nudge News: Global Financial Wellbeing Trends [June Awareness Days Edition]

nudge News: Global Financial Wellbeing Trends [June Awareness Days Edition]

Have you marked?your organization’s calendar with all the awareness dates? June is jam packed—there's Global Inclusion Week, Carers Week and World Wellbeing Week. Here’s a little bit about those awareness days:?

Global Inclusion Week 10-14 June???

Global Inclusion Week. This years' theme is Cultural Intelligence: Inclusion across Cultures, raising awareness of how organizations can navigate the challenges and opportunities of engaging and connecting with colleagues operating across the globe. With financial inclusivity one of the priority pillars that organizations look at when assessing their inclusivity models, how do you support the financial wellbeing of your global workplace?

Carers Week 10-16 June???

A UK-wide awareness campaign seeking to increase visibility for carers and the challenges carers face which impact their finances, employment, health and wellbeing. The theme for Carers Week 2024 is ‘Putting Carers on the Map’.??

World Wellbeing Week June 24-30 ??

From emotional, workplace and financial wellbeing, World Wellbeing Week is an opportunity to celebrate all aspects of wellbeing. This week will unite organizations under their aims and achievements. A good place to start is by looking at how you can support your people’s financial wellbeing by reading our latest research.?

?? Keep up to date with all awareness dates with our 2024 Global financial wellbeing calendar.

Global financial health pulse???

When did you last take a pulse check on employee financial health??

Look no further, we've got the pulse of employee financial health. There's good news overall but signs of uncertainty about the future, with a focus on financial security. Here’s a little taste of the key trends:?

?? There is a global trend of people being more focused on cost control in the present, rather than future planning.

?? Borrowing and spending health remain high. People are still showing confidence in their ability to manage day-to-day personal finance and spending limits and ensuring their debt is manageable and affordable.?

?? Planning and learning health have reduced. People remain more focused on managing their current financial situations rather than preparing for the long-term.

Get the full data and commentary here:

Ready for retirement planning????

Do you know how your people feel about their financial future? ???

A recent report from the World Economic Forum found that 55% of people have not saved enough for retirement, or said ‘they’re not sure if they have.’ Being behind is one thing but being unsure of where they’re at, and not having a retirement plan at all is a much bigger issue.??

Whereas, our recent research reveals that 87% of employees across the globe say that saving for retirement is a life goal. It seems people know they need to save, and want to, but they’re struggling to prioritize it in their day-to-day.??

Find out how to simply retirement for everyone, everywhere.??

Don’t miss this - nudge’s next event:?

2024 Global Financial Wellbeing Forum: Creating stability in an age of conflict and difference - July 10th - Online: register now.

In other news????

Stay tuned for our next installment of nudge newsletter, where we will dive deep into financial wellbeing trends from across the globe.?

Subscribe and keep up with the latest news and events. ???



