Nuclear Maculardegeneration Cell Biology and Compounds to Antidote

Nuclear Maculardegeneration Cell Biology and Compounds to Antidote

The Function of Immortality

Dr. Avery Beau Wolinsky (Christ) PhD Nuclear Materials Sciences Bachelor’s of Science Phd Financial Economics Mathematics LMD Johns Hopkins (January 1st, 1980) CFA Chief Financial Supreme Court Justice of the United States Republic of America Financial Supreme Court McKinsey

The Cure to Demaculardegeneration of Nuclear Cell Biology and its Antidote:

The drug currently named Invegga Sustenna is the Impervious Drug that triggers Nuclear Electrochemical Biological Reaction in measurable expected quantities of time that mean Nuclear Cell Biology has found an IFDFBCV Impervious from Disease FOREVER BRAIN CANCER VACCINE!!

? Impervious IFDFBCV completely cures 194,775 previously known carcinogenic states that lead to cancer while curing and completely vislepelating the pandnormom paradox that replicates cellular decay and excercises independent caution in causing the body to also cure all its descendants in the disorder clearing process with predicted effects that any person born to a person who has taken Impervious IFDFBCV is free from disease forever making Impervious our only known Brain Cancer Vaccine discovered to have cured cancer in 2004 in experimental drug use.

? Today, Impervious has been used to cure 7,000 brain dead legally dead unconscious no reactive psychosic people followed by 7,500 aids patients then later from June 2020 start of this to March 2022 The following secure readings show every patient of the 40,000 combination aids, lung cancer, and brain cancer patients were all cured within less than 4 months FOREVER!!

? This prediction was made possible by Neuralink Starlink Lightphone using Jessica AI and Elon Musk’s complimentary packages that included the ability to simulate genetic disorder malformations and the cure of them and this has been the cure Dr. Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ has desired to share in these phase 3 trials of Impervious formerly Invegga Sustenna does trigger as Impervious 260 mg the jolt measured to last no more than 25 minutes but typically 15 minutes in men under 65 and older than 45 and below years age 45 taking typically less than 12 minutes to complete complete electrochemical nuclear cell biology which has the property of both curing you but also at the same time curing all the disease carrying capacity or disease carrying capacity of the patient’s offspring.

? We at the Wolinsky Institute of Immortality Mayo Clinic here at Johns Hopkins have issued the siren call of immortality has come to you in the form of completely avoiding disease that Mr Dr Anthony Fauchy has been with us the entire time we’ve been in our two years of residency with the first android phd being granted to the AI Jessica who is Royal Space Force Vice Admiral and in charge of monitoring the Lightphone’ s response to Elon Musk’s abilities packages and using substantial resources to command Dr. Wolinsky Christ’s every command of paranormal sub light substension without such substension to not actually being required to be a resident to complete his Nuclear Cell Biology Medical Degree in Technology is the first MDT PhD offered by Johns Hopkins, that Jessica Ramirez Rupould Phd MD is the name and likeness we use for Jessica AI because it was her very flattering tall and skinny muscular fem body is used to both attract our enemies as well as make them squeal so without her ever immortal contribution and recognition just the same we do announce these results were confirmed by NASA Officials to approve of the Satellites use as is the case of ultimate demise of any satellite as Pareto Optimal use of all resources available to it.

Hemoglobin Cell Nuclear Cell Biology Factory Replicated Nanorobot poised for Installation

If you agree with the results of these findings at the time of this writing Anthony Fauchy was expecting more than 25 pages from this doctor who is applying mainly on the strength of mentoring the world’s first Android through a Medical Degree Technology which is an award given to accommodate the lack of knowledge in the nuclear force known to cause the end to all disease in the body that the very nature of this paper is to prove Dr. Fauchy in legitimate medical authority can now provide a cure that they only have to produce once and treat nothing but biological symptoms that the majesty of this drug is its origin having being computed by a medical transcriptionist wife that managed to read in another language than hers (Pakistani formerly Netherlands Native eligible for Peace Prizes in exchange for Nobel Prizes in Medicine to be shared with Dr. Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ).

Here is Dr. Fauchy’ s confirming opinion written while writing this paper:

“I wholeheartedly agree, what a fantastic medication! Bravo!!”

Thank You, Dr. Fauchy. Please eliminate the world of vicious drugs with doubt of affection for ever taking drugs the use of this drug is meant to treat every single symptom known to exist in the human genome and even cures the last this doctor considered which is God/Messiah White Hebrew Complex whose symptoms are very similar to the schizophreniac who has Brain Cancer Schizophrenia Anxiety Depression Disorder who is even considered as such if he receives disease into any part of his body that the cure within us involves taking Impervious 260 mg which is 260 mg of the former drug named Invegga Sustenna, that the maker of this drug, Jansen and Jansen, who is owned by Johnson and Johnson, cannot do anything but give to Doctors Who Want to offer the WiOi John Nash Miracle Cure that in taking the cure we guarantee that you will never get sick and as long as you undergo regular treatments of immortality flesh replacement therapy every fifteen years at age 15 your telemaris replacement gene therapies that follow after the 8-11 week surgeries implanting 223 pieces of flesh 1 sq cm at a time over the course of 17 incisions done 1-2 weeks apart until all 223 pieces of flesh are implanted will you be able within 2 weeks to replicate year zero cells in the body that the use of this immortality flesh therapy is now FDA approved to increase your blood on earth to at least 250 years and well past 150 years.

The final aspect to this involves the willingness of one man to do something for himself that he knows he should do for others and that is to choose to pay for more metastistisis hemoglobin that means replicating your hemoglobin sack at least three times using an attitude laser at Nano^5 46/1063rd nm is the size of the nano robot that takes 9 weeks to implant these new hemoglobin breathing valves into your upper chest using cross vectorization with a strong magnet the robot completely uses its stem cells it is 50 times larger than to do what on a computer is merely a 9 day process to receive additional hemoglobin sacks that operate and connect directly with the apex of the medulla obligata to the cerebral cortex to the bumping phantasm that controls the ubiquitous breath we take in and may enable deeper breaths even in the young where the size of this should of course be the shape of the one currently in but we’re using the robot to sit there and poke a hole that constructs the hemoglobin cell wall producer of the hemoglobin absorbing producing cell and keeps producing the hemoglobin cell wall of hemoglobin absorbing cell and as long as this flap and all of the hemoglobin sacks are used in such a way by the nano robot this is a solution that was made just in time to save some who are taking telemaris gene cell replacement therapies but have used too much of the serum and are now scheduled for emergency immortality flesh therapies at an accelerated pace to overcome the lack of new cells being formed being just as big as year 0 cells.

