NUDGE: Messages Really Work?

NUDGE: Messages Really Work?

General Introduction: Whether your goal is to improve your organizational culture, get better connected with employees and colleagues or boost program awareness, there’s an idea in this article you can put to work in your organization today.

I practice a lot with nudging and often ask myself how do I know if my subliminal messages really work?

Great question: Everyone seems worried that advertisers can control their behavior through subliminal messages.

  • A scary thought? Sure.
  • A legitimate concern? That’s up for debate.
  • That's why I am writing this; because for the last month, I have been trying out different levels of nudging, and behavioral and judging by those that have been forwarded and responses, I have received (only a few have picked up on them – so I am now delving further – how do I trigger a better response and need your help in finding out how I can help you to do your job better)

I am hoping this post will demystify subliminal messages. 

You’ll learn the answers to some common questions, including:

  1. ·     What are subliminal messages
  2. ·     What are some types of subliminal messages?
  3. ·     What are real-life examples of subliminal messages?
  4. ·     Do subliminal messages work?
  5. ·     What Are Subliminal Messages?

Whoever came up with the definition for “subliminal” should be fired. That definition has led to some different interpretations — most of which are wrong.

Hopefully, this section will clear things up: Subliminal messages are stimuli that lie below our threshold of conscious awareness. Because they fall below the absolute threshold level (ATL), we can’t perceive a subliminal message, even if we’re looking for it.

That’s important: Many people confuse subliminal influence with subconscious influence. But those two concepts are very different as a stimulus can influence us subconsciously without being subliminal. If we can see or hear it — even if we don’t consciously notice it — it’s not subliminal. It’s considered supraliminal.

Consider in-store music. When researchers played music in a liquor store, they found a startling result. On days when German music was played, German wine outsold French wine. However, the reverse happened when French music was played (North, Hargreaves, & McKendrick, 1999).

Did people know that music was influencing their behavior?

  • No — they were subconsciously influenced.
  • Did people hear the music - Indeed, they did?
  • It was the music was supraliminal, not subliminal.

When it comes to subconscious influence, there’s no doubt that we’re influenced by supraliminal factors (Fitzsimons et al., 2001).

·     However, subliminal factors are a different animal.

·     We can’t consciously perceive subliminal messages, even if we’re looking for them.

·     Needless to say, there’s a lot more skepticism toward subliminal influence.

Types of Subliminal Messages:  Generally, there are three types of subliminal messages:

1.    Subvisual messages – visual cues that are flashed so quickly (generally a few milliseconds) that people don’t perceive them.

2.    Subaudible messages – low volume audio cues that are inserted into a louder audio source, such as music.

3.    Backmasking – an audio message that is recorded backward, with the intention of playing it forward to disguise the reversed message, regardless of type, subliminal messages often involve sexual cues.

The reason?

  • People claim that associating a stimulus with sex can enhance the appeal of the overall content - A pretty bizarre claim, I know. But is there merit to it?
Please stay with me and keep reading – it will come easier to understand.

Real-Life Examples of Subliminal Messages

  • People claim that subliminal messages have shown up in advertising, movies, and music. It’s a fascinating concept, no question.
  • Unfortunately, most of the examples are purely coincidental.
  • People will see meaning in anything if they’re looking hard enough.
  • Not to mention, a lot of the popular examples aren’t even “subliminal” at all.
  • The cues are just supraliminal stimuli disguised within a visual.
  • Nevertheless, here are a few examples — subliminal and supraliminal — that have become popular.


  • You can blame the subliminal advertising chaos on James Vicary. In the 1950s, Vicary claimed to boost concession sales at a movie theater by flashing “Eat Popcorn” and “Drink Coke” during a movie.
  • Long story short: his claim was a hoax.
  • Despite Vicary’s confession, the damage was done. People became scared that mind control was possible, and the hoax gave advertising a bad rap.
  • Since then, people have been on the lookout for suspicious ads containing subliminal messages. Here are a few examples that sparked some attention:
  • Notice the dollar bill in the lettuce - A pretty coincidental placement of the “s”…dontcha think?…and Pepsi cans?


