NSW (finally) Waves Goodbye to Soft Plastic Bags!
Sol Products Pty Ltd
Hand blown Glass, Plastic Free, Chemical Free re-usable Products. We are for optimistic drinkers and half full thinkers!
?If you’ve been keeping an eye on the news you may have noticed that in Australia, New South Wales has banned soft plastic bags (FINALLY). This is incredible and definitely a step in the right direction however it is important to note that this is ‘lightweight’ plastic bags only… meaning that unfortunately, larger, heavier plastic bags will continue to stick around.?
This comes just in time for Plastic Free July - A global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.?
Most of us have a clear understanding of the impact single use plastics have on the environment but for those who don’t… Here's a look at some statistics to really put it into perspective.?
To avoid unnecessary plastic waste ensure you bring your reusable bags to your next grocery shop or visit the markets. At SoL we ARE the SoLution, with our range of sustainable products we put you in mind. We make it as simple as possible to live sustainably and reduce your carbon footprint!
Hopefully this is only the beginning of the state's journey towards eliminating single use plastic products entirely! Let’s do our part and take these simple, small steps towards a sustainable future.?
For more information and resources head to https://www.plasticfreejuly.org/?