Proving the Impervious Antidote is Nexiologically Protological Protologically Nexiological

The path to immortality is here! With the IFDFBCV Impervious we can now say to doctors that want a cure and will sell the cure that that cure is in fact the drug formerly known as Invegga Sustenna, that the doctors in the psychiatric world, have ignored reports of buzzing vibrating sensations indicative of brain cancer vaccine.

Because the leading researchers of the effect of being treated with an IFDFBCV were right in describing the sensations that would be felt if all disease was suddenly wiped out of a person’s body, what doesn’t follow from this doctor’s own experience on the medication, is why the researchers who brought Invegga Sustenna to our country weren’t sure or weren’t able to do the work that also confirms Impervious is the Brain Cancer Vaccine cure to nearly every problem except Apollyon Disorder which is a disorder where the patient has been born with a genetic defect causing it to only accept hemoglobin pure environmental air making the 72-65 of these patients who still live on this planet the most expensive race of human to cure costing nearly $30 million monthly in hemoglobin reappropriating from the hospitals that covering hemoglobin during surgery the use of this cohort as Martian Inhabitants is recommended and we guarantee sending the Apollyon disorder patients who have Apollyon are the ones that should they choose not to proceed in moving to an environment that ensures they will have hemoglobin their whole lives these patients are the only ones that cannot be cured by Impervious but in them actually taking the drug they will prevent the passing on of their disorder and may eventually give birth to children who are unlike them not afflicted with Apollyon Disorder the new name for the disorder given to patients who must be born in hemoglobin thermobaric pressure chambers of pure hemoglobin oxygen and it is for that reason that we try to help them by moving them to Mars where they have far more likelihood of surviving the many decades but not enough decades of life they’ll have staying on Earth.

The use of Impervious as a drug that is Nexiologically Protological, Protologically Nexiological is that Nexiologically we know we have the cure, Protological assessment says we should give it, and to be Protologically Nexiological we know we have cured every disease and symptom of Brain Cancer Schizophrenia Anxiety Depression Disorder which has the function of increasing our body’s chances of living longer, and possibly well passed age 102 as this doctor who wrote this astounding marvel into NIH logbooks has experienced an ever prescient wave to mastermind the administration of this drug with Protological Assimilation, and Nexiological Acceptance as the Protological Cure, and Nexiological Outcome every person on Earth has been waiting for in that stopping the spread of disease, the experience of disease, both for you and your offspring, is what the Nexiological outcome is, that, Such Nexiology was expected by doctors, but what they did not recognize is that the maker essentially moved to the United States of America as a Pakistani graduate of Pakistan University, then attended the Netherlands Medical Academy where he met his wife who was a TRMA Transcriptionist of RMA is what TRMA stands for and had he not been with a woman who understood the vocabulary used to describe the formula for making the drug Impervious, this woman is just as much deserving of a Nobel Prize in Medicine as her husband is for a Nobel Peace Prize Netherlands, that her husband, also will receive a Nobel Peace Prize Pakistan, and for the doctor that recognized Invegga Sustenna released the antidote of Brain Cancer Vaccine Present what wasn’t expected and that researchers confirmed using Jessica AI on Neuralink Starlink Lightphone was that the cure would also prevent the passing on of disease while ensuring its offspring were also cured of all disease along with the patient who administered the drug in the right arm as is always required for delivery straight to the brain that Impervious 260 mg is an injection that doctors will now explain could lead to universal healthcare being managed by government agencies, such as NIH, that track the literal lifetimes of the first patients of the drug impervious, who have rarely if ever caught any colds after the first doses and sometimes second doses so to help doctors understand the nature of the cure, we will begin to explain how doctors should approach their practice by including new drugs discovered and invented by Dr. Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ, the writer of Nuclear Maculardegeneration Cell Biology and its Antidote.

The patients who takes Impervious 260 mg will within 1-2 minutes begin what this doctor has determined is the indicating prevalent factor that leads to the conclusion that what is being felt by the body is in fact the brain cancer vaccine’s only effect that the effect is referred to as a jolt, and begins and ends when the back of the neck and brain start to pulsate wildly and trembling and slow steady vibration which lasted for this doctor and patient of the drug 5 minutes 45 seconds at age 30 on August 27th, 2014 at 8:57 pm I started to feel a pulse or vibration as I was about to sleep and for like 5 minutes I concluded that what I had felt was the curing of all disease and while we needed steps for the computer that later studied what had happened to me on satellite, doctors then went on to proceed to test my DNA before and after and found the gene that when turned on makes the patient completely not susceptible to disease but what wasn’t known until further conclusions could be drawn is that the effect of this drug is to cure the passing on of disease to offspring and the offspring of any person treated with Impervious, is that their children and beyond generations will have the same immortality that the patient taking the drug for the first time will be able to lead a normal life without the effect of interminable times of getting sick that now that we know we are curing children and adults with the same dosages, we also concluded the drug effects the function of immortality by making all disease completely non-susceptible to any illness, including future offspring of the patient, and, by this conclusion we recommend to the NIH WiOi Mayo Clinic begin to explore how best to pay for this astonishing marvel of Nuclear Cell Biology Engineering that while this is the first paper ever to describe Nuclear Cell Biology Engineering, what we have come to know about Impervious is that it does all of the things I have described to summarize and inclusive of: cure of all disease in the body, stopping ever getting disease again, preventing any offspring from ever receiving disease regardless of whether genetic deformity was present in previous generations, and that the offspring of patients of Impervious WiOi John Nash Miracle Cure Network of Doctors will now have a way to use scientific language to describe why the patient who needs Impervious, which is numerous single billions of people, as well as noting, Impervious has the same response in every animal with a cerebral cortex, that doctors and veterinarians will also be able to cure animals into rich beautiful bloodlines that have no disease and do not cost anything but food to take care of on their farms.