  • Advertisers aren’t the only people getting criticized. Movie editors from Disney — yes, Disney — have been criticized for putting subliminal messages in movies. Here are a few examples.
  • In a clip does Aladdin vaguely say, “Good teenagers take off their clothes:”
  • Or how about this short clip from The Little Mermaid:
  • And don’t forget about the famous star scene from The Lion King:


  • One famous example of subliminal messages in music found in Judas Priest.
  • In 1990, the band was accused of putting backward messages of “do it” in a song.
  • And those messages allegedly caused the suicide of two male teenagers.
  • The judge found no evidence, and the band was cleared of the charges.

Do Subliminal Messages Work?

  • Does that mean subliminal messages don’t work? A few decades ago, researchers would have agreed that subliminal messages were BS. They found little, if any, support that they were effective (Vokey & Read, 1985).
  • In recent decades, however, the outlook has been slightly changing. Emerging research has shown that subliminal messages can influence our thoughts and behavior (see Kunst-Wilson & Zajonc, 1980 for one of the first notable studies).
  • For instance, new research has shown that subliminal messages in advertising can, in fact, influence our purchasing behavior.
  • For example, participants in one study were significantly more likely to choose a Lipton Ice drink when they were subliminally primed with “Lipton Ice” (Karremans, Stroebe, & Claus, 2006). Pretty cool.
  • Fitzsimons, Chartrand, and Fitzsimons (2008) found that people were able to list significantly more uses for a brick when they were subliminally primed with the logo from Apple (compared to IBM’s logo). Why? The subliminal exposure to Apple’s logo temporarily enhanced people’s creativity.

·     Murphy and Zajonc (1993) found that people developed a more favorable opinion of ambiguous symbols after they were subliminally flashed with smiling individuals. In fact, this effect was stronger when the exposure was subliminal.

·     Bornstein, Leone, and Galley (1987) found that people agreed more with a person after they were subliminally flashed with a picture of him or her.

  • Légal, Chappé, Coiffard, and Villard-Forest (2011) subliminally primed people with the words “to trust.” The result?
  • Those people found a message about tap water consumption to be significantly more persuasive.

1.             With all of these findings, subliminal messages sound pretty promising, right?

2.             Well, don’t get too excited. This emerging research also has some limitations:


  • For subliminal messages to influence behavior, people must already want to do that behavior.
  • For example, researchers found that subliminal messages relating to thirst were only effective toward participants who were already thirsty (Strahan, Spencer and Zanna, 2002).
  • For people who weren’t thirsty, the subliminal messages made no difference.
  • The takeaway? Subliminal messages can’t control your behavior.
  • They can only guide your decision (e.g., choosing Lipton Ice versus some other beverage).


  • In addition to advertising, a common area of debate involves self-help audios.
  • There is a whole slew of subliminal audio programs that are supposed to help people lose weight, stop smoking, improve their memory, and the list goes on.

Do they work – Still under debate (but seem to be taking hold)?

  • Research shows that subliminal messages in self-help tapes.
  • BUT (sorry always a but) they’re effective because of the placebo effect (Greenwald, Spangenberg Pratkanis, & Eskanazi 1991).
  • The subliminal cues, themselves, are essentially useless.


  • Subliminal messages have garnered a lot of skepticism (and rightly so). Nonetheless, emerging research has given this field a new outlook.
  • While some aspects have been debunked (e.g., subliminal self-help tapes), researchers have been finding merit to other aspects (e.g., subliminal priming).
  • Can subliminal messages influence your thoughts and behavioUr?
  • Yes, they can: However, subliminal messages can’t make you do something you wouldn’t want to do.
  • So everyone can finally put their fear to rest.

