The NUMBER ONE Thing to Focus on as a Job Seeker

The NUMBER ONE Thing to Focus on as a Job Seeker

With over 15,000 views, 463 votes and 136 comments on my #JobSeekers Poll, LinkedIn members have spoken!

Thank you to all of you who voted and commented on this Poll:

In September I created a Poll asking what professionals considered to be the Number One Thing to focus on when looking for a job and I was surprised at the result. 

I share the findings with you in this article, and also the opinions of those who voted ‘Something Else’.

Here are the results at the close of 7 days of voting:

Your Resume                         47%

Interview Preparation        26%

LinkedIn Profile                    15%

Something Else                      12%

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I was surprised at these statistics as I expected that “Something Else” would have received more votes.

In my opinion, with over 20 years coaching professionals in career transition to secure new jobs that they love, I believe that gaining Career Clarity and Confidence in oneself is the number one thing to focus on as a job seeker, and learning how to Network with a powerful pitch is an essential part of the job search process. But more on that later...

Here's a selection of the 136 fascinating comments I received from this LinkedIn Poll:

I'm surprised about 26% Interview Prep ??. I might be a bit biased, as Interview Coaching is what I do every day, but hopefully people are focusing on both getting interviews (Resume, LinkedIn profile, etc) AND actually passing interviews and getting offers (Interview Prep) - Rhona Barnett-PierceI feel that LinkedIn profile is to confirm what the resume says, and who the connections are. The resume has more information that the LinkedIn profile as well. I don't think I will get a job interview purely based on my LinkedIn profile rather than my resume
- Vicki Veer

Because it's the first thing the employer/agency sees and it's the key to the others - after checking resume, they view your LI profile, then progression to interview.
- Joanna White

I agree that LinkedIn, Networking, and gaining clarity about what you really want needs a lot of focus for most who want to gain opportunities that fit and bring satisfaction. And about that interview preparation result—26%?! Well, at least it is the runner up to the resume, but I hope interview prep and practice start bumping up on priority lists. I am biased on this though since interviews are my fav topic in the list
- Shea Ki

I imagine everyone would look at the LinkedIn profile, but would a resume be a 'culling' method?
- Bronwyn White

Am I right in thinking that in most cases employers/recruiters/network contacts first knowledge of us is the LinkedIn profile-not the cv? If that assumption is correct first impressions are crucial. Therefore, the linked in profile is more important.
- Simon Scantlebury

What is appreciated is the work history (companies worked for, positions held and tenure) experienced recruiters know how to find out the rest. Honesty is very important! - Alba Jennings

Your resume...done right (most don't). But if you do, that gives you loads of other material to use in your LinkedIn profile, cover letters and job search strategies. It will also help you think about what you REALLY want instead of just throwing stuff against the wall and hoping it sticks!
- Kim Keeling-Smith CSP

“A resume without a relationship is dead” - Ken Coleman. What you do before the job interview is going to determine if you get the job. 85% of jobs are gained through a networked connection.
- Zack Ballinger

Interesting to note that 'Something else' is almost level with 'Your LinkedIn Profile'. In my experience in helping others, there is a certain level of frustration for jobseekers who take the time to have their Resumes and Profiles updated and find they are not even receiving replies for applications they submit. They start to wonder whether there really are jobs on offer. I believe for the vast majority of jobseekers, the Resume would be of prime importance, because a substantial number of people are still not on LinkedIn (or are inactive on LinkedIn), many find networking difficult (in any form) and many are applying repeatedly to online job-boards without even getting shortlisted because their resumes do not convey the incredible experience they've gained over years of employment. Interview coaching runs a close second (I know some recruiters are already doing this for large organisations undergoing rounds of redundancies).
- Maha Dunne

70% of requisitions are filled in the hidden job market. I'd be tapping networks before any of those things!
- Nathan Clark

First you should think about what you are passionate about, what skills and experience you have and then expand your network into those area to explore where the next big shifts are. Then you can update your LinkedIn to attract the right connections and have your resume reflect your relevant skills, interests and capabilities for these evolving businesses and roles.
- Stacey Martin

All of the above on a daily basis. I'm speaking from recent experience =)
- Riccardo Mistri

Before even beginning the search- my advice is to check your ‘mindset’. Ask yourself what is important to you- what do you really want! What makes you happy, what do you need to stay engaged and motivated and where do you want to be based. Be true- Think Big, and go bigger You will end up exactly where you were meant to be.
- Denise-Louise Chalmers

First step in my mind is a reflection of where we came from and where we want to go... any reflective process actually. A strengths finder assessment too
- Tony Sloman

All are important. I think at the moment your resume is the most important as it gets you a look in. This is especially important with the high levels of applications being received for most roles in this climate.
- Bill Corbett

All are of course very important steps of the process. However, I think research comes first to determine your target companies that you want to apply for. Do their values align with yours? What are they looking for? Is it a good potential match? Do you have connections within that company or anyone that could provide an introduction? You want to ensure your resume contains the right key words to match the job description or company values.
- Krystal Allen