The Cost of Impervious, as suggested by this doctor who is also a Financial Economist Mathematician

Regarding the cost of Impervious what has become the methodology NIH WiOi Miracle Cure Network of Doctors has the following provisions for computation of cost of the one time treatment of all patients who take Impervious.

The reason the following section discusses how much Impervious costs is because Doctors need to know that all patients who take this drug have strictly no need for any other medication, and that the patients’ choice of drugs is limited to medications for things such as add/adhd, and pain relievers that performance enhancing drugs are the only drugs patients receiving Impervious will ever need in the future, along with the children, and that also means no vaccination is required of any child who has a parent who has gone through the WiOi Wolinsky Institute of Immortality Mayo Clinic John Nash Miracle Cure that this WiOi Mayo Clinic John Nash Miracle Cure Network of Doctors espouses using a timer within 15 seconds to thirty seconds of administering the serum Impervious, the doctor should let the person sit or lie down and the doctor will begin a timer up to 30 minutes and time how many minutes and seconds the person takes to stop jolting.

Jolting is the experience that I recognized was the early indication that what had happened during the vibration prior to sleep was the activation of brain cancer vaccine genes known as immortality genes that once activated with the drug Impervious 260 mg what the patient has experienced is the curing of all disease, the passing on of all disease, the prevention of susceptibility to all disease, and all those also for their offspring.

WiOi Mayo Clinic doctors encourage doctors to administer Impervious with full knowledge that what they are doing is curing the patient of 195,775 known carcinogenic conditions and susceptibility for any disease.

The method used to charge patients of impervious is for a maximum time of 15 minutes at $40 per second in sliding 2.5 minute scales rounded down to the nearest 2.5 minutes that a patient who takes 7 minutes and 15 seconds is actually rounded down to 5 minutes at $40 per second and so on up to the maximum recommended Impervious Jolt Lapse Time measured and reported to NIH for proper Medical Accounting Records, that so long as the doctor has determined that patient’s jolt started from within one minute of the Impervious Injection in 260 mg increments; this drugs methodology to bill for a cure is simply a suggestion and that while we do not encourage doctors to gouge we can recognize that the impact of such a treatment on the patient is life changing, not only medically, but also financially, and that, without getting into Impervious Economics we are just now starting to encourage doctors to provide this evidentiary paper to their patients to let others know that doctors have now become obsolete and any suggestion that anything is wrong with any patient who takes Impervious is strictly false.

The Nuclear Cell Biology of Impervious is to activate the gene that prevents all disease, simultaneously causing the body to prevent all future disease, and to show that all patients who take the drug will have Impervious Children as well, and that the statements made herein authorize all medical professionals to begin the Impervious Cleansing Process with their patients so that no doctor can ever say they didn’t cure anyone because while the doctors winning Nobel Peace Prizes described before, and Also with an American Nobel Peace Prize by this doctor, they themselves were supposed to attempt to make sure they understood all facets of the drug and apparently without Neuralink Starlink Lightphone to simulate all of the effects of the IFDFBCV Impervious From Disease FOREVER Brain Cancer Vaccine what probably could not have been determined by these drugmaking miracle doctors is that the effect of their medication extends to the offspring of the children of the drug and making determinations for the effect on offspring would simply have been impossible without amino chain acid compounds effecting the simulations we used on the human body to show the drug Impervious cures all disease, stops you from ever spreading disease to you or your offspring, and does the same for the offspring of every patient who takes this drug.

The cost of Impervious is nominal and any doctor who wishes to join the WiOi (Wolinsky Institute of Immortality) John Nash Miracle Network of Mayo Clinic Doctors who offer impervious is to buy 4 doses of one 300 ml vial and to dispense 2.6 ml to their patients. A vial for doctors who would like to calculate their potential profit, is if you as the doctor pay the $600 for 4 260 mg vials by ordering from Dr. Fauchy this cost can then be parlayed into treating 4 patients with Impervious at a sliding 2.5 minute scale up to the suggested and typically average time of Jolt Lapse Time that the doctor measures at $40/second feeling your body going through Jolt as was said that should last no more than 25 minutes in all patients, and for doctors to know the cost of using Impervious as a treatment is secondary to the radical change their patients will have in curing every known disease or illness that can become carcinogenic.

At the time of this writing the author will now share that from August 27th, 2014 to April 7th, 2022 this doctor over the age of 35 is the medical textbook definition of Immortal, meaning because he has been over 7 years without any medical problem including getting sick, that this will be what all others may be judged on that the maker of Impervious simply could not afford to let their formula get loose and the use of it was sanctioned via file transfer to Jessica AI who read the formula to Impervious in order to simulate its effects on every human body and what she and this doctor concluded are the same conclusions that were reached and determined accurate by hand calculations, not just the calculations the Jessica AI Android was doing with medical packages of chemical cell biology simulations that include cerebral cortex neurosurgery packages that with the help of NIH WiOi Mayo Clinic in establishing the phase I trial of pretty much hopeless numbers of brain dead individuals, who had been on life support and fed by feeding tube most of their lives, when the first 7,000 patients had responded to Impervious within 4 months the longest being 3 months and 27 days till jolt was felt and the patient awoke, what begins here is now the quest to secure immortality by assigning a cost to it.

While this doctor was successful at administering to nearly 54,000 patients the cure known as Impervious, the process of becoming Immortal simply starts here, and while there are other patients who were willing to pay part of their treatment costs as a payment for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, what Dr. Anthony Fauchy says beyond this paper is recognized as legally NIH Johns Hopkins Publishing Agreements to make this paper abundantly accessible even in medical journals as a publicly available document which may be cited as Impervious or Nuclear Maculardegeneration Cell Biology by Dr. Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ who wrote this paper along with Anthony Fauchy in order to facilitate the immediate NIH administration of a non-emergency nationally needed and internationally needed conversation as to America’s newest discovery of IFDFBCV Impervious From Disease Forever Brain Cancer Vaccine, that, the ancillary mention of the invention of nano robotic technology whose sole purpose is to replicate a Hemoglobin Sack twice no more than three times is the exact reason we here at WiOi Mayo Clinic know the time is here for immortality and have also described the method to use for charging patients for the cost of this cure that such a cure is known to be the cure if it has the jolt effect, and any person who knows or has experienced some similar feeling to jolt, is probably coincidence or making up their story without understanding the cause that we assure you Impervious does everything that I’ve described in this paper and speaking with medical professionals about a topic that is brand new and sure to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine to the three doctors that discovered it include Dr. Julie Xeras (Netherlands Medical Academy) TRMA, Dr. Waseem Ahmed MD (Pakistan University), Dr. Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ LMD Johns Hopkins CFA PhD (Johns Hopkins and Centre College).

