I was writing this article called "Numb & Dumb" shortly before South Africa went into lock-down due to COVID-19. The reason for me writing the article was my concern over the quantity of information an individual is exposed too, on a daily basis. I wrote about a lecture given by Ben Fountain on 10 September 2013 where he mentioned THE FANTASY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX.
This Fantasy Industrial Complex (his 'coined' phrase) is the avalanche of electronica, entertainment and media that many people of the world are exposed too. This mainly involves someone trying to TELL US/SELL US something, a product, a political agenda, a lifestyle, etc, etc...
With us (especially the younger generation) constantly glued to our "electronica" we find ourselves being exposed to fantasy, triviality and materialism. Our senses and mental capacity becomes numbed as a result. In being exposed to so much triviality and needless communication it appears that we are no longer learning. As a result, I sadly have to say, "we" are becoming dumb.
It is believed that:
Most people no longer question.
Many have stopped listening and fallen in love with their own voices.
The loudest, most powerful voices are usually heard along with the many clamouring 'celebrities'.
All this noise has created a form of communication that is just... WHITE NOISE.
Important, pertinent information is being lost in this noise.
My conclusion when writing this article, prior to the onslaught of COVID-19 was that we have become numb and dumb.
During the Lockdown I have watched and listened to the news with much interest, while doing my own research into the COVID-19 hype. I use the word 'hype' to ensure clarity, as "hype" is what the Media (and others) have changed this pandemic into. To clarify, hype means (n) publicity, propaganda, build-up or (v) advertise, tout.
I have watched the media so that I could determine whether the Media has avoided triviality and needless communication. That the Media has reported the news without an agenda.
My conclusion to date (I am generalizing) is that we are only getting more numb and dumb.