Increasing your network has got to be up there with these priorities. It's great to get recommended to employers by a colleague or a LinkedIn connection!
- Jethro Pickard

Others: understand, evaluate and realise job market & have realistic approach. Stop using one CV for all.
- Lauren Zaman

Your cover letter is also quite important.
- Max Gross

It is a good question that many job seekers are confused about. A good resume will get you past the first check, but to really get the job you need to pass the interview. Planning for the interview by knowing yourself, your abilities and knowing the new company will get you there. If you are really into marketing yourself, your resume and LinkedIn profile should be consistent.
- Ian G Burnett

There are many important individual aspects when looking for a job... By far, there is a self-fulfilling reason be it passion, money, knowledge, the leaders etc that influence the focus on the type of role or company to work for. Once you know what it is, helps you with the choices you'll make
- Raj Kumar

Each step is important, make it to short list, make it to interview, prep for forth and so on, interesting all that focus on self is making a generation of managers who don’t understand leadership.
- Drew Rodwell

That's right! But the only thing one needs is an opportunity to showcase their skills!
- Sushma S.

Tapping into the hidden job market via your personal contacts and your industry networks
- Louise Millar-Hoffmann

Effective job search is a combination of all you mentioned. Just as you cannot separate nutrition, medication and exercise from a healthy lifestyle plan. The job process plays out in phases. To secure an interview you need a resume. If your resume gains attention the recruiter might want to check you online, that's where LinkedIn plays a good roll or vis versa, your LinkedIn can make a recruiter ask for your resume. Having impressed with those two, the recruiter may want to talk with you... that's where the interview prep places its role.
- Derek Tower Umoh

Well in my opinion, I believe Passion/interest for the job/firm comes first. This will help navigate the path which a person follows when developing their resume, network and preference while seeking mentorship.
- Bittinger .M. Mshelia, MBA

For the first step to select each person is Resume and the second step is an interview. Because Resume they may let someone to wrote it. But interview, you can see eye contact, how they talk and so on.
- Chutima Kitwattanathavee

Communicating with a phone call or in person.
- Ellen Towne (sales cashier)

Your attitude! It can be a rough road. Keep after it and the right one will come to you. All of your tools are important but Attitude is number 1.
- Financial Search Group div of PMP Corporation

And finally …

Focus on understanding your own story first:) - Dream Job Resources

What fascinating comments from job seekers, recruiters, hiring managers … all valid points and opinions.

So, in conclusion, all are important, and in my opinion there is one big thing that I believe is the most important thing to focus on FIRST. What do you think it is?

As mentioned at the beginning, in my experience I have found that my clients have the most success if they focus first on what they really want and assess what makes them tick.

Job seekers need to gain clarity by understanding their Career Anchor, identify their core values, their motivators and de-motivators, what satisfies them and what doesn’t, the skills they have to offer, the skills that are transferrable and also the tangible accomplishments they have under their belt that demonstrate their potential in similar areas if making a career change.

Once they understand what they have to offer and what is truly important to them, then they are in a good position to craft their positioning statement/summary/profile and create the resumé and ABOUT section in their LinkedIn profile that speaks to their desired audience.

Without that clarity it will be a challenge to know what to say when networking and how to prepare for job interviews.

This is an interesting, and important subject to continue discussing.

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who contributed and I welcome your on-going comments.

If anyone reading this wishes to gain career clarity, this Career Clarity Pack is an excellent place to start. 

career clarity, career coaching, careers, career coach, jane jackson, career confidence, confidence, clarity

Jane Jackson is the author of #1 bestseller, Navigating Career Crossroads and host of YOUR CAREER Podcast. 

Connect with Jane on LinkedIn or book in for a Complimentary Career Clarity Chat here.

Let's assess what really makes YOU tick!


#jobseekers #careers #clarity #careerconfidence #recruitment #linkedinprofile #resumewriting #jobinterviews #JaneJackson #jobhunting #jobsearch

Thanks for posting. Very interesting.

Keith Keller

Global Social Audio Specialist

3 年

Great Stuff Jane. You are RIGHT ON THE MONEY here.

Ahmad Imam

?? Award-Winning Executive Branding Specialist | I Help Executives Build a C-Suite Personal Brand | Founder & CEO - The Executive Brand | Advisor To The Royal Office UAE | International Speaker

3 年

Wow very surprising results Jane Jackson Career Coach ICF and I’m with you. I believe it’s career clarity and confidence also.

Carsten Primdal

Sustainability & ESG Advisor. Modern Slavery Expert, Business Engagement, Risk identification, Mitigation and remediation Specialist.

3 年

Surprising outcome Jane Jackson Career Coach ICF! I have been contacted a few times based on my LI profile but would have guessed the actual interview prep is the more important part. Hard to say, and you can't really have one without the other, so they probably are all equally important, but to their individual part of the process step.


