Numbers or equations = individuals or teams
I’ve always been a fan of numbers
As John Nash said in his Nobel prize acceptance speech “I’ve always believed in numbers”.
I, on the other hand, have NOT won the Nobel price. My highest accolade to date in maths was winning a glass swan made from a bulb pipette for a 124% result in my Chemistry maths exam at University.
But recently, numbers have been more than just maths and I’ve been looking at numbers in a different way. For example:
The number “one” is a solitary number. If it doesn’t mean “first” it’s rather useless.
However solitary numbers coupled by others starts to make a whole lot of sense in many ways and certainly make life a hell of a lot more interesting.
1 + 1 = couple.
In my case 1+1+3 = family.
Here we go!
Welsh villages, single numbers and the bigger picture
The number 2 can simply tell you how many apples you have in your bag.
In probably the most renowned equation of all time E =mc2, the 2 joins a minimal number of other factors to be able to calculate the energy of your 2 apples in the bag, the bag itself and the solar system the bag belongs to. So much more than a simple integer can accomplish.
If you come from the UK and are old enough to remember, there was a TV series called “The Prisoner”, based in the wonderful village of Portmeirion in Wales. The protagonist, aptly known as Number 6, had his catch phrase “I am not a number. I am a free man”.
Now we’re getting to the fun bit, not being a number, being part of the whole!
Equations = teams = results
As a number, as a single number, things aren’t that interesting. But add a couple of numbers together, add in a hint of factors and you can explain the intricacies of the universe, understand how the brain works, create powerful semiconductors and so, so much more.
This also works true in teams.
One person is a number. Solitary. In the case of the TV show, a prisoner.
A team is the equation.
It’s taking multiple numbers & external factors putting them together which undoubtably ends in wonders.
And the great thing about equations is THEY ALWAYS HAVE A RESULT.
Addendum?- expressions
Small addendum here but an equation is built up of “expressions” (thus the title above is mathematically incorrect and I apologize in advance). A mathematical “expression” thus does not have a result. Very similar to in day-to-day life. An expression is like conveying a message. There is no result as the message does not have to be acknowledged, answered or considered.
Without expressions there are no equations
If we put this in our team perspective:
Without opinions there are no results
Be part of the equation
If we take Herr Einstein’s fabled equation, E = mc2, if the mass is taken out, the formula does not work. Same for that of the speed of light (c), or the number 2. Meaning mass is as important as the speed of light and as important as the number 2. There is no part of this equation which is more necessary or essential; They have to work together in order to calculate Energy.?
The right equations are the ones that work well when correctly organized and get the result they can achieve TOGETHER. Every part is of equal importance.
To recap:
Exception to the rule
There does exist unsolved and impossible equations.
Unsolved equations are simply called “problems”. Impossible equations are sometimes called “Conjectures”.
Just forget about these guys. They’ll drive you insane.