Number one reason why more and more businesses are going out of business

Number one reason why more and more businesses are going out of business

Business in essence, is the process of value creation to the life of people. Customers are always read to pay any amount for the products or services as long as they can justify their spending. When this simple yet most powerful equation breaks it also break down any business - no matter how long success history it has got. Unless customer is happy with the value creation for the price he paid there is always going to be fear of losing business and customer. 

Business at the other end need to recreate, re-invent different ways to add value to the life of people for the best possible price. The tough time in business is nothing but situation under which customer stops seeing any meaningful value to buy particular product. This is also the time when we have lots and lots of sellers for very handful and reluctant buyers. This is the first time when business get traction to come up with creative and innovative ways to address their needs or find solutions to their problems.

We need more of thought leaders, proactive decision makers to understand and fulfill customer expectations in a timely and cost effective manner. In order to create wonderful offerings we also need someone who is very close the the users of the products to understand their pain-points and what all things remains unaddressed with existing offerings. Once business does the gap analysis then it is any one's game to come up with cost-effective products in a timely which can add value to the customer's life.


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