Nursing4.0 - Modern Workplace Guide
Dirk Sven Kircher
Gute Pflege heisst für mich:?sich auf Menschen einlassen, ihnen zuh?ren - sowie auf die Bedürfnisse eingehen. Gute Pflege braucht gutes Personal. ?? #Pflegequalit?t #Bestpractise #GCP
Value-Based Healthcare and Digitized New Work – A Contribution Against Nursing Staff Shortage - A Modern Workplace Guide
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Dr. Dirk S. Kircher, M.Sc., B.A., Health Economist, Nursing Expert
The shortage of nursing professionals is a global problem. According to estimates, there will be a shortage of 18 million nurses by 2030 to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, writes the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health 2022.
This Modern Workplace Guide for health care workers and nurses, gives recommendations for retention management. In order to ensure patient and employee satisfaction, patient-centred service provision and self-determined work within an error and feedback culture be more important in the future. In addition to the medical and systemic outcome, nursing care is essential to the recovery process. Nursing outcome is important for intrinsically motivated nursing staff. To do this, we have to translate the supply processes into quality-oriented digital process thinking and combine benefits and usability. Method: Digitization Survey 2021 with N = 51 Swiss long-term care facilities: The time saved through the introduction of digital care documentation is currently 65 minutes per caregiver in an 8-hour shift. Solutions: Employee satisfaction can be promoted through evidence-based care, digitization and PROMs (Patient-Reported Outcome Measures). Lessons learned: Open and transparent communication and participation creates a willingness for digital change through values that are carried. Shared goal settings create a sense of community and urgency. Above all, it is about accepting digital change and being able to help shape them with new, acquiring competences. Value-adding processes that benefit patients are being expanded and simplified. Based on the lean principle, wasteful processes without measurable customer benefit should be avoided. Employees are to be involved in planning the performance processes through regular workshops. Status quo: Common communication platforms in nursing are under construction. Due to the lack of a cross-sectoral electronic patient records, the hospital report is only sent in printed form. Discussion: Nursing staff will take on more responsibility and act more independently in the future New Workplace. As a result, the nursing profession gains more creative co-determination and new competence profiles in nursing IT, specialized nursing, Advanced Practice Nursing (APN), nursing controlling and nursing management. This makes the job description more attractive, detached from old hierarchical structures, and enables new specialist specializations. Digitization helps to reduce administrative burdens so that more time can be used for the actual human-to-human part. In a job profile characterized by high moral and ethical values, sustained job satisfaction is essential for staying in the job.
Schweizer Voreiterollen sowie lobenswerte proaktive Unternehmen im Artikel: Medi24 Hirslanden Luzerner Kantonsspital Universit?tsspital Basel (USB)
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