What we can do to help frontline nurses
Food for the frontlines!
This post is a request to support a project I got involved with after Roi Carthy told me he spoke to a nurse who described how difficult things have become in Israeli hospitals. He had an idea for how we can help make things a bit easier for the nurses on Israel's COVID-19 wards. The title Nurses Without Orders is a play-on-words to make it easier to remember but this is a serious project.
So please read this, donate what you can and pass on to anyone you think will be interested:
Nurses without orders
We clapped for them, now let’s show more appreciation by making their lives easier! Israel's nurses are on the front lines battling COVID-19 and saving the lives of our friends and family! They work unbelievably hard, for long hours under dangerous conditions. They are heroes.
Meet Chana: Chana (not her real name) is one of these nurses. Chana works grueling 12 hours shifts with very sick patients under highly stressful conditions. When she gets home she doesn’t have the time or energy to cook a balanced meal and so eats whatever she can before going to sleep. The next day she wakes up and goes back to the hospital to look after the dying and save lives. Without our nurses COVID-19 deaths in Israel would be much higher.
How Does It Work
Nurses Without Orders is a partnership between volunteers, Hakav Hameached & 10bis. Money donated to the Nurses Without Orders will be used to fund food ordering accounts set up by 10bis for Israeli front line nurses and health workers.
Project Goal
Front line nurses will use these accounts to order cooked food using 10bis, hopefully make their lives a bit easier after their days with COVID-19 patients. We aim to raise enough money to give these10bis accounts to as many nurses as possible. All the organizations involved are donating their resources to get the maximum money into these accounts. (A big thank-you to 10bis and Hakav Hameached for stepping up quickly to get the financial, operational and online pieces working).
1,000 shekels will buy evening orders for a nurse for a month. 250 shekels for a week. Once you click the link below you can add your own amount in the empty box in the donation landing page. Every amount helps.
(As a good side benefit the money will also go to local restaurants to help them survive during these difficult times.)
How can you help our nurses in the long days ahead?
- Send your online donation here on JGive or wire to: Amutat Hakav Hameached, Discount Bank, Branch 139, Account 256250
- Then forward this blog post to 3 (or more friends) who you think would like to help our front line nurses.
Roi & Avrom