Nuggets of Wisdom

Nuggets of Wisdom

I want to share two great quotes that I heard…

“Stop borrowing problems from the future.”

This one hit me like a ton of bricks!

I have a pretty strong imagination.? It has served me well.? It has also haunted me.

When you combine my imagination with my futuristic and analytical strengths a lot can go right...and a lot can go wrong!

I can get stuck playing movies in my head that are crappy, frustrating, disappointing, anger-inducing, etc.

It’s one thing to play out the best case and worst case scenarios when making a decision about something important, but it’s another thing to go down that negative rabbit hole and get stuck…

Often we waste time worrying about things that don’t ever come true.

I once heard another quote - “Worrying is like paying interest on a debt that you don’t even have.”

Now, if you constantly spend time in worry and negativity things CAN go wrong…

When you understand the neuroscience (techy) and Law of Attraction (woo-woo) sides of it, you realize that repeated trips down that rabbit hole actually bring about the very situation (or something in kind) you were imagining!

When you borrow problems from the future you can actually make those problems a reality!

Bottom Line:? You can’t improve your present if your stuck worrying about the future.

So, what are you wasting time worrying about?

The second quote I heard was from one of my coaching clients and friends, Billy Hofacker.

“You’ll never satisfy an internal insecurity with an external method.”

People look for external solutions (clothes, makeup, cars, etc.) all the time to mask their insecurities.? They may feel good for a short period of time, but ultimately the insecurity rears its ugly head again.

The easiest fitness example of this is when someone loses a bunch of weight yet still suffers from the insecurity she thought the weight loss would cure.? In fact, because the insecurity was never actually dealt with, all the weight winds up coming back!

This is why I’m so big on mindset (see Part 1 of The Transformation Book); I read and write about it a lot more than exercise and nutrition…

Bottom Line:? True success in anything comes from the inside out.

So, what internal insecurity is stopping you from achieving the level of success you desire?

Reply back and let me know your answers to those two questions I posed and we’ll see if we can work together on them.


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