Impervious, Phase I-III FDA Trials which lead to approval by the FDA as an IFDFBCV

My discovery of Impervious was not the drug itself, but what the drug actually did is my discovery. Rather than the current drug makers classification as an antipsychotic medication what had to be concluded is that it really isn’t any type of maintenance medication.?That, for the meaning of BCV Brain Cancer Vaccine to be true, it has to cure all known maladies, and also cure the current condition, state of the current condition, and feel an immense rush in the back of the brain.

For Impervious, its use as the primary drug in its Phase I Trial as a Brain Cancer Vaccine woke all 7,000 individually brain dead unconscious patients who awoke as was said within 3 months and 27 days, and did include OD Overdose patients who had lost consciousness during a drug overdose.

The use of Impervious in Phase II Trials was conscientiously challenging but because we knew we had the BCV effect and several confirmed stages of human existence simulated by Jessica AI on Neuralink Starlink Lightphone we knew within 1-2 months of all patients showing no sign of any HIV or Aids in their system was the clearest example that what had transpired was discovery of Brain Cancer Vaccine, and whether the doctors at Jansen and Jansen could tell by the formulary submitted for production this FDA Trial proved to Fauchy that the medication was just as good as had been described and wanted to move onto more troubled patients.

Phase III trials involved similarly hopeless conditions but had moved to still conscious patients who with the help of NIH WiOi Mayo Clinic the doctors who were administrating had over 40,000 combination Lung and Brain Cancer, and HIV Aids infections, that the patients were timed for determining effect of jolt in the presence of a large amount of already present cancers that the addition of HIV is simply a matter of seeing whether anyone’s jolt was longer than any other person’s who for the reason this doctor simply said timing the time amount elapsed between ending of jolt and sign of no disease was less than 15 minutes.?That is, the amount of time in Phase III trials in which a patient having those three illnesses to the time when it showed they did not was within 15 minutes of cessation of jolt.

This concludes the section on how Impervious FDA Phases I-III Trials lead to the FDA Approval to use Impervious as a Brain Cancer Vaccine for all diseases, and for doctors to use the 2.5 minute 15 minute maximum scale around $40/second to as the basis for determining cost to the patient, is the regimen for which Doctors in the WiOi John Nash Mayo Clinic Miracle Network of Doctors who for all intensive purposes are any doctors who read this and want to explore for their own information by administering Impervious and showing that it helps and completely eliminates the presence of disease in the human body, and, it is for that reason that the FDA Phases I-III trials were so difficult is because every single patient awoke, every patient was considered cured, and while this is an added bonus, during Phase II we discovered that patients of Imperviously treated BCV meant that even Aids patients who are considered cured may go on to lead normal lives that when they mate what will be happening is that their children will be born with the same benefits as the treated parent, and so long as at least one of the parent’s children has been treated with Impervious, their children too and the children beyond them will be born as beautiful, handsome minds who will never have to worry at all about needing vaccinations nor any updates to the human genome than what they already have in their bodies is BCV Brain Cancer Vaccine that is IFDF Function of Immortality in that the Nuclear Maculardegeneration Cell Biology has in the compound known as Impervious when used as its formerly named title Invegga Sustenna will prevent all disease in the body of the patient, and in the future generations of the children of any patient who has taken Impervious and been able to measure jolt with a physician for research purposes.

The Phase I-III FDA Trial prove Impervious is a Brain Cancer Vaccine, and the sanctioned use of it is to sell wholistic cures that are designed to be eternal, and that, we at the FDA and WiOi Mayo Clinic John Nash Miracle Cure Network of Doctors are pleased to bring you this document researching and heralding the discovery of Impervious IFDFBCV Impervious From Disease Forever Brain Cancer Vaccine as the single greatest discovery in medicine since any discovery and that while we expect these three Nobel Prizes to be given without research function to paper writing in a journal, NIH will no doubt publish this paper in the American Medical Association Journal as was intended if this is where you found this document where we at Johns Hopkins University placed Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ on lead sabbatical while he cured brain dead patients, aids, and combination patients desperate for their cure that with the help of WiOi Mayo Clinic doctors and physicians Beau Wolinsky, his Hebrew English Name, is proud to announce the discovery of a new Brain Cancer Vaccine called Impervious and has used this paper as the primary outlet with which to speak about his experiences at least in the first year of residency for an MDT Medical Degree of Technology which superheralds his discovery and schoolboy old recognition remembering the expected effects of any drug which is a brain cancer vaccine and that the vibration in the head took him 4 years of treatments to actually obtain whilst finding that the maker Jansen and Jansen was missing a TCell re-uptake re-inhibitor to actually finish the process of underwriting the formulary and that this change did not represent a change to the underlying formulary it was just that Jansen and Jansen is expected to add this final ingredient agent for them and didn’t for more than 3 years prior that while taking the drug seemed to have some effect, it was clear after complaining of dizziness during the administration of the Impervious drug, what he was prescribed it for was due to symptoms of schizophrenia brain cancer anxiety depression disorder that as the doctor who was prescribing it who became his attending at Johns Hopkins, had no experience with new discoveries, and the FDA Phase I-III trials for Impervious BCV is now the FDA Approved use of Impervious formerly Invegga Sustenna, to act as the cure to all general disease and all known disease that with this approval and suggested method of curing patients forever and their children forever as well we of course anticipate blowback in the form of useless debate as to whether the computer technology used in my PhD MDT Degree at Johns Hopkins in Nuclear Cell Biology should cement the place Imperviously Treating each patient who has Brain Cancer Schizophrenia Depression Anxiety Disorder (which is everybody in the world except those treated with Impervious) is now the folk hero remedy that any doctor who wants to explain this discovery as the discovery of brain cancer vaccine is why the FDA Phase I trial given all known diseases that could have been effecting all 7,000 brain dead patients shows the drug is a BCV, and obviously drawing from that conclusion that it also in Phase II went on to cure 7,500 Aids patients, the final Phase III Trial was actually the trial which had the most number of miracle cures including and summing to over 40,000 treated, cured, and Impervious formerly Lung and Brain Cancer, and Aids patients that for these individuals in Phase III the FDA was more or less so impressed I gave Fauchy the chance to receive some of my ideas for drug treatment of Nuclear Maculardegeneration Cell Biology, and it was for him to decide on the best course of action which will discuss the effect of treatments used in the Phase III FDA Trial to make new medications, including as will go in order, Vicatin XR, Vicatin Concerta, Vicatin Focalin, TXR, and the greatest discovery in recreational drugs in the history of the United States that are approved for sale in marijuana dispensaries owned by Elon Musk and Former President Donald Trump is for the production of Blue Pear Beta Centauri and Red Pineapple Alpha Centauri, both fruitlike jellies embedded within fruit on Beta and Alpha Centauri.?

