The numbers don't lie. Better #social strategy grows business.
Transformation, empowerment, growth: these are great things right? How do you engage them to grow your business? What would better #social media look like for your business? What would it take for you to grow an audience, to build a better agenda, and to reach hearts and minds with your compelling, insightful, and inspiring messages? Are there tools available that could change the game for you?
Yes, there certainly are. Broadly, the tools of #social media and measurement grow business. Specifically, those creating strategy and tactics that engage strategies in listening, learning, and sharing grow business. "Getting on #social media tools," Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and more, is not the same as profiting from being on social media tools. In practical, valuable, amazing ways for business #social media is where your customer are. It is where they are looking for answers. It is where they are sharing about their daily experiences.
Will you join your customers in creating a dialogue in the #social space? Will you inspire your business team to become a listening, learning, engaging, and empowering business team? With the right #social media tools and strategies, you can grow better business. More revenue? Check. More inspiration? Check. More engagement with staff, partners, and customers? Check.
Without question, #social media has changed the game for business. Can it do that for yours, too? In a world that seems to grow ever more crazy about individuals with questionable claims to fame, you can grow famous for listening. In a world where many messages seem cheap, meaningless, and just attention-getting, you can share messages of inspiration and authenticity. In a world that is ga-ga over messages that have no lasting significance, you can grow messages with significance. I'm not just interested in growth for growth's sake. I'm growing business to create an impact, to share a message that matters for growing good business, and to change how others think about the good uses to which we can put our media efforts.
Where does my inspiration and growth message start? As a missionary kid who was born in central Africa, my grandparents, parents, and missionary family would not expect anything different from me than to be engaged in serving the world. I believe that we can be a light on the path for others to follow. I believe we can share messages that matter. We should all strive to live as those who want to be the best of we can be. In business, in life, and in how we engage #social media, our messages matter.
Is #social media it worth the trouble? Will #better #socialmedia change the game for your business? Is it just a fad that will go away?
I started a journey to grow my business with #social media in the fall of 2014. I engaged a more direct set of strategies in #social media like LI, FB, TW, and other tools. (Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, right?) I started listening, learning, empowering, and connecting. I measured, I connected, I worked at empowering the work of others. I experimented, I used hypothesis testing, I made ROI my goal, and I engaged a larger program of campaigns to grow business. I cast a wide net of messaging across the web of #social media channels....
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...When you choose to grow yourself with listening and grow your business with better #social media, you can actually create the good things you want to see. In other words, there is a better world that we get to build. How will you build it with #social media today?
Chuck Kirkpatrick, Founder
C. Kirk Media Group
Indianapolis, Indiana
[email protected]
Change the Game With Better Social Media