The number one way to fail as an actor..
Imaged Photography
Helping New York actors build careers with strong unstoppable headshots!
Let me start off by saying, I don't believe this applies to anyone of you reading this. But, you probably do know someone that could get some value from this. So, please, by all means, share this with them.
And now, on to the post.....
You know, when I think about a post for the blog, it comes to me all backwards/ forwards, upside down/ rightside left, and all sorts of other crazy shit. I think about the ending of the post first, then the title, and then it's chaos for the middle. Honestly, it's always chaos for the middle; it's almost as if I'm daring myself to come up with something great. Most times, it feels more train wreck than train ride. But I do try to make it all work.
My Actor Headshot photography, on the other hand, is none of the above. There's almost nothing tortured or chaotic about my work behind the camera. Most of it is pretty straight forward; even clinical in it's form and function.
My lighting does not change,
My camera settings do not change,
And my post production work flow does not change.
If there is one thing that does change, it's how I engage my Actors in front of my camera; because they are all different. And because each one is different, how I get the results they demand is also going to be different as well.
This, above all else, is the heavy lifting part. This, is where that 20lbs of fat between my ears gets to work. This is where the real game starts, and ends either with me and my Actors hi-fiving a great session, or, me and my actors walking, mentally bruised and worn down, but all the better for the hard won struggle to get the prime images.
This is the price I willingly pay to get my Actors what they need, because it matters to me. Because I truly do give a damn.
But, what if I didn't give a damn?
What if, instead of caring enough to put all my passion into my work, I just treat my headshot photography like a paycheck?
What if I can't be bothered to remember Anna's name, or William's name, or Pippa's name, and just treated them like random bodies?
What if, instead of getting in on time to start a client session, I just show up when I feel like, and whatever happens, happens?
What if I just talk to those bodies any ole' way I feel, maybe alienating some of them to the point that they have nothing positive to say about me or my work for them (the ingrates...)?
There's a term for all that..........APATHY.
Borrowed from Wikipedia:
"Apathy has been socially viewed as worse than things such as hate or anger. Not caring whatsoever, in the eyes of some, is even worse than having distaste for something. Author Leo Buscaglia is quoted as saying "I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate-it's apathy. It's not giving a damn." Helen Keller claimed that apathy is the "worst of them all" when it comes to the various evils of the world. French social commentator and political thinker Charles de Montesquieu stated that "the tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in the democracy."[10] As can be seen by these quotes and various others, the social implications of apathy are great. Many people believe that not caring at all can be worse for society than individuals who are overpowering or hateful."
As an actor, you have to know that the mortal enemy to building your success story, IS apathy.
When you, for no good reason, consistently come in late for appointments with Casting or Talent Agents- apathy.
When you don't take time to know your lines, regardless of how small a part you think you have- apathy.
When you don't take the time to do your audition reels, or your headshots right- apathy.
When you don't suffer yourself to do any other simple, but essential things to help get your career off to a good start, or, when you don't suffer yourself to work your ass off to keep being successful in your career- apathy.
Apathy kills more chances at success than anything else that I can think of: Doesn't matter if you're' dumber than a bag of hammers, crazier than a bag of spiders, or wilder than a bag of cats, if you put your heart, passion, and love in what you do, you'll get a pardon. But when you let apathy sink in, you're chances to build on something, is the equivalent of trying to carry a gallon's worth of water with your bare hands.
It is, without question, the most spectacularly stupid shit you can do to yourself. And a sure fire guarantee that you won't get work as you hoped you would.
Start getting to your appointments on time...
Know your lines, regardless of how small, or insignificant you think it is...
Communicate with your actor headshot photographer, or videographer; give your headshots and audition reels a fighting chance...
Sweat the small shit just like you would the big stuff; if it's in your ability to control it, deal with it...
Treat your career like you give a damn, and it will be worth a damn.......
.........Or, don't......I don't care one way or the other.
Actually, I do care...why the frick you think I posted this stuff?