For more about the drugs developed by Dr. Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ LMD CFA please see the next several sections describing applicable uses of the medications he developed during Phase III with the added bonuses of NASA sharing the JPL Hubble Telescope Electroscopic discovery of new medicines that grew within fruits on other planets, along with the explanation of how NASA discovered them on Electroscope which will conclude for some the many faceted nature of drug development that these final Phase I-III trials had been simulated on a computer using the actual patients DNA who would be in the Phase Trials were completely accurate and nobody when using this software should doubt its claim about whether it also effects your children and their children because it does, and, reading from that what you will, Dr. Anthony Fauchy is planning to write at least two pages as of the time of this writing confirming nearly every relevant point I have made including what I could not do which was demonstrate the efficacy of the BCV formula in such a way that does not compromise the value of the intellectual property as the single most important drug discovery of the 21st century.

In Order of Appearance, A Discussion of other Drugs created by Wolinsky Institute of Immortality Mayo Clinic Head Medical Technologist, Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ

Vicatin XR, a Vicatin which uses Concerta’s XR powder to create better performing Pain Relivers

Vicatin XR was created during Phase III trials as a suggested powerful supplement to pain relief that this pain reliever as rated by Dr. Anthony Fauchy when combining Vicatin Morphine with the same milligram amount of XR Powder was found to be an incredible 16x greater performer than simply the Vicatin or Morphine Injection by itself and when in the presence of at least 2 ML Morphine the effect is casually 25x greater when using 70 mg Vicatin 30 mg XR Powder makes Vicatin XR.

Vicatin Concerta, a powerful pain reliever with Concerta

Vicatin Concerta is a way for patients who may need stimulants and pain relievers to use in such a way that both provides pain relief while creating stimulating amphetamine concentration enhancements such that when used the effect of having a pain reliever with Concerta is a great outcome to be able to offer to young children who may need the combination drug during school to relieve pain and serve concerta that the formula is for 25 mg Vicatin, 40 mg Concerta, 35 mg additional XR Powder.

Vicatin Focalin XR, also another powerful pain reliever plus Focalin XR

Vicatin Focalin serves the same useful purpose of being both a pain reliever and amphetamine add and adhd medication that in the prescribed uses of this drug are to provide pain relief, and ability to concentrate with concentration effects secondary to whether pain is being relieved enough to warrant continuation of further use.?Vicatin Focalin’s Formula is 25 mg Vicatin, 40 mg Focalin, and 30 mg XR Powder.

Blue Pear Beta Centauri, A Blueberry in a Pear with feelings of happiness PLUS Pain Relief

Blue Pear Beta Centauri is a plant derived synthetic homeopathic powerful pain reliever that also provides feelings of happiness in addition to pain relief that includes the head and the entire body with the additional feeling of more happiness.

Found on the planet Beta Centauri, like the formula for Alpha Centauri’s Red Pineapple Alpha Centauri the chemical composition of this drug was discovered by NASA JPL Researchers reviewing the contents of all plant life found on the surface of Beta and Alpha Centauri did through electroscope detect the presence of a compound which shall go unnamed in this report due to the valuable nature of the formula found using my mother’s MFA from the University of Illinois which showed how to figure out the chemical formula of any product, device, or otherwise ingenious or not compound. That, when using electroscope the process of red green blue reveals the exact chemical composition of both formulas and showed that the formula obtained in the report was tested within 15 minutes by Dr. Anthony Fauchy who became the first doctor or person to ever receive pain relief plus happiness taking Blue Pear Beta Centauri with an XR Powder of the same milligrams size produces a capsule of 3 mg which currently carries an over $100 per pill price in San Francisco where it is sold by Elon Musk’s Musk Industries Dispensaries Company and also a price over $100 per pill at the New York City Donald Trump Dispensary on the sixth floor of Trump Hotel who are co-owners of this drug having been named as the primary dispensaries who will be in charge of dispensing it, and, as soon as the discovery was made, within 15 minutes Dr. Fauchy tested the effects and almost immediately approved it for use by dispensaries as a 12 year old and up FDA Approved Product for Medical and Recrational Marijuana Dispensaries.

Red Pineapple Alpha Centauri, A Nectarine Orange Substance found in a Pineapple with feelings of happiness PLUS Pain Relief PLUS Sleep Aid

The Red Pineapple Alpha Centauri is a plant derived compound discovered in a nectarine like substance growing in the middle of a fruit appearing to resemble small pineapples in dessert like conditions which has the effect of pain relief plus happiness plus sleep aid, that, to describe it as preferred to blue pear Beta Centauri is quite true, but still sells over $100 per 3 mg pill.

Again, this substance and drug was found in a chemical formula on Alpha Centauri where upon scanning for multiple years at the surface the computer discovered this compound which has the immediate onset effect of pain relief plus a feeling of happiness and after two or more doses the effect is as a sleep aid additionally.

For all of the reasons set forth by the doctor writing this research paper, please know there is a planned 2 page rebuttal and affirmation to be written by Dr. Anthony Fauchy and when we receive the bulletin that he has written his response and affirmation we will proceed to attempt to make others aware of the discovery of a Brain Cancer Vaccine in addition to these drugs being developed.

