Lisa Haster
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There’s no doubt the number of telecommuters in the workplace is on the rise in the US. reported that since 2005, employees working from some place outside the office is up 103%. The profession of law can’t be expected to shift any differently.
You can’t open a browser or a news article without coming across a post about the challenges employers face in recruiting Millennials. A quick Google search uncovered that The Huntington Post reported in September of 2017, that 64% of Millennials factor in ability to work from home when applying for a job and Gallup consistently shows that flexible scheduling and work from home opportunities play a major role in an employee’s decision to take or leave a job.
Minnesota-based LOLAH Virtual Staffing LLC, will introduce a solution to paralegals, legal assistants and bookkeepers who wish to work remotely. In September of 2018 the Web-based platform known as “JDsync” will enter the beta-testing phase. JDsync will sync small firm and solo attorneys with freelance legal support professionals virtually on an as-needed basis. Think of it as the Fivver or Elance of the legal community.
Aside from the obvious work from home opportunity, what are the other incentives for legal support professionals to work through the JDsync platform?
There are countless incentives. After all, working remotely is the way of the future.
Freelance legal support pros determine their own hours. They can work as few or as many hours per week as they wish. If the Holidays are around the corner and they want to make some more money, they can accept more “jobs”. If they want to take a day off in the middle of the week, they can! Want to work part time while vacationing? No problem there.
Another upside to the platform is that it promises freelancers won’t have to wait the typical 2 weeks to receive a paycheck. Once a project is finalized, funds are generally released to the freelancer with 48 hours.
Finally, the JDsync platform is free during beta-testing so legal assistants, paralegals, receptionists and bookkeepers who post their resumes and list “jobs” they are accepting, will not be charged a user fee.
Because their work schedule is so flexible and because freelancers and attorneys agree on a price for the service before the service is performed, legal support pros really act as their own boss!
Although Millennials are the likely demographic to flock to the platform, they are not the only demographic of legal support pros who are likely to utilize JDsync. Founder of JDsync Lisa Haster, says she envisioned it being the perfect solution for moms and dads who have children at home and want to avoid rising costs of daycare, as well as semi-retired workers, and maternity and paternity leave workers who want to earn some extra money.
For those legal support professionals wanting to participate in the free access beta-testing phase or for those who seek more information, get the free guide “The Cutting-Edge Way Legal Support Professionals Can Maximize Your Earning Potential on YOUR Terms” by entering your email once you click the link.