Nurses Make A Difference!
Dynamic health leader and strategic executive excelling in operations, innovation, transformation, and partnerships | Advancing optimal health and safety for all Missourians, in all communities, for life
Nurses are leaders by their participatory, hands-on engagement across their communities and all levels in health care. Whether welcoming a new life, easing the hospice journey, shaping tomorrow’s innovations, or guiding from the c-suite, nurses wield outsized influence as trusted professionals in our ever-changing health care environment.
...nurses wield outsized influence as trusted professionals in our ever-changing health care environment.
Today’s nurses continue a remarkable journey built on a legacy of consideration for the health and welfare of their fellow man. Honing an ethic and conscience that empowers their daily work, nurses are alchemists blending the science of nursing, art of caring, and discernment of business. When all else fails, their secret weapon is the profound dimension of empathy.
...nurses are alchemists blending the science of nursing, art of caring, and discernment of business.
Nurses produce results and deliver on their promises. They maintain a wide swath of professional responsibility and keep countless considerations top-of-mind. Recognizing challenges and opportunities, nurses never shy from owning their role and those processes to which they are assigned.
...nurses never shy from owning their role and those processes to which they are assigned.
To the many nursing professionals I am privileged to count as friends and colleagues, congratulations on the countless ways you made a difference this year. Wishing you unbounded opportunity and success in the New Year!!!
The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Competency & Credentialing Institute, Healthcare Information Management and Systems Society, Project Management Institute, Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Department of the Navy, Defense Health Agency, Department of Defense, or U.S. Government. Citations are for reference only. References are not endorsements.