Null Hypothesis #5: chasing the Jonases
Giancarlo Vercellino
Market Research | Competitive Intelligence | Business Strategy | Innovation Scouting | Data Science
"Adoption of new products and technologies has accelerated in the last twenty years"
The diffusion of new products in the market may be described through a sigmoid curve. In 1962 Rogers defined the different phases of adoption looking at different thresholds under a bell curve: there are essentially five cohorts of the market that show different propensions to risk and adoption of new technologies, as you can see below.
Since the 60s a number of more sophisticated models were proposed by researchers, academics and practitioners, but Rogers' model is really simple to understand and quite intuitive for testing our simple hypothesis: the time-to-early-majority has significantly shrunk in the last twenty years compared to previous decades. What is exactly the time-to-early-majority? The number of years to exceed a market diffusion of 16% entering the early majority of the market. Now, let's see the numbers.
Our source is a small dataset collected by Our World in Data: Share of US households using specific technologies, 1860 to 2019 (Comin and Hobijn, 2004, and others; link). The dataset includes the rates of diffusion and adoption of a range of 46 technologies in the United States, measured as the percentage of US households with access or adoption over time (among the others, automatic transmission, automobile, cable tv, cellular phone, central heating, colour tv, computer, dish washer, ebook reader, electric power, electric range, freezer, home air conditioning, internet, microwave, podcasting, tablet,washing machine, etc etc.). Below an excerpt from the data, which includes a total of 1395 records.
A little visual exploration of our dataset, just to start with a more intuitive understanding of what is going on. Below you can also find some R code snippets for reproducibility.
- PLOT 1: adoption curves for 46 new products and technologies in US households since 1860. We colored 4 distinct periods with different hues to highlight how the relative steepness of trajectories seems to increase moving from the distant past to the current years (from blue to red). Two questions are relevant here: how to test this statement? do we have enough data? Let's start from the latter.
- PLOT 2: we are interested in testing the time-to-early-majority, that is the number of years to exceed a cumulative diffusion of 16% of the market. Since we want to compare the last twenty years (red zone in Plot 1) with all other periods, we have to admit that our dataset is somehow frugal in information: we have very few trajectories starting in the period 2000 - 2019 and crossing the threshold of 16%: we have a case with only 5 new products and technologies (namely: prime users, ebook reader, podcasting, social media, tablet) and filtering for the crossing border may be not so immediate. If we try a simple test for differences in adoption rates below the early majority, we are encouraged by a positive result: the rate doubled in the last twenty years (from 2.6% to 5.4% each year, and a p-value of 0.01893). Still, we are testing below the crossing threshold (while we want to measure the time in years to travel across the threshold), so ...
adoption_rates_after_2000 <- (dataset %>% group_by(Product) %>% filter(Year >= 2000 & Diffusion <= 16) %>% summarise(adoption_rates = diff(c(0, Diffusion))))$adoption_rates
adoption_rates_in_general <- (dataset %>% group_by(Product) %>% filter(Diffusion <= 16) %>% summarise(adoption_rates = diff(c(0, Diffusion))))$adoption_rates
t.test(adoption_rates_in_general, adoption_rates_after_2000)
Welch Two Sample t-test
data:? adoption_rates_in_general and adoption_rates_after_2000
t = -2.7326, df = 11.404, p-value = 0.01893
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
?-4.9487661 -0.5437998
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y?
?2.629172? 5.375455
... so we opted for the hard way: simulation of trajectories. The simulation collects historical adoption rates recorded during the innovation and early adoption phases of our dataset, then replicates random trajectories and counts the years to hit the early majority. Here below you can find the code.
adoption_simulation <- function(time_frame, thresh = 100, n = 10000)
random_adoption_curve <- function(time_frame)
selected <- adoptions[adoptions$Year %in% min(time_frame):max(time_frame), ]
diff_superthresh <- function(vect, thresh)
if(min(vect, na.rm = T) > thresh){return(NA)}
start <- head(which(vect >= 0), 1)
end <- tail(which(vect >= 0), 1)
vect <- vect[start:end]
vect <- suppressWarnings(imputeTS::na_interpolation(vect))
if(any(vect >= thresh)){suplim <- head(vect[vect >= thresh], 1)} else {suplim <- max(vect)}
relevant <- vect[vect <= suplim]
rates <- diff(c(0, relevant))
names(rates) <- NULL
adoption_rate <- as.vector(unlist(apply(selected[,-1], 2,? function(x) diff_superthresh(x, thresh))))
adoption_rate <- adoption_rate[!]
adoption <- 0
while(sum(adoption) <= thresh){adoption <- c(adoption, sample(adoption_rate, 1))}
names(adoption) <- NULL
adoption <- cumsum(adoption)
sim <- replicate(n, random_adoption_curve(time_frame))
len <- map_dbl(sim, ~ length(.x))
outcome <- list(sim = sim, len = len, adoption_rate = adoption_rate)
If we run the simulation for three different time periods (1860-2019, 1980-1999, 2000-2019), using only the rates historically recorded during the first phases of adoption, we get a sampling distribution of the time-to-early-majority, as you see depicted in Plot 3.
years_1860_2019 <- adoption_simulation(c(1860, 2019), thresh = 16)
years_1980_1999 <- adoption_simulation(c(1980, 1999), thresh = 16)
years_2000_2019 <- adoption_simulation(c(2000, 2019), thresh = 16)
- PLOT 3: ten thousand replicates are enough to get some smooth density curves. You can see how the time-to-early-majority metrics are progressively leaning to the left as we compare the different time periods from 1860 to 2019: the average time is dropping from about 12 to 4 years, as the waves of innovation and early adoption keep crashing at an increasing pace on the market.
t.test(years_1860_2019$len, years_2000_2019$len)
Welch Two Sample t-test
data:? years_1860_2019$len and years_2000_2019$len
t = 147.88, df = 10764, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
?7.355985 7.553615
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y?
? 11.7196? ? 4.2648
The singularity is nigh! Just kidding, but acceleration of adotion is seriously hurting your status, since keeping up with the Jonases is getting easier and faster. What we can assume from this little exercise of ours is that innovation today is spreading almost three time faster than the (not so distant) past, and maybe Internet knows why, so bragging with your neighbours about the New Cool Thing you bought could easily become an hobby quite difficult to cultivate. But the implications get even further than bullying your clique of friends, collegues and aficionados: if innovation becomes immediately avaible to everyone and everywhere, the sense and the meaning of innovation itself will radically change and the marketing of innovation will need new tropes and ideas (just hearing the marketing managers screaming: "Creativity?! No no nooo!!!").
Post Scriptum
What do you want to be the next topic of Null Hypothesis? You can choose between climate disasters, books, cannons or rotten tomatoes. Choose carefully and drop me a line in comment or DM (don't be shy: I only bite during full moon).
Post Post Scriptum
Yes, I usually don't use indentation in my code. ;-P. Enzoi!