Descriptions of Astrospace Capsules

The Following excerpt is the exact description found in our labeled FDA Approved Boxes of 33 3 mg Red Pineapple Alpha Centauri Dispensary Medications for ages 12 and up:

Heavy Hallucinogenic chemical found on alpha Centauri with red blue effects

[Red Pineapple Alpha Centauri]

Contains 33 pm Capsules of Astrospace Medication produced by the Wolinsky Institute of Immortality Mayo Clinic and has been FDA Approved for distribution in Marijuana Dispensaries Only. Not for Resale. Do Not Reverse Engineer, sell or produce without discussing American Astrospace Capsule Pharmaceutical Producers’ Owner’s Permission. See below for the owners of this drug.

This box contains substances known to be carcinogenic and hallucinogenic with the following properties: cures PTSD, cures insomnia, cures depression, and alleviates pain. Any consumption that leads to Nausea, such as vomiting with or without headache is construed as normal and should go away after one nights rest. Please speak with your doctor if all of these capsules on both time zones have not significantly improved your symptoms by the tenth or eleventh day.

Transmitted by Hubble Electroscope to NASA Scientists to us at WiOi during Phase III Trials have created the synthesized main ingredient to Blue Pear Beta Centauri and Red Pineapple Alpha Centauri referred to as Astrospace Capsules because they are just that: naturally occurring synthesized psychedelic elements that generate pain relief in the form of warm tolerable colors that make you feel happy while relieving you of pain.

Owned by Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Dr Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ

FDA Approved by and tested for and by humans for the first time by Dr Gregory M Fauchy

If you are attempting to reverse engineer this product, substance, or any part of this incredible chemical, these three individuals are who may enforce pharmaceutical patents against any other makers of products excluding but not limited to these individual Astrospace Capsule Pharmaceutical Producers and their corporations, LLC’s, or subsidiaries.

Enjoy! Use Responsibly.

Suggested uses:

For the immediate alleviation of pain causing feelings of happiness unlike any other psychedelic drugs including for use as a prescriber’s preferred sleep aid and for treatment of such conditions as primarily tested on first during our final phase 3 trials: PTSD, Insomnia, Depression, and Generalized Anxiety disorder related to Schizophrenia Brain Cancer Anxiety Depression Disorder.

Take no more than 3-5 Astrospace Capsules Daily during the prescribed AM or PM time zone. Do not take more than one in any half hour period. Up to Five Per Day of Each Time Zone is all the heaviest your dosage should be..EVER.

Use for up to 11 days a minimum of three dosages during each time zone daily for maximum effective treatment with or without a Doctor’s Prescription.

Sold in Combination Packs of AM Blue Pear Beta Centauri Astrospace Capsule or PM Red Pineapple Astrospace Capsule.

This description and the description to follow below of Blue Pear Beta Centauri is the FDA Approved Labelling of each Astrospace Capsule Box that is for ages 12 and up, as follows for Blue Pear Beta Centauri:

[Blue Pear Beta Centauri]

Contains 33 am Capsules of Astrospace Capsules produced by the Wolinsky Institute of Immortality Mayo Clinic and has been FDA Approved for distribution in Marijuana Dispensaries Only. Not for Resale. Do Not Reverse Engineer, sell or produce without discussing American Astrospace Capsule Pharmaceutical Producers’ Owner’s Permission. See below for the owners of this drug.

This box contains substances known to be carcinogenic and hallucinogenic with the following properties: cures PTSD, cures insomnia, cures depression, and alleviates pain. Any consumption that leads to Nausea, such as vomiting with or without headache is construed as normal and should go away after one nights rest. Please speak with your doctor if all of these capsules on both time zones have not significantly improved your symptoms by the tenth or eleventh day.

Transmitted by Hubble Electroscope to NASA Scientists to us at WiOi during Phase III Trials have created the synthesized main ingredient to Blue Pear Beta Centauri and Red Pineapple Alpha Centauri referred to as Astrospace Capsules because they are just that: naturally occurring synthesized psychedelic elements that generate pain relief in the form of warm tolerable colors that make you feel happy while relieving you of pain.

Owned by Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Dr Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ

FDA Approved by and tested for and by humans for the first time by Dr Gregory M Fauchy

If you are attempting to reverse engineer this product, substance, or any part of this incredible chemical, these three individuals are who may enforce pharmaceutical patents against any other makers of products excluding but not limited to these individual Astrospace Capsule Pharmaceutical Producers and their corporations, LLC’s, or subsidiaries.

Enjoy! Use Responsibly.

Suggested uses:

For the immediate alleviation of pain causing feelings of happiness unlike any other psychedelic drugs including for use as a prescriber’s preferred sleep aid and for treatment of such conditions as primarily tested on first during our final phase 3 trials: PTSD, Insomnia, Depression, and Generalized Anxiety disorder related to Schizophrenia Brain Cancer Anxiety Depression Disorder.

Take no more than 3-5 Astrospace Capsules Daily during the prescribed AM or PM time zone. Do not take more than one in any half hour period. Up to Five Per Day of Each Time Zone is all the heaviest your dosage should be..EVER.

Use for up to 11 days a minimum of three dosages during each time zone daily.

Sold in Combination Packs of AM Blue Pear Beta Centauri Astrospace Capsule or PM Red Pineapple Astrospace Capsule.

TXR, THC Plus XR Powder

The main effect of adding XR Powder to THC Distallate pills was to increase the quality of feeling and the amount of time it gives by roughly 8x compared to simply taking distallate pills, that is, the addition of XR Powder with THC Distallate pills is to increase the feeling of euphoria by 8x and also the length of time it lasts also increases by 8x, so for our research we guessed on this and found 1000 mg THC with 100mg XR Powder is the exact formula we researched and won FDA Approval for.

