Number ONE for Employing US Veterans
Mark Baird
Help for America's Military, Veterans, and their Families: Jobs, business start ups, financial assistance, marriage retreats, and personal counseling.
Our mission is to be the number one company in America for employing US veterans and paying them good wages. — And with the US veteran team we have developed, and with those that are joining us every month, it is being accomplished.
US Military Maintenance (USMM) was created to put US veterans into a quick, low cost, business start-up that can make them excellent income right away. It was also created as a way to get more US veterans employed. It has been very successful at both. US Military Maintenance is a non-profit program created for those purposes.
This program has already greatly exceeded our expectations. We have dozens of USMM owners across the nation, with success stories to share. Hundreds of US military, veterans, and their spouses are being employed by our owners at good, livable wages. More owners and employees are being added every month.
USMM owners often diversified their services. In addition to cleaning offices and facilities, they might be trained and certified in a variety of additional skills associated with maintenance too: HVAC, Hauling, Carpet Cleaning, Window Cleaning, Landscaping, Construction Clean-Up, Painting, Power Washing, Executive Car Washing, Pest Control, Handyman, Floors, etc. — If you have such skills, or want USMM to train and certify you, those additional services will multiply the value of your USMM business, and the number of US veterans you can employ.
"US Military Maintenance" is the name of our non-profit program. Your business can be named whatever you choose. You will be a totally indepepndent business owner in charge of making all the decisions. However, we do have a Marketing plan, based on my 48 years in this business that has won awards, and proven to be successful for many different businesses for more than a decade that we encourage you to follow. Too, many of our USMM owners meet regularly as a team to help each other and new USMM owners.
Are you a hard-working, mature, veteran who desires to achieve the best possible for yourself and your family? US Military Maintenance will work for anyone who works it. Too many US Veterans have proven this to be true, for it not to be true. Call, text, or email and let us know that you want to learn more about joining our US veterans team. After I explain our program, I will ask you to call a few of our USMM owners and talk to them before making a decision to join us. We want you to feel certain that this is the right move for you.
760-908-5339/ [email protected].
US Veterans Enterprises
US Military Maintenance has quickly grown so large and successful that now our top-tier USMM owners are forming a separate, for-profit business that unites themselves under one corporate umbrella. This will allow them to acquire national contracts and to sub-contract with prime government contractors. They can reap the benefits of being a Battalion of US veteran business owners united under one umbrella, instead of many independent local owners doing their own thing.
This new corporation will be able to institute military standards, procedures, and control over the quality of services its owners offer nationally. (Our charity is not able to do these things. Hence, we cannot acquire national contracts for our USMM owners.). So if you choose, you can make being invited to join this elite team a goal to shoot for, You will need to qualify by proving that you possess the maturity, management skills, hard work ethic, and business acumen required to qualify.
By starting your business first with US Military Maintenance, you will be able to grow your business quickly and employ other veterans at good wages. You will be able to form a solid financial foundation, and gain the experinece and employees you will need if you choose to join the greater US Veterans Enterprises.
Mark Baird: Let’s Connect: (