A number of visual succe$$ stories - with figures about our future
"Confused Math Lady", manipulator unknown, using pictures of Brazilian actress Renata Sorrah in "Senhora do destino", soap opera by Rede Globo.

A number of visual succe$$ stories - with figures about our future

This Friday I am home - in exchange for meeting with clients tomorrow. And I feel an itch, like I can't wait to go back, like I miss something. It's a thrill. I catch myself clicking on my own sort of "manifest destiny" vision board - but sleek and more humane than a to-do list. Boo overachieving, right? We are not a tool and we can't depend on operating within idealized, special conditions. Can't count on extra willpower and good luck to thrive through intricate webs of demands and expectations, can't feel caught in a delicate balance where nothing can be out of step. Ok, cut, focus on my board.

I look at the dashboard and I get it now. Everyday, I love being at work talking to my clients and translating their visions and stories about their future into a simple, colorful progress bar. On a timeline. Which they can see and modify anytime in their mobile app. Suddenly, the fiction becomes tangible. Together, we simulate different scenarios, approach it from different angles. But we don't crush their dreams by reducing them to numbers. Yes, I am talking about the job at the big bank. Yes, it can be that fun when you add the human factor in the equation, get the proportion of the abstract, discount the complexity, put your ducks in a row, compound a new order of simplification. Now, you only get to elevate it all to the power of concreteness and the result is obviously OIC. "Oh, I see".

We can get to just visualize how to adjust our goals to live in good shape. Or adjust our life to achieve goals in good shape. Whatever itches your thrill. A little tweak here and there, like a movie director, editor or producer, and voilà! Better stories, your own stories. For someone like me who had a background career in Communications in the subtropical south then fell in love with Personal Finance here in the true north - yeah, go figure - this is quite a plot twist.

The real great news= [(the best facts unraveling + the best forecasts) * the best advice]/ for your steps forward= are your own! This is how people move forward and get ahead.

This is not an offering. It's a consequence of using proper tools - like the Smart Investor dashboard - for planning with your family and your advisor. When you walk the talk, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, rather you script it as a thriller or an adventure. A drama or a romance. It's not just science fiction or imagination if you are living it. Enough with the tragicomedy and smoke screens, pierce the veil, don't get caught in the fearmongering. Move over from "analysis paralysis".

Too many people are preparing for the worse. If you don't make preparations for the good things and good times, how are you going to live them? By chance?

That's my story for today, weighing for what I live at work, pondering to what I live for. How I get a thrill when my clients open their eyes, smiling, and "get it" too. They are the characters and the actors, the ones who live it. I just show them what it can look like. Principles, basics, fundaments. Reconciling the Head in the Clouds with the Feeling in the Gut and the Foot on the Ground. Behavioral personal finance. Very demure. Cut to the reader.


*And if you are in Toronto, yearning for some GREAT ACTING on the BIG SCREEN, here is one solid recommendation I can publicly advise for= https://tiff.net/events/im-still-here.


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