5 Powerful Ways To Use Subliminal Messages

  • Subliminal messages are a powerful way to reach the subconscious mind while bypassing critical awareness and logical reasoning.
  • Every change you want to make that cannot be formed by awareness must be created on the subconscious mind level.

1) Subliminal messages can shift your old conditioning

  • When you’re trying to make a change but don’t seem to get results, there are limiting beliefs that are blocking you, you must eliminate them & install new ones as this process can happen only through the subconscious mind.
  • Subliminal messages are the most powerful, easy, effective and friendly technique that deals directly with the root – the subconscious mind.
  • Subliminal messages have been researched extensively and time after time and are proven to be the best method to create profound changes. This method can be performed by anybody, and its effectiveness, results, and ease of use make it extremely popular and the most studied.
  • From a little known technique that was used by the elite, subliminal messages have become widespread among millions.

2. Play subliminal messages during sleep

  • Subliminal messages during sleep can help you create great changes and stick with them for the long term.
  • With minimal effort, you can turn your 6-8 hours of sleep time into a personal development seminar.
  • By exposing your brain to subliminal messages, you can easily invest 1/3 of your day in improving the issues you’re dealing with and program your subconscious mind to get rid of negative thought patterns.

3: What subliminal messages can do for you

  • Subliminal messages will push you further than ever before! You can use this way of subliminal messages like the most successful people do.
  • You will increasingly build your confidence while reading the daily news online; you can develop spectacular social skills and learn to make new friendships easily while checking out recipes of your favorite pie.
  • You can program yourself to feel happy when checking your email box; you can create positive money paradigms while liking posts on Facebook…
  • With only a few moments of listening, you’ll start to feel the stress leaving your mind and body. You’ll find yourself immersed in a deep feeling of pure relaxation and being free of worry.
  • Besides all the wonderful goals you can achieve by using subliminal messages, you can also improve your sleep and wake up energetic, fresh, and lively with a positive spirit.
  • You can find life-changing subliminal messages here at Vortex Success audio library.

4) Watch subliminal flashes on your computer screen

  • As you know, subliminal messages can be transmitted by audio, but also visually.
  • The visual subliminal messages will appear as quick flashes on your computer screen. By using this method of subliminal messages, you can invest only a few minutes a day.
  • The subliminal messages carry positive affirmations and being exposed to them over and over will create a new neural network in your brain.
  • The meaning of all of this is that you can be the person you want to be.
  • The subliminal affirmations can become your reality and you can finally let yourself become the powerful individual you’ve always wished to be.
  • With those subliminal messages in forms of flashes, you can easily manifest the affirmations and make them come true.
  • It’s very simple to set the subliminal messages on your PC; watch this video, scroll down and click on the ‘live demo’ button, to see how it’s done.

5) Play MP3 subliminal messages during daytime

  • Although it’s recommended to listen to subliminal messages before or during sleep, when the mind is in a receptive state, there are other efficient ways to use subliminal during the day.
  • Can the subconscious mind absorb the subliminal messages and be programmed while we are awake? Absolutely!
  • During waking time, the brain functions with beta waves, but new information can still reach the subconscious mind. New information gets to the subconscious all the time.
  • The only difference is that we can communicate with the subconscious mind easily during alpha and theta waves production.
  • During the day, we don’t have to communicate deliberately with the subconscious; we can simply let it absorb the subliminal messages automatically.
  • In addition to subliminal flashes, another highly effective way to use subliminal messages during the day is to play MP3 subliminal meditations in the background.
  • You can cook, clean the house, take a relaxing bath or watch your favorite TV show.

Subconscious mind still absorb the subliminal messages when you are awake

  • Like commercials that used to carry subliminally (that are banned for use today), the repetition made people purchase products over and over again.
  • Even when your brain is functioning during the day with beta waves, it can still receive ALL of the subliminal messages and turn them into habitual thoughts by constant repetition.
  • According to research, the subconscious mind (RAS system) processes 40 million bits of information every second! Having this magnificent power, the subconscious mind can easily absorb the hidden messages during the day.

