you can find them in the UALR Campus Garden’s calendar.?

About the Series:

This article is part of the Engage Arkansas 2023 Civic Challenge. Each month, the Challenge focuses on one vital impact area affecting Arkansans across the state. In March, Engage Arkansas is highlighting the efforts organizations are making on nutrition in Arkansas. To learn more about the Civic Challenge and how you can participate, visit

Be sure to check back for our interview with Destiny Schlinker, Arkansas FoodCorps Impact Partnerships and Policy Lead.


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