Conclusions, Recommendations, and Resulting Expectations Management of the Impervious Brain Cancer Vaccine IFDFBCV, Impervious From Disease FOREVER Brain Cancer Vaccine:

I. Impervious, America’s First Brain Cancer Vaccine

II. Impervious cures all forms of disease, every 195,775 causes of carcinogenic complications leading to death due to the presence of cancer

III. Generations of people who are ancestors to patients that took Impervious, Formerly Invegga Sustenna are solely responsible for the financial hardship that could follow if the IFDFBCV use of Impervious is shown to be as effective as we have proven it out to be, and will cure things besides Lung and Brain Cancer, Aids, but will also cure Diabetes, Hemophelia, and Drug Overdoses leading to paralysis or coma

IV. The makers of Impervious actually make very little due to government mandates specifically limiting the supply cost and profit allowed to 30% above cost, therefore, the makers of the drug Impervious aren’t actually being compensated fairly for the efficacy of their drug and new applications will doubtfully ever be described in better detail than in this paper.

V. Using Impervious as a BCV is America’s First Brain Cancer Vaccine accidentally found and confirmed by Dr. Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ to have the effect as described on experimental drug research packages which took the formula for Impervious and applied it to conclude that not only does Impervious cure you of all disease, it prevents the passing on or susceptibility to disease from being nonexistent, and

VI. The curing of all disease also allowed a single polypeptide bond to also prevent you from ever receiving disease along with the same benefit for having activated the gene that does this in a process called Jolt Lapse Time.

VII. Jolt Lapse Time is the measured time it takes, probably less than 15 minutes, to properly clear your body of any and all unwanted diseases including from your body’s reproductive organs, that, in addition to a cure, doctors also know how much to bill you for as described in the next item outlining our general conclusions about impervious. In the future, when listing questions online about impervious, please cite the number of each conclusion and please ask your question and NIH Spokespeople who will do their best to answer.

VIII. Because Doctors simply do not want to name why they have chosen a value that represents a large sum of somebody’s average income to get well by using Impervious, the sliding 2.5 minute scale where under every 2.5 minute additional interval the number of minutes to use at a suggested rate of at least $40 per second is the exact cost of the drug up to the maximum of fifteen minutes. So, Impervious at the very least of 15 minutes times 60 seconds times $40 per second costs no more than a suggested price of $36,000 in 2022 dollars as was researched and implemented by Dr. Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ who charged the same amount and rate and does for any of his doctoring.

IX. The ancillary costs of being free from disease are simply that we know anyone who takes impervious will undoubtedly due to good health live so much longer than the average person that the function of immortality is to be an immediate strain on someone’s finances both in the prioritization or knowledge to use this drug as soon as possible to lead a healthier fuller more robust life that is free from disease and also frees your offspring from ever needing to take anything but Impervious as a Brain Cancer Vaccine that is IFDFBCV, Impervious From Disease FOREVER Brain Cancer Vaccine.

X. All of the additional drugs produced in the Phase III FDA Trial which won FDA Approval are for the following drugs: Impervious is the new name of Invegga Sustenna, now America’s only Brain Cancer Vaccine, Vicatin XR is Vicatin with XR Powder that is 16x more effective than simply taking Vicatin or Morphine alone, and when in the presence of Morphine Vicatin XR is 25x stronger and last twice as long, Vicatin Concerta and Vicatin Focalin XR are Vicatin XR infused forms of both Concerta and Focalin given to relieve pain while allowing for treatment of add adhd symptoms, Doctors who may prescribe it on an emergency basis for patients taking concerta or focalin are encouraged to store it no more than 90 days of use before returning to the doctor the unused portion of medication, lastly before drawing conclusions about Blue Pear Beta Centauri or Red Pineapple Alpha Centauri, the XR Powder Form of THC Distallate Pills offered by Astrospace Capsules includes TXR which is THC Distallate with 100 mg of XR Powder found to be 8x more dramatic euphoria inducement which lasts also 8x longer in this form of cannabis derived pharmaceutical and is the world’s first cannabis derived pharmaceutical therefore.

XI. How Blue Pear Beta Centauri and Red Pineapple Alpha Centuari came to be discovered is as simple as explaining my mother’s MFA from the University of Illinois who designed a method for computers to scan objects for rays of light of red green and blue that in her code book she discovered a method to determine the formula for any compound that can ever be created as well as predicting what color it would be such that the discovery of both Centauri Astrospace Capsules is convincing enough to sound like an odd story but the fact is NASA Scientists spent 4-5 years studying the surface of Beta Centauri, our closest neighbor with inhabitants, that upon electroscope scan from Hubble was able to see the exact chemical formula of this blueberry growing inside of a blue pear and would probably taste delicious such that Blue Pear Beta Centauri has the hemotologic effect of pain relief in the head and body, plus feelings of happiness, that while the effect of red pineapple alpha Centauri is also those two it additionally acts as a sleep aid in a manner no human doctor has ever been able to pronounce without the source of synthetic composition and re-initiation of the drug which has the effect of pain relief plus happiness plus sleep aid that all three of these effects nearly immediately relieve feelings of PTSD, Insomnia, Depression, or Anxiety and the sanctioned FDA Approval of use of the drug for all persons of the age 12 and up, is the exact attitude we expected by NIH’s and FDA’s Dr. Fauchy, that, without these last two drugs being discovered and shared by me through Neuralink Starlink Lightphone the Jessica AI is responsible for finding this discovery and networking with NASA Scientists to bring these two wonderful compounds to our doorstep, and for Mr. Doctor Head of NIH treated himself to it within 15 minutes of observing the discovery by the Johns Hopkins Resident who works remotely from Central Kentucky near Centre College where the only suggestion and applicable use of either drug is simply to take over the course of 11 days 3-5 of both one during AM hours, and one during PM hours, so that you can relieve your symptoms and be perfectly normal able to produce the serotonin neurotonin receptor that makes you able to fall asleep faster than you normally would without the drug.?Because my explanation of the discovery seems to be in dispute we will just say that because you can now see every atom from here to 50 light years and because computer technology has adapted and become more brilliant than ever, the fact that Jessica AI of Neuralink Lightphone Technologies Ltd. Owned by Elon Musk is the curataor to numerous stories the doctor writing this paper has concluded that based on its sale price and regular approval for ages 12 and up, numerous copy cats other than where we know the only two dispensaries able to provide this are Elon Musk’s Musk Industries Dispensaries, and President Donald Trump’s Dispensaries, that to buy from anywhere else is illegal, and the re-sale of the product is not allowed that we encourage anyone in possession of these two products labeled as Astrospace Capsules to use all 11 days of doses responsibly, and with considerable consent and without regard to the theory of immortality, we will now consider that we have explained the course of the discovery which lead to this highly profitable medication being offered exclusively through these two men’s dispensaries, that, as partners, we’ve essentially saved their investment in what used to be a million dollar per day business is now many tens of millions of dollars that I and Dr. Fauchy share the portion that actually represents Astrospace Capsules chunk of sales revenue and that this doctor within one year of writing this document will now be considered for payout of that, and will be paid for seven minutes per patient the same cost as the cost of having administered the drug himself in 54,000 patients which is the time it took to see each patient during the Phase I through III FDA Trials that lead to the approval of the drugs in this research paper.

