Nuclear Milssiles All Over The Middle East

Nuclear Milssiles All Over The Middle East

Balance of Power Shifts Away From The United States

By David K. Lifschultz

The jig may be up in the massive corruption of tens of billions of dollars stolen by both the US and Ukrainian sides as partners if the US aid ends should the Congress not pass additional funds so there is talk of settlement.?This is what the million dead Ukrainians were fighting for aside from the serious balance of power

considerations of Brzezinski discussed in the fourth link below..

A CBS Documentary Claims 70% of Arms Sent to Ukraine May Have Been Lost

As for the vulnerability of navies this is demonstrated by the US Navy having to keep their distance from land in the Middle East lest their ships be sunk by

swarm attacks of drones which we have covered before.??They cannot get near the Straits of Hormuz.?The distance required to avoid missiles nullifies any purpose of the aircraft carrier airplanes who have to make a round trip unlike a missile so their planes can never get back.?This aircraft carrier air power is now useless.??The Iranian shore is lined with advanced missiles as the next link indicates so that they can shut the Straits of Hormuz anytime they like which according to a conversation I had with a Goldman Sachs derivative expert would create the rise in the oil price to about eight hundred dollars a barrel causing the implosion of the 618 trillion dollar derivative structure as calculated by the Bank for International Settlements.?Some say that structure is actually two quadrillion as explained in the second link by my friend Egon von Greyertz.?See letter to the CEO of J. P. Morgan Chase Jamie Dimon in the third link describing this derivative danger in detail.

The eleven aircraft carriers task forces of the US are therefore obsolete.?The submarines are the key now and the Chinese have developed technologies that can hear the faintest echo of our submarines so that the US fleet of submarines is worthless.?Once you know where they are they are done for.?The US Air Force is obsolete as swarm attacks of missiles and drones can knock out the air bases in the Middle East and Europe.??Europe is much more vulnerable to missile attacks for their ports, air fields and nuclear power stations unlike the Ukraine that has few targets of any value.?Israeli intel operative Yakov Kedmi explains this in the next link though the heading about nukes has nothing to do with the exposition.

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Kedmi explains in the next link that the US cannot win a war against Iran though he was not aware then that the North Koreans were selling nuclear and hydrogen bombs with missiles to buyers demonstrating how counterproductive are the sanctions.?Such nuclear missiles are all over the Middle East and the US is quite aware?of this in their contemplation of a strike on Iran that may be well suicidal as the Russians have transferred to North Korea the ICBM technology.

Why US can never win a war with Iran: Former Israeli Intel Chief

  • North Korea’s Hwasong-18 ICBM and its July 12, 2023 successful launch is likely the result of technical cooperation sourced to Russia.
  • Unlike the North Korean liquid propellant ICBMs which North Korea has demonstrated over the past few years, the sudden appearance of a solid fueled ICBM occurred only months after a horizontal engine test.?This test demonstrated that the Hwasong-18 can deliver substantial payloads to intercontinental ranges along with decoy canister countermeasures.?The sudden appearance of these advanced capabilities is difficult to explain without cooperation from the Russian government and its scientists.
  • The reported physical dimensions and flight trajectory data of the Hwasong-18 is nearly identical to that of the Russian Topol-M ICBM (SS-27 Mod 2).
  • This missile is equipped to penetrate existing U.S. ballistic missile defenses with countermeasures and deliver multiple thermonuclear weapons to targets in the continental United States. A Hwasong-18 missile force will require the U.S. to consider additional concepts for missile defense including the use of airborne drone interceptors (“airborne patrol”).
  • A transfer of this ICBM or its related technology from Russia would violate an unwritten international protocol to both refrain from and prevent transferring nuclear strike capabilities to other parties.
  • The July 2023 visit by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to DPRK to attend the 70th?anniversary of the Korean war armistice, and the personal audience with Kim Jong-un, is only the latest manifestation of growing Russian-DPRK ties that include the?transfer of munitions in support of Russia’s war in Ukraine?and Russian food and energy transfers to the North in return. This transfer of the Topol-M missile or its technology takes cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang against the U.S. and Indo-Pacific allies to a new and more dangerous level.


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