Numbers In the Internet
Around 40% (3.64 billion) of the world population has Internet today, In 1995, it was less than 1%. Internet becomes the pulse of the earth. All type of services is now available through Internet. It’s huge now.
Internet users grew tenfold in last 2 decades, More than 1.22 billions of websites are now on Internet. Asia has about half(48.4%) of the Internet users alone. India is reaching to 500 Million internet users which is more than 1/3 of its population. China has more than 50% users with an Internet connection today.
The World generates around 45 TB of Internet traffic per second, means around 4000 Petabyte per day, It’s about 60 times as much as The Books in the Library of Congress.
The first-ever website ( was published on August 6, 1991, by British physicist Tim Berners-Lee while at CERN, in Switzerland. Today more than 1.2 billions websites exist, this milestone was first reached in September of 2014, and around 80,000 websites get hacked every day.
Internet produces 4.8 Million blog post every day. After inventing email in 1972 by Ray Tomlinson, today world sends around 234 billions of emails every day.
After the year 2000 many social networking websites emerged, ex- Facebook, Google+, Reddit, LinkedIn, Skype, Instagram etc. Today these websites generate most the of the internet traffic.
Facebook alone has more than 2 billions active users. To handle this huge amount of data and traffic, these companies are continuously innovating.
Whatsapp a messaging app which is founded in 2009 has more than a billion users now. 42 billions of message sent across through WhatsApp daily in 109 countries.
In 1999, it took Google one month to crawl and build an index of about 50 million pages. In 2012, the same task was accomplished in less than one minute. Google provide answers for more than 5 Billions query every day and every query has to travel on average 1,500 miles to a data center and back to return the answer to the user.
By the end of 2016, global IP traffic reached 1.1 ZB per year or 88.7 EB per month, and by 2020 global IP traffic will reach 2.3 ZB per year or 194 EB per month. Total Internet traffic has experienced dramatic growth in the past two decades. More than 20 years ago, in 1992, global Internet networks carried approximately 100 GB of traffic per day. Ten years later, in 2002, global Internet traffic amounted to 100 gigabytes per second (GBps). In 2015, global Internet traffic reached more than 20,000 GBps.
Internet has changed the world. No other invention in human history provided the speed in human development like the internet did. Starting from being a medium of communication between two computers now it’s a medium of everything. There are millions of Job exist today because of the internet. We demonstrated the power of problem-solving to reach where we are now and with the use of AI in the mainstream internet, we’ll going to accomplish more in the future.