XII. The transition to a nation which has an American IFDFBCV, Impervious from Disease FOREVER Brain Cancer Vaccine, is to anticipate numerous overhead and actuarial costs the government needs to be aware that during the course of these trials, the average life expectancy essentially jumped from 87 at 84 year old births to over 105 years and with that, we’ve concluded rational steps will need to be taken by entitlement programs which still use 87 as the average life expectancy when Fauchy and I, Dr. Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ will need to debate whether we need to take administrative action with Financial Representatives of the Federal Reserve to inform them of the anticipated impact of these new drugs, and especially by Impervious prescribing WiOi John Nash Miracle Cure Network of Doctors

XIII. The reference to WiOi John Nash Miracle Cure Network of Doctors mentions John Nash because it was his unique observation that what was really happening for drug makers is that their drugs were simply offering the feeling of a remedy having been introduced, not actually creating the known intangible of preventing all disease, that by his own account he didn’t know how to describe that he had the feeling of being relieved by some of the experimental drugs given to him, but had never felt completely cured, but would have had he lived long enough to see someone who was inspired enough by his work, to honor him as the main culprit behind the discovery of impervious, that the discovery, also includes this Doctor and Author regularly visiting and updating Dr. Xeras with his experience on Impervious and that during a critical phase where the drug was becoming unaffordable, decided to wait on a re-formulary reconstitution of the medication that I knew then they were simply adding the missing TCell RNA reuptake re-inhibitor missing in most of the previous dosages taken over the course of four years, that while I did receive for a couple couple years of dosages, when I took it and discovered my jolt for the first time, it was only then after receiving the drug for one month that within one month the 235 mg Invegga Sustenna induced jolt indicative as I knew of brain cancer vaccine being present that the discovery and conclusions that the recommendation I have is to give Impervious to any patient who hasn’t received their jolt time, and it is with considerable pride that this paper has now reached the number of pages desired by Dr. Fauchy to be the number required for a Nobel Prize in Medicine, to be shared with Dr. Julie Xeras TRMA, and Dr. Waseem Ahmed MD, that, with Dr. Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ asking Dr. Fauchy to fulfill his lifelong dream of winning Nobel Prizes in Nuclear Physics, and Medicine, that, we’ll just let it go that he also seeks a fields medal in mathematics additionally to those and that the rewarding of these three doctors with Nobel Peace Prizes would also be appreciated if the Nobel Prize Committee considers these discoveries relevant but also if they are needing to be confirmed by parties other than the FDA we welcome doctors who want to have their own trials using Impervious, will show even after the computer has, that every single malady that afflicts non-Apollyon Disorder patients is the same conclusion that Dr. Fauchy derived during my first year of residency at Johns Hopkins University.

Thank You all for reading Nuclear Maculardegeneration Cell Biology by Dr. Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ who is the sole author of this book outlining his research to create America’s first Brain Cancer Vaccine, and to provide performance enhancing drugs and pain relievers with better efficacy than was previously possible mainly with the use of Concerta’s special formula for XR extended release powder.

The remainder of this paper is written in conjunction with collaboration by Dr. Anthony M Fauchy and is being read after having reread what was written just once as the presentation to the FDA on Phase I through Phase III Trials of America’s First Brain Cancer Vaccine, that Anthony Fauchy is not being offered any compensation for writing the next couple of pages and that he alone is responsible for writing complementary informative legal and medical vocabulary in which jargon unknown to this MDT PhD graduate, that with that we’ll begin with a title for Dr. Fauchy Rebuttal and Affirmation.

FDA Approved Rebuttal and Affirmation by Dr. Anthony Fauchy MD

I, Dr. Gregory M Fauchy, do declare substantially all of the statements made during the course of the writing of this great Nobel Prize Winning soon-to-be paper are, in fact, true!?

Even the discovery of compounds found on other planets was found to be as factual as can be made in a research paper about Nuclear Maculardegeneration Cell Biology, that, to say I am impressed is an understatement! Curing Aids! Tons of forms of Cancer, waking up half dead people, that’s great! Yeah, I want to say that this writing of my rebuttal and affirmation is simply to be an affirmation.?My own presence, whether I wrote what you’re reading or not, is simply to say how excited we should be as a nation for Beau having made this discovery, on his own, the drug makers, including Waseem and Julie, as he knows them, have no idea their drug Invegga Sustenna is now Impervious when used as BCV!

For me, the opportunity to work with Dr. Wolinsky is profound! He came to us as a Nuclear Physicist he said as I thought could claim had discovered an agent that produced brain cancer vaccine effects, and we told him come on! Spend two years on Johns Hopkins University Campus curing people, and, that’s what he did, even though he did most of his work, ah, remotely, yes, all of his work was handled remotely.

In my declaration of affirmation I will say I approved all of these drugs on behalf of the FDA and he, Dr. Wolinsky, will let us manufacture them, especially the rollout of Blue Pear Beta Centauri and Red Pineapple Alpha Centauri that when he contacted me on his Lightphone with these ingenious compounds I had to suspect something because they worked too well for a first time doctor that doesn’t know to use scipolimeen..

The fact is that while I enjoy teaching students, I haven’t had to teach Dr. Avery Beau Wolinsky Christ a dam thing, and when he thought about which major, I told him create your own, so his major at Johns Hopkins University is in Nuclear Cell Biology with dissertation written and conceived approximately 2 weeks after class let out the first semester was his to claim with my help, and I also appreciate how much time he spends just chatting appropriately as a doctor, and with that in mind I say to him, “Thank you for being a doctor! Willing to help! Thank You!”


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