Only repetitive use will reshape your brain

  • Thus, it is essential to play the MP3 subliminal messages over many hours and keep a flowing stream of messages.
  • Consistency and repetition are two major keys to physically rewire the neural paths of your brain and succeed in this process.
  • Let the audio with the subliminal messages play as much as possible.
  • You can be sure that your subconscious mind will capture ALL of the suggestions and affirmations that are being said.
  • This is such a fun way because you don’t need to wear headphones in order to listen to subliminal messages (although headphones are recommended to maximize your results, but are not a must.)
  • You can still have your regular routine and program your subconscious at the same time!
  • Sleepphones offer the ultimate headphones that are specially designed to wear at night while listening to subliminal messages or meditations.
  •  I call subliminal messages the lazy method because it doesn’t require you to do anything!

When not to listen to subliminal messages (sorry the hse in me coming out)

Even though subliminal messages are completely safe, do not listen in the following cases:

a)   30 minutes before driving

b)   In a moving vehicle

c)    When operating heavy equipment

d)   When doing tasks that require focus and attention

Mix and match

  • To maximize results, you can play the MP3 subliminal messages ALL day long. (as long as the subliminal sessions do not include brainwave entrainment.
  • Then, it’s recommended to listen at night up to an hour per day); joyfully watch the visual subliminal flashes on your PC screen and listen to audio subliminal messages at night before sleep.
  • You will not even notice the subliminal messages are there. Simply do what you’re used to doing and allowing your subconscious mind to receive all the messages from around you. It’s easy and fun.
  • Soon after, you’ll start feeling a change, but you will not really know what it is or how to describe it.
  • You will feel something good is going on within you.
  • Weeks later it will be clearer: You’ll feel more calm, relaxed, secure and powerful.
  • You’ll feel grounded and balanced, happy and positive, energetic and vibrant.
  • You’ll experience all of those wonderful senses with almost zero effort and 24/7 access to unlimited downloads of the most powerful subliminal meditations available.

Place Subliminal Notes

  • At home, while doing your regular activities – like brushing your teeth, choosing what to wear, or playing computer games – you can make your mind absorb new beliefs without focusing on them at all by putting notes in different locations in your house.
  • When you’re busy with your own activities during the day, your consciousness doesn’t focus on those notes you wrote, so those new ideas go directly to your subconscious mind and, over time, shift it.
  • If you’re going online and there’s a tiny card on the top corner of your computer that contains a positive affirmation, being exposed to it over and over again will have a subliminal message effect and that will shift your limiting thought eventually.

You need to do to maximize the effect of subliminal messages

Set a goal: Before practicing subliminal messages technique, you need to want to make a change.

  • The goal you set for yourself should be very clear to you.
  • Know what you want to accomplish or change.

Focus on that goal only: Avoid scattering and trying out other sessions at the same time. For example, if losing weight is the most important target you have, put your energy in it and avoid listening to different subliminal messages on different topics.

Repeat: Listen to subliminal messages every day between 4 weeks-90 days.

  • If you notice a clear change after 4 weeks, listen when needed to enhance it.
  • Some people need more than 4 weeks and you might be one of them.
  • Keep in mind that this is ok and your subconscious will absorb those repeated affirmations, assimilate them and create a new neural network in your brain.

Leave stress out: Enjoy this process.

  • Apart from the fact that subliminal messages are a super easy method to implement, try to have fun with it.
  • Avoid falling into stress if you don’t notice any results right away.
  • It will happen eventually – give it time and know that your subconscious mind gets ALL of the positive subliminal messages out there.

Achieve all of your goals, faster and easier than you can even imagine!

Sorry if I went on to long – but I see great changes if we can get the right message out to the right group of people – that's why I am writing this as I need your help please.

Please Like below: or If you implement one or more of these ideas, I would love to hear how it worked. Get in touch with me at any of the comment below – Thank you.


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