Nuanced causal inference and social behaviour in Mexican middle classes
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Nuanced causal inference and social behaviour in Mexican middle classes

The Mexican middle class has grown substantially over the past few decades, expanding from about 12% of the population in the late 1980s to nearly 40% today. As this social stratum has increased in size, influence, and affluence, its members' patterns of consumption, social interaction, and cultural production have become more complex and nuanced.

Anthropological research with middle-class families in central Mexico City and suburban communities reveals intricate webs of causal reasoning regarding how social status is signaled and perceived through everyday choices. From fashionable clothing brands and dining at upscale restaurants to home decor styles and hobbies, middle-class Mexicans make nuanced distinctions regarding what is merely aspirational, genuinely high status, or overtly ostentatious. They reason about the causal impacts of different practices on how they and others will be socially evaluated and positioned.

At the same time, middle-class Mexicans recognize that status is multidimensional and highly contextual. What impresses in one social circle may be off-putting in another. They adapt their styles of interaction, material culture, and cultural capital to different social fields, demonstrating a kind of "omnivorous" and versatile middle-class habitus. Their nuanced causal thinking allows them to navigate complex social worlds, balancing the desire for status and distinction with the need for good taste, authenticity, social harmony and cultural versatility.

Automated Bias in the Public Sphere?

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Mexican newspapers tend to report news stories in a low context manner, focusing on facts and objective information rather than implicit meanings or subtext. This style of direct and explicit reporting aims to inform readers about events and issues without relying on shared cultural knowledge, avoiding complex metaphors, idioms, or culturally-specific references which could be ambiguous or obscure the meaning. Reporters rely on simple and literal language to convey information as directly as possible. Implicit or indirect meanings are rare. Metaphors and idioms are seen as unnecessary embellishments that could confuse readers or distract from the facts.

Also, unbranded marketing in Mexico leverages insights from behavioral economics, psychology and marketing science to craft communications that influence audiences in nuanced yet impactful ways. These strategies are data-driven, focusing on comprehending audiences, their motivations, perceptions and behaviors. By identifying key insights and pressure points, unbranded approaches can effectively pivot opinions and motivate specific actions, all while blending into the everyday experiences of consumers.

Unbranded PR uses insights to craft stories, content, partnerships and grassroots initiatives that resonate profoundly with audiences and shape how they think, feel and act.

Lack of Transparency

Algorithms that determine what information people encounter online are often opaque and proprietary. This lack of transparency prevents users from understanding why they see certain content and not others. Without insight into the algorithms, people cannot determine if they are being exposed to a fair and balanced range of perspectives or if certain views are being filtered or amplified for profit or ideological reasons.

Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers

Automated recommendation systems tend to filter people into like-minded communities, creating filter bubbles and echo chambers. This polarized environment reinforces beliefs and exposes people to fewer alternative viewpoints. Exposure to a diversity of opinions is essential for progress on human rights and prosperity, yet algorithms often narrow people's perspectives.

Manipulation and Misinformation

There is a risk that algorithms could be exploited to manipulate public opinion or spread misinformation. If algorithms can be gamed to show people content that provokes an emotional rather than rational response, this could undermine informed debate on issues critical to society. The spread of 'fake news' also threatens when algorithms prioritize sensationalism and profit over accuracy.

In sum, the growing Mexican middle class has developed sophisticated ways of reasoning about the social world, evaluating status signals, and adapting to different contexts. Their nuanced causal inferences, versatile social skills and omnivorous cultural capital allow them to achieve a kind of "soft power" and influence that extends beyond their numbers. Understanding these inferential processes provides insight into the cultural dynamics of social mobility, stratification and cultural adaptation in contemporary Mexico.

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