THE Number 1 Problem in Healthcare: the Great Resignation
73% - The percentage of medical practices reporting staffing as their biggest challenge
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Quotes of reasons why Providers adopt our Digital Employees:
“I pay a recruiting firm $3K/month. I still can’t get good candidates.”
-Specialist Group CEO
“Using Philippines Call Center was hard. Paying to train them, then turnover and the quality of the staff… just a poor experience.”
-Federally Qualified Center CEO
“I can’t find anyone to hire”
-PCP Group CEO
Using the Digital Employees from Smart Source solves your staffing problems for Healthcare
Front Office AND reduces your costs by two thirds! Call Center staffing levels 4 years ago was a non-issue. Today 47% of Call Center Management state that staffing is their number one issue along side budget constraints. Upwards of 20% of all calls are patients just looking to pay their bill, followed by patients just trying to renew their prescriptions or schedule an appointment.
The Digital Employees from Smart Source can handle the vast majority of these calls with ease, and unilaterally know when a human response is required. Then the conversational AI bot will quickly transfer the call to a qualified person.
Barb McLaughlin
Vice President of Healthcare Division