Number of Crows in The Kingdom......
Kartik Mehta
Chief Strategist at Worldly Experiences: Global Learning and Discovery Platform
1 day, Akbar and Birbal were walking the palace gardens. Suddenly, Akbar thought of testing Birbal’s wits by asking him a question. He asked, “How many crows are there in our kingdom?” within a few minutes Birbal replied, “My Lord, there are eighty thousand six hundred and seventy nine crows in our kingdom”. Surprised & amazed, king tested Birbal again, “What if we have more crows?” Birbal replied, “Oh, then the crows from the other kingdoms must be visiting us’’. “ What if there are lesser crows?” asked Akbar. “Well, then some of our crows must be visiting other kingdoms”, replied Birbal with ease.
Akbar sheepishly smiled at Birbal’s great sense of humour and wit.
There is always a solution if one thinks with ease.
Don,t loose HOPE when problems arise while you are doing entrepreneurship, the sun will definitely rise after a dark night and the solutions will prevail in the midst of difficulty.