Nurture Your Children To Be Global Leaders
Rukmaji V Ramanujan Organic Farmer
Helping People Grow Wealthy & Healthy
All In Brief: Gifted Are The Children Whose Parents Facilitate Them For Living A Leadership Life. Gifted Are The Parents Whose Children Are Passionate About Leadership. Gifted Is The Country Whose Children Display Leadership At The Global Level In Every Walk Of Life.
Let's start with a couple of simple but intriguing questions- What plays an important role in nurturing children to be global leaders? How leaders evolve at the global level? What are the challenges that our children encounter? What are the parenting mistakes that curtail children from coming up with their fullest potential? How ones childhood matters a lot in establishing ones leadership impact? What all distinct should the parents do to enable their children become global leaders? How does it help our India if there are many Indians who are being recognized for their leadership globally?
- Essential Inputs For Children : 1. Robust Health 2. IQ 3. Knowledge 4. Creative Thinking 5. Innovative Workmanship 6. DNA of Ethics 7. Risk Appetite 8. Patriotism 9. Positive & Broad Out look
- Parenting is the key. Children should be encouraged to be futuristic. They should be inspired to dream big. They should be facilitated to realize their full potential. They should be taught about the importance of knowledge, time, opportunity, character, simplicity, health & life. They should be guided at micro or macro levels basing on the context. They should be instructed to follow their instincts fearlessly. They should be asked to keep the good will of the nation in tact in what ever they do. They should be given independence to choose their path. They should be molded in a way that they focus on academics wholeheartedly. They should be made to learn from others experiences. They should be treated in a way how you want them to be. They should be quizzed on their decisions. They should be prepared to face failures. They should be convinced to live beyond . They should not be made money minded. They should not be spoon fed. They should be supported when ever they commit any mistake unintentionally. They should be dealt head on when ever they repeat any mistake.
- Why is parenting the most significant factor? In today's world of multiple choices, it has become very complex to decide. It takes wisdom to take right decisions.The repercussions are heavy in case any thing goes wrong. The option to make course correction kills speed & time. It is always shrewd to reach where one wants as early as possible. There shall be many deviating forces acting upon. Children may have loads of inspiration, tons of energy, enthusiasm, passion & imagination but it is wise to bank on parents wisdom. Parents may go wrong in their decisions but their intentions are undoubtedly pure. Pure intentions have got the divine power to come true. Parents & children if can sync well in their mission, the path is golden. Children who don't have the necessary support of parents will have to struggle a lot on their path. Children who contradict their parents wisdom may have to scale up a rough terrain. They may have to face bitter experiences which generally cause disappointment in many but a few exceptional ones will get more stronger. Support of parents will instill confidence, self belief & emotional balance apart from ensuring sufficient resources to battle the challenges. It is the responsibility of the parents to make their children feel privileged & special. It is less about money but more about bonding. Also, It is very tough to change ones belief system formed during the early days. The height of ones leadership has its roots in the character.
- Narendra Modi, Narayana Murthy, Mukesh Ambani, Ratan Tata, Sunder Pichai, Satya Nadella, Vishal Shikka, Sachin, Dhoni, Virat, Gopichand, Saina, Sania, Sindhu,Amartya Sen, etc are the Indians who have made their leadership mark at the global level. They have their mark of excellence felt outside the boundaries as well. In general, not every politician can be a global leader, not every sports person is a global leader, not every businessman is a global leader, not every CEO is a global leader, not every child can aspire to be a global leader but those who can find innovative solutions that have positive impact on the globe!!
- Parenting Mistakes: We are Indians but our mindsets are not totally Indian. Our country got freedom but our thinking pattern is not yet free. We didn't come out of the clutches of foreign rule particularly in terms of preparing our children for their future. We don't give our children enough freedom to explore, experiment & innovate. We infuse insecurity& submissiveness but not patriotism & the spirits to dream big. We force career choices on children either directly on indirectly. We don't support children to follow their inner call & what they are passionate about. In such scenario, how can we expect to see many global Indian leaders?
- Roots of leadership: Its common for any one to work for them selves, their family & at the most the extended family. It is rare of any one to think beyond. It is hard to cultivate leadership habits if not at the right age. Learning new things happens only till 15 years & the rest of life is only about the application. Children spend double the time at home than at school. Individual care is possible only at home than at school. Children acquire soft skills at home than from books at school. Though teachers are revered a lot, children are very much bonded with parents. If parents fail to build character, it becomes hard for teachers to impart knowledge. Manifestation of the character is more a responsibility of parents. Knowledge with out character is an evil & character with out knowledge will not shine as much as it should. Hence, character, knowledge, skills, talents, abilities, common sense, solid health & a bit of luck will make oneself a global leader.
- Ideal Parenting: The end result is very much gratifying but the process demands sacrifice, hard work, patience, persistence, will power & dedication. It is infact not the children who accomplish it at all but it is the parents who accomplish through their children. In simple words - for the children to acquire all that they need in order to become global leaders, it is parents who must exercise all that is essential. Every parent wishes their children to be great but forget to question whether they are putting their best efforts possible. Many parents find excuse either in their busy schedule or with their financial incapability. It is not about how much time you spend but about how much quality time do you spend. Also, one need not be rich to be an ideal parent but need to possess a rich heart. Leadership parenting is not a rigid formula. It evolves upon the context.
- How our India can become the super power? It is only the exceptional people that can bring laurels to the nation. It is again people that can make the nation either rich or poor. In a clear sense, it is people who build great nations or destroy civilizations. The strength of a nation is in the productivity of its citizens. If we have leaders in all walks of life providing solutions & creating value, we will be prosperous. If every one is a leader in his / her own right, there shall be no crime & corruption. We all will live in peace & harmony which shall be ideal for any nation in this world. There shall be no power more influential than the right combination of money & mind. To achieve the super power status, we need to create Global Leaders. If not parents, who else can make it happen? Jai Hind
Harvard University. Start-up Specialist. Remote work set-up specialist. HR Professional! Creative, Pro-Active with experience in HR, Recruitment, Performance Mgmt. Compensation, Employee Relations. SERVICE INDUSTRY.